Video recording not working in Nokia Camera


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Anyone ever seen an issue with the video camera not working in Nokia Camera? I can record video fine in the default camera app, and I can take pictures fine in Nokia Camera (just no video). I'm able to select video, but when I try to record, the counter comes up but stays at zero. Can provide video evidence if needed... Anyone?
I have not see that. Let me ask you this. How's your phones memory? Do you have plenty of space available? Have you tried the usual suspects like restarting your phone.

I recently had some issues on my 1520 with Nokia cam making duplicate pictures. I cleaned all my pictures out of my phone and everything went back to normal. Not saying that's your issue but its worth a try.
I'm still at about 8gb of the 32 total free, but I certainly have a bunch of pics built up. They're all synced to Skydrive though, so I'll dump them and try again. I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling Nokia Camera with no effect. I also uninstalled the last few apps I've installed including some camera lenses. I wish I knew exactly when the issue started, but it think it was working ok prior to the Black updates.
I have never experienced it myself, how are you starting the recording by the button or by taping at the screen. My advice is to uninstall the app and install it again, maybe there is some kind of problem with the installation.
Tried both the hardware button and the screen with the same result. It acts like it's going to start but the counter stays at zero. I did uninstall, reboot, then reinstall, but no dice. In fact, I uninstalled all the Nokia camera related apps just to be sure. Also tried the "reset camera" button within the photos & camera settings dialog.
That's a tad bit sad. I guess u could always switch to the native camera for video purposes... You may want to attempt a reset though
I'm considering it. I just hate the fact that there is still NO frakking way to backup your game saves. I've pretty much given up on wp gaming since there is zero chance at carrying my games forward when I upgrade, but my kids have quite the game history built up on it. I can't believe msft didn't come up with some kind of solution to backup more than just text messages and a list of apps.... Grrr... (Rant over)
Game devs can actually opt for the cloud save option.... Its just... When?

Can't come soon enough... :( You have to think that most of these games had versions for other OSes first, and the devs didn't have to specifically code a save solution for them since it's handled at the OS level. WP isn't successful enough to provide an incentive to do that yet. MSFT needs to implement 3rd party app backup across the board.
I had this issue a couple of days ago, but there has since been a Nokia Camera update that fixed the problem. Just tried it and the video recorder works fine.

FYI: I think since Black, you can also set Nokia Camera to be the default camera app, when pressing the camera button :)
I had this issue a couple of days ago, but there has since been a Nokia Camera update that fixed the problem. Just tried it and the video recorder works fine.

FYI: I think since Black, you can also set Nokia Camera to be the default camera app, when pressing the camera button :)

Argh... I got impatient and did a hard reset. It worked fine for a day or so then started again! Back working now post-update, though... I had to stare a sad-eyed daughter in the face when she saw her saved games were gone. :(
I own a Lumia 925
I have all the camera apps last version. But I sometimes face the same problem with both Nokia Camera and native Camera app too. Photo capture is ok but can't shoot videos. Have space, have denim update, have all apps updated. A switch off and on fixes the problem temporarily. Problem appears randomly.
Same problem. EVERYTHING for Microsoft is All ****ed Up. Video will NOT record. Counter remains stationary. Any solution other than stay the **** away from Nokia now Microsoft own it,? PS: Windows10 is the most ****ed up OS Microsoft has every released.
I too am having the exact same problem. Is there any solution to this problem?
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