920 or WP8 Bluetooth Problems

I have a Lumia 920 and a 2009 Acura TSX.

My phone connects via bluetooth just fine. I make and receive calls and play music. My problem is that while my phone is paired to my car, it won't play any sounds for notifications. It has before, I think. It does vibrate, but I don't always notice that. I can go in to change ringtones and try to play them manually and it won't play them, but if I disconnect bluetooth it all plays. I was listening to something using the audio jack while the phone was paired and heard a notification, but I don't usually do that.

This is a minor annoyance as I don't know when I receive a text if I am on the road for a while and only check my phone at stop lights. I have tried rebooting the phone and that did not change the behavior. Odd behavior, hope it gets fixed.
I have an issue with the 920 not reading incoming text messages over Bluetooth on my wife's RCD-510 and my RNS-315... Both of those stereos are in 2012 VW Golfs. I don't think it's a Lumia issue... Either the stereos are at fault or WP8.

When we first got our 900's (WP7) it worked fine on my radio... Then there was an update (August I believe) and the text message reading stopped working. We later upgraded to 920's and the problem is still there.

While you are streaming music and a text comes in, the audio goes silent (should be announcing who text is from with options to read or ignore) after a few min of silence, the music starts playing again. It's almost like the volume for the text announcement is muted with the music.
I'm having problems with the 920's bluetooth in my car. It auto-connects only about half the time (for voice and music purposes). And half the time it does auto-connect for voice, the music component doesn't connect. I'm constantly having to go into the phone and toggling bluetooth on and off or re-forcing a connection. It's really quite frustrating. My HTC Titan didn't have any of these problems (but was a POS phone otherwise).

My car has the GMAC UConnect system circa 2011.


I have this exact same problem in my 2010 VW GTI. Connects about every other time. This morning I had my first disconnect.
I have already had two instances where I was on the phone in my car using car Bluetooth and the call would ether drop or end, and I would not be able to wake the phone up. It would just lock up and the only way to get it back to life is to do the hard reset.

Same here... once in my Mustang w/ Ford's Sync and just this morning with my inMotion BT speaker. Weird part is it's only happened on the initial use just after I paired them. Hasnt happend on subsequent connections.

I know what you're talking about. I own a 2007 Chysler Aspen, and just purchased a Lumina 920 to replace my HTC Trophy. Now, when I bought my truck, I owned an HTC Evo, which was Andriod, and I was only able to connect to Uconnect for phone calls. Once I synced my Trophy, which was a WP7 I was able to get sms over the bluetooth, a feature that I wasn't expecting. Now with the 920, I'm back to where I was with the Trophy. What I've noticed is when you're on the Bluetooth menu, when connected to the Uconnect, it says connected then voice. There is definitely a difference with the profiles between phones and Operating systems. What needs to happen is all the phones, especially with the new phones and the attention to driving without using your hands. I'm hoping that they will update and fix this problem. Others have gone back to older phones, I'm not at that point yet. I like everything else about my Lumina too much.
I have a 920 and jeep with uconnect 2011, text to speech worked from my nokia 900 but not my 920, I also see the auto pairing doesn't kick in. and it just feels buggy even with my jaybird head phones
I have this issue with my pioneer car stereo as well, and think it's a huge issue. Playlists don't automatically start. Songs will randomly pause and I have to manually start each song from the phone since the stereo controls don't work. I also get issues when texts come in either from the car stereo or my NEW jaybird headphones. They lose BT connectivity, and music starts playing from the speakers, which is annoying, especially when on the T/subway. According to a few other boards, it's WP8 problem as it's happening on multiple devices across multiple makes of car stereos. MS dropped the ball huge on this bug, IMO. It's one of my main uses: BT music streaming. It worked perfectly on 7, 7.1, and 7.5.
I have a 920 and jeep with uconnect 2011, text to speech worked from my nokia 900 but not my 920, I also see the auto pairing doesn't kick in. and it just feels buggy even with my jaybird head phones

we might be the same. ha! I have a jeep and my jaybird phones (but installed pioneer radio just for the BT). Also, text-to-speech perfect with my 7.5 phone, I don't even see the option with my Nokia Lum. 920.
I have an Acuta TSX 2009 as well. Love the BT interface with my L900, which does give me announcements and reads texts and emails etc.
It sounds like your L920 is not doing this. Did you have a previous Winphone that did?

FYI there is a 'secret' Acura upgrade to their Head Unit that really improved BT Performance. Tell them that you are having real problems inserting CD's. They will change out the Head Unit for one with the current programming in it. Once this was done I suddenly found the reading of texts etc worked for my L900 ;-)
I have had pretty good performance with my Lincoln that has sync. I have noticed that the volume goes up when it pairs which is nice to not have to raise the volume to hear people, but I have noticed that sometimes when I get out of the car the volume stays high and does not go back to normal. Can be annoying since the ringer is very loud.
Unfortunately my tsx was too old (2004) and didn't have Bluetooth, but it works fine with my Lincoln Sync. It will read texts over the vehicle's speaker, but I have to speak near the phone's mic. It doesn't have the required protocol (forgot what its called) and neither do iPhones, but supposedly androids do. I don't mind as I'm still able to send short messages with minimal distraction to my driving. You would think since both systems are Microsoft, they'd be able to do many things together 😁 the 920 and Linc Sync do manage both music and phone calls over Bluetooth, to include all the alerts. My wife's TL will also play music and manage phone calls over Bluetooth.

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
My L920 bluetooth worked great with my 2010 MazdaSpeed3 until a week ago or so. Now, the bluetooth disconnects (unpairs) and I've had to repair it about 5 times so far. If this continues, I'll take the phone back to exchange it for another , hopefully that doesn't have this issue. So far, I've experienced the "rapid battery drain", unit heating up, unexplained power downs and now this... I love the phone and I expected to encounter issues, but I'm getting a little frustrated.
Hey! I saw an update today on my US AT&T Lumia 920 and went ahead and installed it.

The bluetooth integration (headset) now works beautifully in my 2006 BMW E90. I'm not sure if the Bluetooth stack was updated, but I was having problems pairing it with the car. Today while driving home, I got a phone call and it went directly into the car's system and worked beautifully.

:excited: I'm a happy camper again!
I did the Portico update yesterday and now my L920 autoconnects to my 2012 Dodge Durango Uconnect system every time I start it up. Hardly ever did it before. BUT it still does not read incoming SMS text messages thru bluetooth like my old Samsung Focus and Focus S used to do in my 2010 Equinox. I hear the chime through my car's audio system when the message comes through but then audio goes silent for 5-10 seconds and then goes back to whatever was playing on stereo before. Yes, I set the speech setting to Bluetooth so it should be coming through. Not sure if it's a Nokia problem, WP8 issue or my car's fault. Anyone else have the same experience with SMS messaging that could shed some light?
Having the same problem with my Bose earpiece. I will hear the chime for the text message, but nothing after that. If I unlock my phone, then I will get the notification and question to read or ignore.
Hi, don't know if others from Europe are here. But I have a Ford Focus and also have issues when my Lumia 920 is connected to sync. After the first time connected and I place a call first, no sounds can be heard and if the other picks up I can't hear anything. When I receive a call and pick this up, no issues.
I've found out it looks like my Nokia bluetooth connection sound is resetted to 0 everytime when initially connected to Sync. Is there anybody who knows if you can store the sound level? Perhaps this might solve the issue.
I have been having the same issue on my 920 and Bluetooth through my Jeeps uconnect. Sound quality is horrible because during music playback it is constantly cracking and popping and sometimes skips or speeds up during playback and this also happens through my Jaybird bluebud BT stereo headphones. I am on my third white att lumia and they all do the same thing. I have tried everything from factory resets to no apps installed and nothing works. There is also an issues with the Bluetooth while im using internet sharing. If im playing music while Internet Sharing it will really crack and pop through cars speakers. But if im just connected through BT in car and using internet sharing on my surface and get out of jeep and turn off key, (This disconnects BT in most cars from phones)my phone will freeze up and I have to reset it. I f I first turn off internet sharing before getting out of car its fine. Please contact @NokiaCare on twitter with your BT issues. They told me they are working on a fix.
Pioneer has released a Bluetooth firmware update for the 2012 model stereos that will allow the bluetooth profiles to work once again, the issue was as follows:

Windows phone 8 (or at least the Lumia series) generally uses AVRCP (Audio Visual Remote Control Profile) bluetooth profile version 1.4 to change tracks, play, pause, and display ID3 Tags. Pioneer used AVRCP bluetooth version 1.3 in its 2012 lineup of stereos. this was also an issue with iOS 6. Without AVRCP the previously mentioned options will not work. Audio still played (that uses Profile A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), which is standard) and also was typically able to make calls due to the HFP verson 1.5 (Hands Free Profile).

With the latest firmware update from Pioneer, it updates to includes the ability to now use AVRCP version 1.4. I have personally tested this with my Lumia and it works like a charm. Skip, play, pause, id3 tags. all of it! So if you have a Pioneer and its not working, get updating! (PS. ID3 Tags work for Metroradio as well for you pandora fans!)
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Never liked pioneer sales manager for stereo shop for 19years right now I'm using the Sony 601bt it works awesome with my Lumia 920 via Bluetooth metro radio is the only app I have issues with I pause in my truck when I get out of truck it un pauses in my pocket. Then I have to repause it but Xbox music n Nokia music stay paused but in all awesome Double din unit and I've got plenty in stock (tmrush.com) Sony.com

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