Post Portico: How to get live tiles working again


New member
Dec 6, 2012
After I updated my Lumia 920 to Portico, my live tiles (Amazing Weather HD and BBC apps) stopped working. I tried unpinning and pinning, uninstalling, soft-reset and reinstalling but nothing seemed to help. My WiFi was always on and none of the other settings had changed. Finally, I got in touch with the WP support team on Twitter and this is what they suggested:
"Can you uninstall the apps, clear the IE history on the phone, power down by holding down power & vol down, reinstall & pin?"
I was skeptical if this would work since I had done something similar earlier and it hadn't worked (only step I hadn't followed was clearing the IE history). So I followed these steps and have had working live tiles for more than half a day now.
Please give this a shot, hope this works for everybody having trouble with live tiles post Portico.
it's possible the soft reset is the only bit of this you have to do, I'd try that first. If it still doesn't update, all the other dance will clear up any weird cached network setting for the notification server that the phone is trying to reach, but that should not be necessary (usually)
This actually work for anybody? I tried it but I couldn't uninstall the me tile soooo...
Yeah, my Me tile doesn't update either. It has to be something in the OS since that 'app' is baked in.

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