Nokia Lumia EU ROM GDR2+Amber Download Link


New member
Nov 5, 2012
I've got a link

DIRECT DOWNLOAD: LINK (Please use the torrent wherever possible)


Please also note that this is the French ROM so once flashed, the phone will be in French, but luckily one of the first options is to change language!

I do not recommend flashing your device, it will destroy your warranty and it may have unexpected results which I am not liable for.
Flashing your device also wipes all data off the device, be sure to backup.


Nokia Care Suite (Cracked) <-- Torrent
USB Cable
Nokia Lumia 920
Firmware (Above)

1. Download and install Nokia Care Suite (Don't launch Care Suite until step 2 is complete)
2. Extract usergroupsconfiguration.cfg to C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia Care Suite\Product Support Tool For Store 5.0 or C:\Program Files (x86)\Nokia\Nokia Care Suite\Product Support Tool For Store 5.0 for 64-bit (Be sure to overwrite)
3. Extract the firmware to it's location (Instructions are in the archive)
4. Open Nokia Care Suite
View attachment 39252

5. Double click Product Support Tool

6. Choose Caresuite External
View attachment 39253

EXTRA IMPORTANT STEP: Choose Work Offline on the bottom right of the window.
View attachment 39262

7. In Product Support Tool choose File > Open Product
View attachment 39254

8. In the filter box type RM-821



9. Your firmware should then appear in the box below if you put it in the correct folder on your PC.
10. Bite the bullet, hit START!
11. Once you hit start it will bring up the recovery screen saying it has lost connectivity, this is normal.
View attachment 39256

12. Turn your mobile off.
13. Once off, plug your mobile into your PC and hold the DOWN VOLUME key - because it was plugged into your PC it should power on automatically into the "RECOVERY" mode.
14. Hit retry in the recovery screen.

It should then start flashing your device.

Once flashed it will load the welcome screen like a new device (In French), navigate to the next screen and you should get the option to change language (don't have screenshots sorry)

If you encounter this issue:

"................................1326.2002_068.vpl has invalid signature. : recovery failed."

Please use the method below.
Rename all of the files and remove the leading serial numbers like below.

rename the file, remove the "0D8F6B23_"RM821_3047.0000.1326.2002_RETAIL_eu_france_267_02_239138_prd_signed.ffu from the other file

The NA ATT builds of RM-820 will not flash directly to RM-821. You need to flash to the Pre-portico Rogers RM-820, do the OTA update then you will be able to flash any RM-821 build you want (including this amber build). For more details please review the linked post (#52). Worked for me. I no longer have an LTE icon but my speed tests are in the 5-7mb range so I'm happy.

[FLASH] How to use NCS to change from RM-820 to RM-821 and vice versa - Page 6 - xda-developers
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Looks solid, but on step 9. Which folder? I know the path is in your file, but if others want to use other rom versions. IE , I want to test out the indian one since I have it now. I think its valid minus the 4G support right?

I just need to know the path where to put the FW/ROM for Nokia care to see it.
Looks solid, but on step 9. Which folder? I know the path is in your file, but if others want to use other rom versions. IE , I want to test out the indian one since I have it now. I think its valid minus the 4G support right?

I just need to know the path where to put the FW/ROM for Nokia care to see it.

4G is available.

You can place FW in C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products (you have to then place the firmware in the folder of your variant code, ie rm-821)
Thanks Vega, any differences between the indian one vs the france one, apart from the default language upon installation?

Another question: The indian one I see is rm-820. What is the difference between 821 and 820?
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hey Guys,

I think I missed something.

I've added the Indian firmware (FW 1326.2001_GDR2) folder rm-820 under products, and when I go open product from Nokia care, I don't see anything.
I am in Offline Mode. What is up?

no download.jpg

Any help would be great.
hey Guys,

I think I missed something.

I've added the Indian firmware (FW 1326.2001_GDR2) folder rm-820 under products, and when I go open product from Nokia care, I don't see anything.
I am in Offline Mode. What is up?

Any help would be great.

Please select Programming then Recovery on the bottom left.

veganus i steel have error

Please give me the error.
Hi VegaNovus,

Thank-you for your help so far. I feel close yet so far :P

I am getting here. I am seeing my current version, but yet its not finding the new version. I am assuming the fw file is "RM821_3047.0000.1326.2001_RETAIL_im_india_443_01_244556_prd_signed".ffu

I've created both a rm-820 and a rm-821 folder and pasted this file in both, along with the other bin files that were included in the FW folder.
These two folders are under products.

Any ideas?

current version.jpg

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I created this particularly for use with the ROMs I've linked, however, I need to know what product you searched for when you chose "Open Product? Rm-821 or Rm-820? Also, how many files do you have in the folder? There should be 11 files I think. Not just the .ffu file
I can finally see it. Not sure what was wrong, I must of been missing some files during the intial process. Trying it now :-)

Thanks again!
I am from indonesia. I am just flash my lumia 920 with gdr 2. It success. It work well.
I flashed mine with indian version, worked but my download speed is capped at 5mb when I was getting 30 before. seeing H+ instead of 4G. Any thoughts? Will try france version I think.

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