Day 2 - Already have dust under front facing camera

The problem is that its not coming in from the headphone port. Its coming in from ether the ear peace or where the lcd panel meets the case. there is a small opening going all around the screen that dust gets in.

Yeah, this is the main problem. Getting a call from Nokia today to arrange collection of my 920 - they refuse to do a straight swap for a new one until this one has been back to them three times which, unless they can deal with the design flaw in the product, is going to happen by April/May judging by how quickly mine went wrong.

The big problem is that this dust will screw up your proximity sensor eventually and then you won't be able to hang up your calls very easily as the screen will remain black during a call, even when you take the phone away from your ear. That's why mine's going back.
I should be getting my L920 today. All these threads are really worrying me :-/

lol...dunt read threads. Forums are for people with issues with their whatever devices. Its like speaking with your girl freind's paretns about your girl friend, before marrying her:)) would probaby end up not marrying her :))
I am having issues with the sensor and also got dust in my FFC, so I guess this is the problem. Gonna walk into my Vodafone shop nearby in the next few days.

Yesterday my sensor started freaking out completely. When I was talking to someone, and pulled the phone away from my head, the screen remained turned off. I was not able to hang up, or do any other screen operations during a call. Walked right into my VF shop and will get a new phone by tomorrow. GREAT SUPPORT.
But I will keep an eye out for the dust issue on the new device...
You guys are very funny indeed.
There is a simple and real solution to prevent the dust come into FFC.
Just put the 3.5 jack stopper into the jack socket and that's it. No any dust in you phone!
You can buy it on ebay.

Tried an iphone stopper plug today but the phone thought i had the headphones plugged in and silenced the ear speaker.
Has anyone noticed the dust affecting their pictures? I don't usually take self shots but I took some samples to see if the specks showed up. I couldn't see anything.

I cleaned mine with compressed air, and yes, afterwards the pictures were much more clear.
my rubber stopper is not messing up with the headphone jack, but i doubt if all dusts come from there. I'm also trying to buy a canned air to blow those existing dust, just hoping the sensor works well. again.
I have cut the tip off one of my foam expanding earplugs (i use when i'm riding my m/cycle) and pushed it (gently) into the jack where it seems to sit nicely and can be hooked out when necessary. It remains to be seen whether the dust enters via the jack or via the earpiece slot situated below.
It's not just those areas where it gets in - it's also the tiny gap that some 920's have between the screen and the case. You could see fine dust in that gap on mine which was removed/moved by blowing on it.
Kuturgan.......I've just also ordered this one........i assume it doesnt silence the earpiece?

YES! IT WORKS! Today I tested it on my Lumia 920. Rubber stopper works fine and it doesn't silence the earpiece, BUT first of all, you should cut off two-thirds of the stopper (be careful not to loose the piece when you cut it off because it is so small) and plug-in only the hat + about 5mm of the base with the ring on it. If you cut off the ring the stopper wont be properly hold in the socket. Hope you can see it on the image. Hat+base+ring

As you can see on the first image I've tried to cut-off only one-third of the stopper, but it didn't work. Then I cut-off another one-third and it works like a charm. Lumia doesn't detect it at all and it holds well in the socket. Good luck guys. Now we need to be sure that all the dust in the front lens comes from the head-phone socket. Only time will show. I cross my fingers.

Here how it looks when plugged-in.
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