Well I got my DSLR out to take some photos. I have had this PC for over a year and I didn't have the software to process the photos. This shows how much I use the Big camera. Too much work. Anyway about the T-Mobile case. It is nicely constructed and has a nice feel with the dimpled texture. It is nicer to hold than the bare phone. More secure is another word. The buttons are not masked at all. There is a pop out stand that is of dubious value. The case can insert into the holster either way but only form one end of the holster. The clip on the holster will rotate 180 degrees through 13 positive detent positions. There is a nice smooth friction drag when inserting or removing the phone. Now we will have to see how long it lasts.
Three pieces
From the back
From the front
The stand
These photos were taken with a DLSR and I had to run them through image processing software to get the texture to show properly. I didn't use the 521 because it was in the photos obviously. With that said here is a photo taken with the 521. Nothing special, just pop the shot.
I can't wait to get another Win phone with a better camera. If you can do this with their cheapest smart phone then what about the 925 or the 1020. I can't wait, maybe I will take more photos.
To be fair I decided to add a cropped version of the 521 photo. This way they have all been run through the same cropping program.
Thanks for looking...................calfee