Nokia Lumia 920 Battery Issue Temporary Fix


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Initially I observed some problems with my Nokia Lumia 920. It was draining quickly. The problem is mainly due to Nokia Drive. I disabled it to run in background by going to Settings--> Applications ---> Background Task.

Background Services.png

I even read somewhere that reinstalling Facebook and Skype will help. I did that too. Also tried draining the battery fully and charging it again. If you use VEVO disable it to run in background. Both Skype and Nokia Drive is in their beta stage, so they can cause some issues. Make sure that only apps like Weather and News app is allowed to run in background.

After following all these measures the battery performance is very good on my Nokia Lumia 920 (AT&T). Also disable NFC Tap to Send and Bluetooth while not in use. WiFi and location service is always 'On' on my phone. Try all these measures if you face any battery issue. The problem will be fixed soon by Nokia. It's just some minor app related issue.

Update: These might work also for all Windows Phone 8 devices.

The battery issue is just a temporary issue related to some apps like Skype and Nokia Drive which are in their beta stage. They will be soon updated. Also Nokia will issue a firmware upgrade as soon as they find any other issues related to firmware or their apps. Until then you can try the above methods. Right now I am getting an amazing battery life. Check out my Batter Status below:

Batter Status.jpg
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I can tell you personally, that having to turn things off, restart, etc... all these advised fixes, don't fix everyone's problem. And honestly, not being able to use a phone as it's meant to function is NOT an acceptible solution. For me personally, I have been able to isolate the issue to the LTE use. I have spent the last few days in a rural town in Indiana (parent's house). No LTE. I live in STL(LTE). Only 4G HSPCA +. Guess what... yes, incredible batter life. The second I left LTE in STL, my phone's battery screamed back to life and allowed for my phone to function, background tasks and all, like it should be from the beginning. I was barely getting 8 hours of light to moderate use in STL. I will test again in STL when I return on Sunday, and turn of my LTE signal(wireless) and use Wi-fi only for a day. Sadly, tomorrow, Friday the 23rd, is my last day to return my phone in 14 days. However, should I find this test to prove me theory, there will be many communications going out to various involved entities to get this resolved or at the very least get an answer and a new phone. I'll let you all know what I find out. Happy Thanksgiving!
This remindes me of the Apple iPhone issues I had for several years. The iPhone folks always brag about all of the apps for their phone but as soon as you have an issue, they tell you to disable or uninstall the apps. Makes sense to me... not!
One thing I noticed that really helped for me was exiting an app with the back button and making sure I don't have any running apps by just hitting back until you get to the start screen.
For me personally, I have been able to isolate the issue to the LTE use.

It's been known since the implementation of LTE that it is a huge battery hog. Personally, I recommend to stick with 3G -- if possible. Big difference.

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