Camera Error


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Well, I hope I don't fail (again) to make a poll.
Let's start with something simple as how many of us have this problem... 0xA00F424A(0xC00D3704)

Suggestions for other poll topics to add is open.
Let’s gathere here Camera issues. Seems like prominent issue is: 0xA00F424A(0xC00D3704).

People tried so far, without success:
  1. Soft Reset
  2. Hard Reset
  3. Downgrade to 8.1

Partial success was received with a different firmware, but there was no information left on what firmware it was. Does someone know more?

What you should do, if you are under warranty: return it. Else; you can try do change the camera module:

Are there any other updates?
my Lumia 830 has been fine, even on windows 10mobile. Its on auto update and just last week, the camera started showing this error: 0xA00F4271(0xC00D3704). I thought to wait for a future update that will fix this, now I am learning there isn't any fix. Whatever have I done to deserve this.
Go to this thread and make them know you also have the issue and that it happened after last update. L830 has history with camera module dying, but there's plenty of ppl that had the issue after updates, all of a sudden. I don't buy it, it's a SW or FW issue. One would believe that the L830 that made it this far without any trouble with the camera were safe from that early batch problem with the camera module...

Lumia 830 camera not working, Camera app shows the following error - Microsoft Community

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