Nokia must recalibrate their proximity sensor


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I used to be an HTC guy because I didn't know anything better existed. I actually used to see Nokia as this "low-end, weirdo smartphone system that couldn't do as much as all the other systems". I started out with an HTC Touch HD. Then an HTC HD2. Then an HTC HD7, but now I took the jump to Nokia.

I bought a Lumia 920. I am really impressed with Windows Phone 8 (although some things such as autocorrect compared to Windows Phone 7 has actually gotten worse in Danish - it corrects my correct spellings into mistakes). I also like the Lumia 920 as a whole, and it's really an amazing phone. I've had no issues with it regarding battery drain or anything related to it.

However, now my Proximity sensor started acting weird. I Googled it, and concluded that many others have the same problem. Using some canned air on the speaker of the phone helps temporarily, but the problem keeps coming back. Yes, I know it's not theoretically Nokia's fault that my proximity sensor gets covered in dust or something, but I feel as if the proximity sensor (from when I bought the phone) was already at the time calibrated wrong.

When I just got my phone, I had to move it quite a long distance from my ear before it would re-enable the phone (at least compared to my previous HTC phones). Also, it seemed as if it took some time for the sensor to react, already at the time.

So here's my rant regarding the Lumia 920. Why is the proximity sensor calibrated so poorly? It's really a shame that it can't take a little dust in the speaker hole. I hope they update this soon. So far, I haven't liked the fact that I had to use canned air on the speaker tray every 3 days to make my phone stop disabling itself during a call. That is just plain stupid.
I have the same problem and it is quite annoying. I am waiting for a permanent fix soon or I am taking the phone back to the store.
It is not your fault. It is clearly Nokia's fault. Are you also getting dust behind your front facing camera? There's a very slight gap between the top of the display and the body of my phone and it is currently out for repairs at Nokia because the proximity sensor just flat out stopped working after about a month. It sucks . . .
It sounds like a defective unit to me, I'd be looking at getting it replaced or repaired.

That is, unless you have a screen protector on it that doesn't have a cut out for a sensor, as this will affect the sensor also.
This isn't a calibration issue, it's a minor manufacturing issue.

The thing is, even from when I bought it, the sensor was already really sensitive. I can confirm on my dad's Lumia 920 too. You have to hold it quite far from your ear when talking, and then (seconds after, slowly) it starts reacting. It's overly sensitive from default manufacturing.
remove screen protectors please. that always cause problem on my unit until one day i got ticked off and rip the thing off
I am having the same issue. Seems there is no solution. Not using any screen protector. Phone worked fine for a month, and developed the problem this morning.
did not have the problem at all. so its a defective unit, nothing related to calibration at all.
I'm having the same problem. On my phone, it didn't start until the OTA update arrived so I'm hoping a software update will fix this.
No issues with this on my 920 ,but on my 900 , if I get anywhere near screen like to check email while on a call, proximity sensor is way too sensitive.
Ey there OP

Im from Denmark aswell, and just turned my lumia 920 in for "repair" although me and the rep in the store were pretty sure that it would just get replaced.

only takes about 10 days, and nokia does have a nick for being fast :)
Toggle the super bright setting on and off. It should fix it.

It actually did !

Well it seems that there is several things You can do to try to fix this. Blowing air, toggle camera to fcc. Tried the bright setting earlier without luck, but this time it worked.

...... Thi hellere dampe end st?ve ......

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