Lumia 920 sales should be Halted


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Nov 1, 2012
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Frustration is the only thing I?m receiving from my Lumia 920. It?s really unbelievable and unacceptable that we get treated by MS and Nokia this way. I've stuck it out and patiently waited for apps to be updated and for OS bugs to be squashed, and instead I get glance, and double tap -more features that use MORE battery. It seems like they really have their priorities screwed up.

While waiting for my phone to be replaced at the ATT store I noticed that there was another person with a Lumia 920 frustrated at the phone because the proximity sensor wasn't working. If they are wondering why their phones aren?t selling well; this is why. Word of mouth is really all they have. Look at how many commercials were put out on the surface and compare that to how many products they sold. They actually had to do an Ebay fire sale to get the product to move off the shelves!

After I got my refurbished phone, I noticed that the power and camera buttons were loose and worn out. The camera button was so pressed in that you could barely get it to activate when you tried to press on it. The ATT rep noticed that and went back in and got another refurbished phone. The buttons on the second one were in better shape but the Rep couldn?t get the SIM card tray to open. The Rep got frustrated and went back and grabbed another one. This last one seemed like buttons were ok and she was able to remove the SIM card tray without a problem. Wonderful quality assurance, I wonder who oversees the refurb process?

The rep Rep inserted my SIM card and we waited for the phone to do its normal boot up process. She tested phone calls and asked me if I wanted her to setup my live account. I kindly told her that I would do that later and that I was on my lunch break. So I left.

When I got back to work I decided to only install the apps that I use on a day to day basis, without adding the respective accounts to the phone. Do you guys remember the commercial where they tested the speed of Windows Phone vs the competition, like the ability to tweet and post a facebook status?

So the only apps I installed were WhatsApp, Facebook beta, Rowi and WP Central. I also added my Live account and Exchange Work account(one set to sync every 30 and the other every 15 minutes respectively). And since I have to conserve power I have Bluetooth, Wifi, NFC and Location Services turned OFF, I only turn Wifi on when I need to. The only Background process I have it Whatsapp. I?ve also disabled Xbox Games and Xbox Music from the Settings ? Applications menu. To me that's pretty low key setup compared to how I normally set it up.

My normal setup is to have both of my emails set to push and to set up Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin under Accounts, Wifi and Location ON and installing all of my apps (Viber, Skype, Skydrive, LinkedIN, SportsCenter, Chase, Wellsfargo, Bing Weather, Convert2Go, Creative Studio, Domino?s Pizza, all the Synology Apps, Ebay, Endomondo, fhotoroom, flashlight-x, flixter, fotor, fresh paint, groupon, mytube, network tools, nokia music, pageonce, panorama, paypal, pdf reader, play to, proshot, redbox, refocus, smartshoot, sophielens pro, speedtest, uc browser, yelp).

But since I have to conserve Battery or else my phone dies out in 4 to 5 hrs, Im handicapped on my experience (for now).

The whole reason behind this is to try to find the motive for the excessive battery drain. My plan is to try the phone with these apps for couple of days and if I keep having the battery drain I will uninstall one app at a time until the drain stops. Again If I can?t install apps because the phone can?t take it or battery drains from us installing them then it?s no point to having Windows phone 8. If I get to the end of the trial and still have the battery drain well let?s just say the Lumia will sit as a paper weight for a while.

I really love this phone it?s a great interface, it?s fast, intuitive, but if you can?t use it or take advantage of all the features because you have to disable them in order save battery then it?s no better than iOS or android for that matter. Might as well go back and get a dumb phone and do everything on my PC.

MS and Nokia we have really high expectations and but very little actions. Know issues have not been looked at or acknowledged, and quoting that you are nowhere near close to positioning yourself near android or iOS (numbers, apps and feature wise) you have to step up and be better or handle things better than your competitors.

With that said the only way I see them stepping up and actually doing something about it is to hurt them where it does matter $$$$$$$$. If ATT would put their foot down and HALT all sales then maybe it would get things moving. But we all know that this drastic move would not only hurt MS and Nokia it would also hurt ATT numbers $$$$$$. All I ask for is to remove the uncertainty and come out and acknowledge the issues and give us an ETA on the reported issues, because the only thing you are telling me and the community now is just that you DON?T CARE.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Re: Lumia 920 Sales should be Halted !!!

Ok, I care but haven't had any issues since January 2013 when I bought the phone. Sorry to see you have issues with your device. I think Nokia should have better quality control since I see many posts of users having replaced multiple units.

I play heavy games on my 920 , use whatsapp a lot ( recieve like 500 messages on it) , skype, SMS, Calling, facebook, News, sports, App development , some more and I get around 6-7 hours average without battery saver. I started playing Angry Birds star wars 2 and it seems drain my battery a faster tan usual but not too alarming.


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Nov 14, 2012
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Sounds like you're blaming Microsoft/Nokia for issues caused by AT&T.

As for the battery life issue, I don't really understand why you keep having problems. I get issues from time to time that a restart cures for the next couple of weeks, if not longer. I keep a handful of tasks going in the background, play a few games but generally text and email more than anything else. I get nearly two days of battery life and my phone is nearing a year old. Seems to me like there might be a particular app in that list that keeps causing problems.

If you're unhappy now you'd better not try iOS 7. Keep background tasks active and it's an easy 10% drain per hour doing nothing but moving icons, screwing with settings and browsing the web.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Re: Lumia 920 Sales should be Halted !!!

BTW I calculate average using the Battery app which has a nice stats menu and graphs in it.


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Nov 1, 2012
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i'm sorry to hear your frustration. I've said before, some heavy battery drain may have to do with how the phone is looking for LTE in your particular area. People usually just dismiss this as they have "bars" but I work one day a week from inside a building with horrible coverage (on all phones, not just WP) and it shows I have 2-3 bars consistently but I can lose 50% battery in a couple of hours with nothing running and it just sitting there. When I leave the building and charge the phone back up I can get the remainder of the day and lose ~20%.

Same thing happens when I go to visit family in Missouri. Drain is heaviest when it's constantly searching for signal, but the "bars" make it look as though everything is fine.

I have had my 920 since day one and have had very few problems with it. Hope your venting helped you feel better and it all works out.


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Mar 10, 2012
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This is interesting. I'm on Straight Talk where there is no LTE and my battery life goes from 6:30 am until 4:30 if I don't put it on my charging pillow at work. Longer if I just do basics (check email, reply to texts, a phone call or 2). I'm thinking of switching to AIO Wireless because apparently I can utilize LTE, but if the battery drain is that significan't, maybe not.


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Jan 20, 2012
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This is interesting. I'm on Straight Talk where there is no LTE and my battery life goes from 6:30 am until 4:30 if I don't put it on my charging pillow at work. Longer if I just do basics (check email, reply to texts, a phone call or 2). I'm thinking of switching to AIO Wireless because apparently I can utilize LTE, but if the battery drain is that significan't, maybe not.

Straight Talk now supports AT&T LTE. You will probably need to order a new SIM for it.

Moiz Mian

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Aug 5, 2013
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I totally understand your take on quality assurance. It definitely seems like it's lacking. My first 920 had a rattly vibrate and squeaky corners. But when I got a replacement, it was a lot better. But my ATT store gives out new units for warranty exchanges. I think the 920 quality has gotten better with later builds since they've had more experience building them. The only lingering problem is dust in the front facing camera. But the ATT store told me I can bring it back and get a new one anytime the issue arises. So I'll probably go back once more before my warranty expires and get a replacement. It's not a huge deal though. I get 20 hours of battery on a charge usually which is enough for my day.


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Jul 31, 2013
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Sorry to hear about your problems, I've bought 2 off of ebay and not had any of these kinds of issues. I have flashed different ROMS on occasion and had weird things happen, but I flash again and they problems go away.

I hope this is not the normal, but sometimes you can of issues with a product/company that are so bad they turn you off for a very long time. I can't say I blame you. I hope your experiences get better!

Sayyid Shoaib

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Sep 15, 2013
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sorry to hear your situation and frustration. I dont think Lumia 920 sales should be halted but as mentioned you just haven't had good quality assurance from ATT. Im a week into my device and I had the Amber update as soon as I put it on. I get about 16-20 hours of usage depending on what I do. I think playing streaming videos from Netflix or Metrotube drains battery quickly.

I'm just wondering revfast with all the apps you normally run I guess it depends on the frequency of notifications you get through them in the background. Is there some downloading going on in the background. I don't know about WP8 (new OS for me) but Android use to put apps in a idle mode when they were not frequently used and also a great feature which we need was looking at APPMANAGER which showed the apps running in the background and you being able to delve into each individual app and stop/disable it manually. Was very useful especially when Android OS showed lag on devices with smaller RAM.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT for Microsoft.

Hope that helps



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Nov 1, 2012
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sorry to hear your situation and frustration. I dont think Lumia 920 sales should be halted but as mentioned you just haven't had good quality assurance from ATT. Im a week into my device and I had the Amber update as soon as I put it on. I get about 16-20 hours of usage depending on what I do. I think playing streaming videos from Netflix or Metrotube drains battery quickly.

I'm just wondering revfast with all the apps you normally run I guess it depends on the frequency of notifications you get through them in the background. Is there some downloading going on in the background. I don't know about WP8 (new OS for me) but Android use to put apps in a idle mode when they were not frequently used and also a great feature which we need was looking at APPMANAGER which showed the apps running in the background and you being able to delve into each individual app and stop/disable it manually. Was very useful especially when Android OS showed lag on devices with smaller RAM.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT for Microsoft.

Hope that helps


Are you in an LTE area??, I'm just wondering what apps and typical use you give your phone. That seems really high battery life !!!

ger adriaans

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Sep 11, 2013
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Seems like a bad connection problem draining the battery to me. My phone after medium usage and partly night time has after 13 hours still 87% left.

Sayyid Shoaib

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Sep 15, 2013
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im not in a LTE AREA (not yet soon to be upgraded) but I think maybe the amber update may have done the trick on battery life. I have noticed a sudden drain in standby mode maybe 2-3% every hour (not good)

I will only get a good picture when ive done more full cycle charges (like from 5%)

will post soon if it helps


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Nov 16, 2012
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So here is my 2 cents. I wouldnt be blaming Nokia or MS, but the flaky At&t LTE network. Yes, perhaps there were some issues with the QA on refurbs, but that is another topic.

When I was traveling abroad with my phone and only had 3g, still same push services and apps and the phone nearly doubled in battery life. Here in the Chicagoland area my battery still lasts all day. However, if I am in an area with 2-3 bars of LTE say good bye to battery life. My guess is where ever you carry your phone, there is a weak LTE signal causing excessive drain.

Sorry to hear of your frustrations.
Take care

edit: Im running a french gdr2 rom with amber now. Experiences that I was speaking to was prior. I have also see some additional gains with battery life on amber


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May 25, 2011
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I am in an LTE area. I get at least 10 hours or more of battery life. I have all my email accounts including google, exchange (work), and outlook set up as arrive. I have screen set up as auto, i turned off facebook messaging because it drains my battery life.

I mostly use these apps: facebook beta, twitter, WpCentral, 6tag, usa today, Bing news. Every once in a while I will dig into my 100+ apps i have on my phone including games.


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Jun 10, 2013
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Yes, you are correct, priority based issues are not been handled, I have 820 and GDR2 update is no use other than the call blocking, all other in GDR2 functions eat sup the battery...

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