Lumia 920 literally just aged me 20 years due to stress lol

Nov 20, 2012
So it is Funny to me NOW that the situation appears to be fixed...but the past 6 hours have been horrible with my 920 and it stressed me out so bad I feel like I was on the verge of a nervous break down....

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Okay so I wanted to do a hard reset on my Lumia 920 to sync my microsoft accounts between my Surface and 920(previously they were using 2 different microsoft accounts).

Okay Cool.....So i did a factory reset(i've done like 3-4 in the past 3 weeks i've had for various reasons and NEVER had an issue). But today at 6 a.m. it decides it wants to "brick" itself and it got stuck on the Spinning Gears thing.

At first it wasn't that big a deal but after an hour i got worried so i came to WPcentral to see how to fix it...again i had never had this issue before.

So I followed the details in the thread to fix a bricked 920....Downloaded all I needed to download.

I go to download Nokia Care and I get some bogus message from Windows 8 stating this below

"This package installation could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify this is a valid Windows Installer Package."

What? What does that even mean.....
I redownlaoded the nokia care file like 10 times and always got that.
So then i tried to find alternative files via bing.....and I found a nokia care suite that would actually install properly.

Except wait....It was an older one. I could not find my Lumia 920 in their...the oldest phone that had was the 900.

So I am literally combing through XDA, WPcentral, google, bing....took a drive to Mcdonalds for a moment to take a break, came back and still my phone was spinning gears.

So i got to the point where after 6 hours of trying to fix it myself...I decided to make a thread here asking for help.

What do you know?

As I am typing my thread to ask for help and complain lol....the 920 just UNBRICKS itself. It literally begins working. I hadn't touched it or anything. I literally did nothing to it.

So this has been a crappy morning and day...I went through a moment of confusion, to anger, to wanting throw up a bit, to almost pulling out my old Galaxy S3 and popping my sim card in the phone and putting the Lumia 920 away for Good.

Nokia REALLY needs to fix this because I never had this issue with any phone bricking itself after a factory reset. Suppose I wanted to sell this phone to someone and it bricked when i reset it?

So anyway I am about to resync all my stuff to my phone...YAY.

Please tell me though....

What does ""This package installation could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify this is a valid Windows Installer Package."

and how do i get around this to install Nokia Care Suite in case this happens again and I need to unbrick it....
When I had my 920 it bricked itself after me trying to download the English voice speech pack thing, it got me worried as well. Mine was spinning gears for about an hour so much so the phone couldn't handle it. The back of it got really hot and it actually left an ink stain in the display for about a day after. I cant help you on this personally, if you don't find any joy on here I suggest taking it back to where you got it from for another one, they should be able to help you without any hassle for a problem like this. So many people are having software and hardware issues with their Lumias its just not worth justifying for its "sleek looks" and exclusive apps. I got rid of mine for a HTC 8X and couldn't be more happier. Sorry I couldn't help :/
Okay, so ppl told u about NaviFirm 1.7+, be sure to get it. As for the NCS, I was searching for it for hours, finally sound v 5.0 2012.51.4.4, altho the newest version is 2013.1.3.4 but I wasn't able to download it from the only place Google found me. Anyways, glad that everything came out good, next time, be prepared :D
I think if you can prove the topic title is true you would be due a very large settlement from Nokia.
Honey, if a bricked phone is the biggest stress item in your life then consider yourself extremely lucky...
Guys, give it a rest.

I'm glad your 920 sorted itself out, Micah. When that happens, I usually just soft reset while it is going and it snaps itself out of whatever loop it is in
Right click on Nokia Application launcher and run as administrator. Click on "Updates" on bottom left and update both the Care Suite and Data Package Manager.CheersAndrew
If something like that happens again, if you're technical savvy, pop the screen off that has everything connected to the back of it and pop out the battery and back in.
Sent from my HTC6990LVW using Board Express

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