Nokia Lumia Product Line

Sayyid Shoaib

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Sep 15, 2013
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Hi everyone,

Just recently purchased a Nokia Lumia 920 and a newbie to WP8.

What sold me to buy this phone was the update support timeline promised by Microsoft to WP8 phones that was extended to 36 months till 2016 (and maybe upgrade to WP9 if we're lucky :winktongue: ) and also the exclusive Nokia device updates like Amber, Biiter Sweer Shimmer (coming). Im also loving the refreshing OS UI as well not to mention the pureview camera and streaming music.

I was wondering after the recent acqusition of Nokia by Microsoft what will eventually happen to the existing Lumia phones and future line up:

1) The Lumia lineup will continue until maybe next year with Nokia exclusive updates side by side WP8 updates (Most Likely)

2) The Lumia lineup will change its naming scheme to fit in Microsoft future strategy but still work under the banner of Nokia for some time to come (Somwhat Likely)

3) The Lumia lineup will abruptly come to a end end of this year (that saying the Lumia 1520 probably the last of its kind) (Unlikely)

What's your take guys!

Ill be miffed if Microsoft decide to stop any Nokia exclusivity to it's Lumia devices and we get only WP8 update support like the rest .

Little features like glance clock go along way in making a device more useful in day to day usage. I'm not a person who wants updates for the sake of updates but you want your money's worth and good service.

Hope to spark an interesting discussion!

Many thanks for replies in advance!


Sayyid Shoaib

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Sep 15, 2013
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thanks lmzr

loving it at the moment good break away from 3 years at Android!

I hope for all Lumia customers we have plenty of nice features coming our way especially signing into a 2 year contract like me.

for me Android put me off when like a update was out and the manufacturer took months a months to customize and then the carriers test it and then we get too much fragmentation

Sayyid Shoaib

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Sep 15, 2013
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anyone's thought for the future of the Nokia Lumia range.

I think the Lumia devices with 9xx upwards will have the best in update support as long as WP8 continues then WP9 will probably have features that will show the likes of 920 some aging (just my take).

I hope the rest of the Lumia range carry on getting some sort of benefits. Some recent comments suggesting budget devices like 520 will stop updates sooner is wrong in my opinion. Yes they will have less features because of the 520 RAM space but there will be support as much as the device can support it.

but any support for the current Lumia is important to keep this current user base alive. I'm for sure loving my device and hope that I can keep it for as long as possible


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