Solved: Lumia 920 screen turns dark when calling


New member
Nov 22, 2012
First of all, I like my white Lumia 920, which i ordered from ATT four days ago. I have been using it. Everything is excellent: browsing internet, camera, nokia drive, etc. until today when I was making a phone call, the screen turned dark. The call was still on, but I just could not get the screen back on. After five minutes, the other end hanged up and my screen re-appeared. It happened several times this afternoon and was very frustrating. So, I decided to exchange to another one--tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I want to make phone call!

Before I went to ATT store to change my phone, I checked my phone again at home. The problem remained. However, when the sale rep asked me to show him what was the problem in store. Everything is fine--the screen did NOT turn dark. I tried several times, no problem at all. Very embarrassing!! During the way back, I started to suspect that the problem is about the light or sensor because the light in ATT store is very stong while the light at my home was dark. After I got home and browsed the internet, I found many people had the same problem and they traced the problem to the Proximity sensor, the lense at the upper position of Nokia sign.

So, I did some research: when the light is dark or when I use the hand to cover the senor, the screen turns dark. This senor is supposed to turn the screen dark when you make the phone call--your face will cover the senor. I suppose it can save battery of your phone--an smart idea. But this is exactly where the problem is. My wife and I even make a movie about it and were ready to show the sale rep at ATT next time. Accidently, I used the function of camera once. After the use of the camera, the screen did NOT turn dark anymore when I made the phone calls. Please note that the front camera uses the Proximity senor.

Now, everything is fine. My guess is that the Proximity senor needs to be re-set to solve the problem. One of the ways--at least worked for me--is to use the front camera once or twice to re-set the Proximity camera. I am not sure whether this sensor thing is necessary at. At least Nokia should give us option to turn this function off. Nonetheless, Lumia 920 is a great phone and I want to see more good phones from Nokia in the future.

I hope you find this post useful and enjoy your Lumia 920.
This worked for me as well. This is my 2nd phone that had started turning off. Using the front camera a few times did the trick!
How do you open/make use of the front camera on the device? This issue has been bothering me for several days now. I know the easiest way might be Skype, but I don't have/use that.
Open camera and switch it to the front camera from the icon at the bottom of the screen.
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Thank you for this info - 've had my lumia920 for a month now and this is the first time this has happened to me. Taking a frontfacing camera photo did the trick and all is working fine again.
now its REALLY FIXED ;-) but need to open the phone (only two screws ;-) )

Experience screen and touch sensor switch off during a call, Notifications (the screen stays off, like if it was in a pocket) which doesn't turn on as usual.

If during a call you press and hold the upper left corner of the glass -just between the speaker and the upper left corner- you will notice that the sensor works as expected.

I think :
Because of the layered nature of the phone internals design and the heavy use of ribbon connectors it had to be tight to connect the board with the sensor.

My Solution:
I just added a peace of sponge (W:4mm/H:5mm/L:15mm) (all weather door and window sealant) -that comes self adheasive from one side- and sticked a small peace on the board on the opposite side of the phonejack/secondary mic connectors (Pictures attached) this will add pressure on the board to be more tight ;-) tried it and working as normal.


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now its REALLY FIXED ;-) but need to open the phone (only two screws ;-) )

Experience screen and touch sensor switch off during a call, Notifications (the screen stays off, like if it was in a pocket) which doesn't turn on as usual.

If during a call you press and hold the upper left corner of the glass -just between the speaker and the upper left corner- you will notice that the sensor works as expected.

I think :
Because of the layered nature of the phone internals design and the heavy use of ribbon connectors it had to be tight to connect the board with the sensor.

My Solution:
I just added a peace of sponge (W:4mm/H:5mm/L:15mm) (all weather door and window sealant) -that comes self adheasive from one side- and sticked a small peace on the board on the opposite side of the phonejack/secondary mic connectors (Pictures attached) this will add pressure on the board to be more tight ;-) tried it and working as normal.

I am really excited for how long your phone will work without this issue again. My phone suffers from this issue too but I reboot my phone in a really dark room. After that my phone keeps working for a few days without that issue. That has helped me already twice.
....i had the same problem - i just wipe the sensor with a soft cloth and everything is back to normal
I guess when someone wipes the sensor off he is applying pressure... and that confirms my point (that the sensor is connection to the board is flakey), If applying pressure does fix the problem and makes the proximity sensor act normally as expected.
Then what does dust have to do with it or rebooting in complete darkness!?
**** I just got the same problem.
My colleague has a Lumia 800 which had the exact same problems had to be sent to repairs.
Why dont they fix these errors when they build new models?!!!!
This is my first big disappointment with my L920. :(

My phone was standing in a stand earlier today and when I was about to pick it up it fell forward hitting the front to my keyboard, no hard fall att all but maybe the sensor got screwed up by this? :crying:

Is there no way to test this like there was on WP7?
Isn't that supposed to happen? To clarify, is the issue that it turns off immediately when you start calling before you put the phone up to your face? If that is the case that is the problem I had. As soon as I would touch to call the screen would turn off. So I couldn't end the call or do anything else. I got a replacement unit for that.
I am really excited for how long your phone will work without this issue again. My phone suffers from this issue too but I reboot my phone in a really dark room. After that my phone keeps working for a few days without that issue. That has helped me already twice.

Still no Issues and working great. ;-)

I have mentioned a fix UP in this post and in the link you provided on Page 8.. If you don't want to void the warranty take it to a Nokia Service and take a print out of my solution to them. ;-)
Yes I know, Im not that keen on opening my phone.
I fixed my problem by blowing hard into the 3,5 socket, it was fine for a few days but now the problem is back.
I can relate my problem to when I started using a corded headset at work, pulling the plug in and out of the 3,5 socket a few times a day is probably what gave me this problem. It's been fine all weekend and today I came to work and put in the plug, first call and the screen starts flickering. Its obvious that the problem is relatet to the 3,5 socket, dust, failing connectors, whatever, but its strange that blowing into the socket temporary fixes the problem, sounds like a dust-problem to me.
Problem is back and blowing doesnt seem to fix it, and now I have the vibrator rattle as well.
Disappointed. :(

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