My mobile server claims I have sent 151 sms messages in 5 minutes and blames phone?


New member
Apr 21, 2016
Please be advised we have checked and found that multiple SMS were sent and received for this mobile service number for which A party and B party both were same mobile service number. The mobile service number seems to have sent 151 SMS?€™s between 8:55:30 PM and 9:01:51 PM on 02/04/2016, please note message ID were different for each SMSs, these SMSs were sent from same handset and all SMSs were successfully delivered. This confirms handset fault.

any ideas? physically impossible!!
What device? What OS and version? Does messenger show any send errors that it might be trying to constantly send a message and failing so it repeats?

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hi rumorednow and yes i am a member [newby..], in australia with a lumia 830 os: 10.0.10586.218
when i go into messaging then into
i see on 2/4/16 a Default Tag that says:
hi, the person you're trying to reach is busy and may not respond right away.
-windows 10 auto-reply
2/04; 21.01
send automatically

i can see 3 of those
does that explain the 151 messages and provider is right and how does this happen?
i never touched the phone and hardly ever start a message [hate them...]
how do i find out? skype is installed but don't think so, would not know how to....
use skype very sporadically, can remember 2 calls since i have the phone......
as a newby i find it hard to your responses, any tips as to how to find you??
stumbled onto this one!!
thanks for taking the time !!


ps - what do you mean by "wondered which branch"???
Windows 10 Mobile has 2 Branches right now. The public release branch which is what you have 10586.218... And the testing branch which today moved to The testing branch can have all manner of bugs in it. Testers are running it now on the Insider Program and it would make it harder to diagnose your problem if that was your branch.

Skype text chat can be integrated in Messenger and appear alongside your carrier offered SMS texts. How to tell? Have someone send you a text chat in Skype. When you tap the notification does it open in Skype or Messenger?

Open your Skype App on your phone, tap the ellipses (...) in the bottom right corner > Settings > look for a toggle switch labeled "Messenger message notifications" and make sure it is switched to the off position > tap the big button at the top of settings that says "Make this my Skype default."

I'm trying to help rule out if Skype integration is messing with your SMS and generating the error your carrier sent you.
hi, am checking right now,
messenger message notification is "ON". when i switch to Off position and then tab "Make this my Skype default" it changes back to "ON"

hereunder a further statement from provider:

"Please be advised we have checked and found that multiple SMS were sent and received for this mobile service number for which A party and B party both were same mobile service number. The mobile service number seems to have sent 151 SMS’s between 8:55:30 PM and 9:01:51 PM on 02/04/2016, please note message ID were different for each SMSs, these SMSs were sent from same handset and all SMSs were successfully delivered. This confirms handset fault."

never touched the phone at that time, never heard the phone ring. What do you make of the three "default tags" ? would you expect to have 151 of them??
and what does it mean??

provider has not asked me [yet] what phone i have...

thanks again for taking the time - it's not the money that's involved, it's the principal of the matter - i did not pick up the phone and send a sms, i was probably in an early riser!!

I've polled for a second opinion behind the scenes in a chat group and only got back "IMEI cloned" but really don't think that is it. Not if it is a one off event.

Frankly I'm stymied.

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