Weird noises while charging wirelessly


New member
Aug 11, 2013
I have a DT 900 wireless charger that I bought for my Lumia 920 and works great. A couple of months ago I got the 830 and when I put it on the plate makes some weird high-pitched noises. The thing is, the 920 and the 925 didn't (and don't) make those noises at all and with the 830 the noise is pretty perceptible, since I usually have the charger on my night stand and charge my phone at night.
Does anyone else hear these noises? I've read somewhere that it was normal, that maybe the 830 didn't have as much "noise cancelling materials inside" as the 920 for example.
Could the new DT 903 maybe fix that issue? I wouldn't mind getting one of those this month if I new it is not gonna make the annoying noises as well.

What do you guys think?
My DT-900 and DT-910 both work just fine with my L830 as my L920. Are you sure its not the charging sound?
I have a LG Wireless Charger and on my Nexus 4 there's is not a single noise, but on my 830 I do hear the same noise you described. I guess its something with the phone itself...
I only hear the high pitched noise you describe when the phone is not on the charger correctly, e.g. slightly off. The coil on the L830 is in the lower half of the back, unlike the L920 for which the coil is more in the middle. When I move my L830 into a "better" position the sound stops. I had this also with my L920 when it was not placed onto the qi charger correctly.

If you have a case on your phone the extra layer may prevent it from getting good signal to the coil. If you have indeed a case I'd try without it. If you don't, try to move the phone around until it disappears.

You will probably hear the same noise if you take your L920 and slightly lift it up from the qi charger either by hand or with a few card board pieces. There is a critical distance when this happens.

as always, ymmv
I only hear the high pitched noise you describe when the phone is not on the charger correctly, e.g. slightly off. The coil on the L830 is in the lower half of the back, unlike the L920 for which the coil is more in the middle. When I move my L830 into a "better" position the sound stops. I had this also with my L920 when it was not placed onto the qi charger correctly.

Thanks for the response. Moving it a little further back does reduce the noise significantly, but it is still there. Now I've got to test it tonight while sleeping, but I think the noise has become less annoying.
I have this with my Lumia 830, too.
Tested with DT601 and DT900 and both, the standard back plate and also with the CP-627. With my Lumia 920, no sound at all when charging. Rather disappointed with it, since sound is very easy noticeable.
Some others in a German-speaking forum have the same issue with the 830.
Well, after testing it last night, (placing the phone a little further up on the charger) the noise is still too loud for me to sleep with.
I'm kind of disappointed, every phone I put on it doesn't make an audible noise, except for the sleek and beautiful 830. It is a shame, I will have to give the Dt 900 to my sister so she can use it with her Nexus 5. But, I am still hopeful about the new DT 903. Do you think the problem is the phone itself, (it will make that noise no matter what charger you use) or could a different and "newest" plate do the trick? If anyone gets to try the 830 with the new DT 903, let me know how much noise that set up makes.
Just tested L920 and L830 on an Energizer Qi charger. I can clearly hear the noise from the L830. I can also hear it from the L920 but not as noticeable. I would not use the Energizer with my L830 on my night stand for sure....
Just tested L920 and L830 on an Energizer Qi charger. I can clearly hear the noise from the L830. I can also hear it from the L920 but not as noticeable. I would not use the Energizer with my L830 on my night stand for sure....
So it is the phone. Damn it Microsoft!
So it is the phone. Damn it Microsoft!
I wouldn't narrow it down this far. I'd say it's a combination of phone and charger. Remember I don't hear anything with my L920 on the Nokia charger and near to nothing with my L830. With the third party charger I hear both. I know it's very sensitive to position and distance. Any interference, such as from covers, thicker back plates etc. will play a role. Why so many hear this for the L830? maybe the charging coil on the back cover wasn't designed perfectly....Fortunately for me I don't hear it on the DT900. I tried my wife's L830 as well and there is a very faint noise, nothing to be concerned about. I know the charging coil on the L830 is very thin compared to the L920. I am wondering if this different design plays a role....
Hope there is a simple solution to this for those with this issue.
It doesn't make noise at all when on my DT-910 and DT-900. May be because I have a case which makes it sit flat?
It doesn't make noise at all when on my DT-910 and DT-900. May be because I have a case which makes it sit flat?
Which case are you rocking Pankaj? I don't use a case, and I honestly I don't want to buy one just for that reason. I like the way the 830 looks as it is. Anyway, I bought a green back plate from ebay Italy and now I does not charge at all, so I'm abandoning the wireless route at least for now since it is not a big deal for me anyway.
Which case are you rocking Pankaj? I don't use a case, and I honestly I don't want to buy one just for that reason. I like the way the 830 looks as it is. Anyway, I bought a green back plate from ebay Italy and now I does not charge at all, so I'm abandoning the wireless route at least for now since it is not a big deal for me anyway.

I am using the Incipio Octane. As mentioned above - I only hear the charging noise on an Energizer qi charger. The noise is louder without the case. My thought is that it's because the case is dampening the noise (either absorbing the sound or dampening the vibration, maybe both).
Same thing happens to me with a DT-601. I noticed besides that internet tethering and wireless charging don't work at the same time. I mean when the phone is wireless charging, my Surface connects to the phone but there's no internet access. I have to take the phone out for it to work. Seems like a frequency issue or... I don't know... Some of you experienced that issue?
I have the same exact problem as the OP. Really disappointed and amazed that Microsoft could release the phone with this being such a common issue. The wireless charging is literally unusable with the sound being that loud. Have tried it on multiple Nokia Qi chargers. Really hope this can somehow be fixed in the future! Also curious as to why no reviewers or mainstream sites have mentioned this. Is it a bug only for the minority of 830 users?
I have the new DT-903 and I can confirm that the phone does make this strange noise, it is not a constant high pitched noise, it sounds like crickets chirping.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chichichirp, this pattern repeats and is always the same.

Slightly off topic but when paired via Bluetooth, my 830's battery is draining fast as hell. We're talking 20+% overnight drain when the phone is idle instead of my usual 4-8%. A little disappointed because the light on the orange DT-903 is absolutely amazing and the notifications on it are useful since I tend to miss calls often :)
Which case are you rocking Pankaj? I don't use a case, and I honestly I don't want to buy one just for that reason. I like the way the 830 looks as it is. Anyway, I bought a green back plate from ebay Italy and now I does not charge at all, so I'm abandoning the wireless route at least for now since it is not a big deal for me anyway.

I am using a cheap ultra thin case bought from eBay. TBH this is the best one I have which does not hide the aesthetics of the 830

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Interesting, you guys must have very good ear, or mine is bad. I never notice it until this thread today, and I have to put my ear super close to the phone to hear it.
I assume this partially because the wireless charging is on the back cover instead all-in-one build like other Qi phone.
I have the new DT-903 and I can confirm that the phone does make this strange noise, it is not a constant high pitched noise, it sounds like crickets chirping.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chichichirp, this pattern repeats and is always the same.

Brilliant description. I've purchased a cheap Qi charging plate from eBay as well and my 830 is making that very chirping noise you've so accurately described. It doesn't really bother me though since it's not too loud and doesn't keep me from sleeping even though it's right besides my head. I'm used to sleeping in loud environments though (think tent in Patagonia) so I might not be the most useful benchmark here.

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