WIFI Texting Lumia 925


New member
Apr 14, 2014
Not sure i have seen this yet but now i cannot text while wifi calling is enabled once i upgraded to windows phone 8.1
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Irritating for sure.

Known thing with T-Mobile.
Temporarily disable Wi-fi calling to text SMS\MMS.
I have never once had a problem with texting and Wi-Fi calling. Just select "Cellular preferred" and turn Wi-Fi calling off. You should have zero problems from then on. However, it's odd if you're talking about regular texts because you're supposed to be able to text with Wi-Fi calling enabled. I did it once without issue.
Re: WIFI Texting Lumia 925 Windows Phone 8.1

Its works fine with Windows phone 8 Black update but once i have upgraded to windows phone 8.1 it does not work any more.
Re: WIFI Texting Lumia 925 Windows Phone 8.1

Its works fine with Windows phone 8 Black update but once i have upgraded to windows phone 8.1 it does not work any more.

That's odd. Well, I've been seeing conflicting stories about Wi-Fi calling after the update to 8.1. People here have said 8.1 broke Wi-Fi calling, but a friend told me he's had no issues at all since updating his 925. I guess it's the luck of the draw. :unhappy: Hopefully the official 8.1 update, once it's release, will resolve your issue.
I have had this problem with my 925 for quite some time. Before Black update, and with Black update currently.
Sometimes texting works with Wifi enabled, sometimes it doesn't.
I'm on TMobile...not sure if it's because it still runs text messages over cell service and it fails to send texts if i'm out of cell service (even though I'm still on Wifi)?
That's just my guess, but I will tell you it is my single largest gripe about 925/TMobile. SOOOOOOOOO annoying when I have to resend multiple messages, jimmy with the wifi off/on, re-send, and hope it all goes through.
Praying this gets fixed, but not holding my breath. Have thought about switching OS's because of it, but up to this point haven't because I am such a big WP fan.
IF TMobile doesn't get another top end WP handset soon though, I may just have to try another OS. :(
Haven't seen texting problems.
Probably because I'm always on T-Mobiles network.

Somewhat disappointed with T-Mo wi-fi calling.
Had a lot of trubble with it.

It worked flawlessly the first day I had the 925.
Bicycled up to another location with an open wi-fi hotspot.
Still had it there...I thought "groovy still works!"
When I got back home I noticed I was on T-Mobile network service.
Stays on T-Mo no matter what I do.

When I had both of me 521's up and active one phone switched back and forth easily.
The other was a no-go, this was because it's SIM was a cut down card (too lazy to go to a store to have it switched) with a Gold pay as you go account on there.

I believe my wi-fi calling on the 925 is problematic because I didn't use the included SIM.
Was hoping I could overcome this by myself...I can't figure it out tho...
Guess I can take new SIM and the phone to T-Mo directly and have my favorite gal in the store get it working.
I never had any issues with WiFi Calling or Texting with the 521 for T-Mo. I upgraded to the 925 and never had a problem either until the Black Update. I fixed it by deleting the WiFi Calling App and reinstalling it. It's worked well ever since.

I depend heavily on wifi calling because I work in an area where T-Mo's signal is less than dog crap. I have not upgraded to 8.1 and probably will not until T-Mobile pushes it through. I figure it may work better with T-Mo's wifi calling that I use almost every day and need and depend on.
Sometimes, Wi-Fi calling won't go green when you turn it on. I've noticed this happen on my phone recently. If you reboot, it should resolve itself. A couple of days ago, I activated it without a hitch by first selecting "Wi-Fi preferred and then toggling the switch to On. I normally keep it off and set to Cellular preferred.
HEADS UP - you can only send regular text messages while using WIFI calling also. If youre trying to send a picture or group text it wont work as those are MMS and require going thru your carrier signal.

So, i work offshore on a drilling ship and just found out DP 8.1 broke wifi texting for me also = (

There is no cell signal 150 miles in the middle of the gulf of mexico and I use wifi texting to keep in touch with friends/family when im in the quarters. Le sigh.
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So, i work offshore on a drilling ship and just found out DP 8.1 broke wifi texting for me also = (

There is no cell signal 150 miles in the middle of the gulf of mexico and I use wifi texting to keep in touch with friends/family when I'm in the quarters.
Le sigh.

Awww shoot :unhappy:
Now this would be a bummer.
Wish we could find a solid fix.
Haven't seen texting problems.
Probably because I'm always on T-Mobiles network.

Somewhat disappointed with T-Mo wi-fi calling.
Had a lot of trubble with it.

It worked flawlessly the first day I had the 925.
Bicycled up to another location with an open wi-fi hotspot.
Still had it there...I thought "groovy still works!"
When I got back home I noticed I was on T-Mobile network service.
Stays on T-Mo no matter what I do.

When I had both of me 521's up and active one phone switched back and forth easily.
The other was a no-go, this was because it's SIM was a cut down card (too lazy to go to a store to have it switched) with a Gold pay as you go account on there.

I believe my wi-fi calling on the 925 is problematic because I didn't use the included SIM.
Was hoping I could overcome this by myself...I can't figure it out tho...
Guess I can take new SIM and the phone to T-Mo directly and have my favorite gal in the store get it working.

You do realize that you can call customer service and they will do it for you, right? Be sure to do it from a phone other than the one you're changing though, since they make the change while you're on the phone with them.
You do realize that you can call customer service and they will do it for you, right? Be sure to do it from a phone other than the one you're changing though, since they make the change while you're on the phone with them.

This is true. I used the SIM that came with my 925 in my 920 and called T-Mobile to ask them to not only activate the SIM but to ensure that Wi-Fi calling would work on my 925 as well. After the call, I swapped the SIM into the 925 and gave it a try. Wi-Fi calling then worked. It didn't work with my cut down SIM that I was using previously.
You do realize that you can call customer service and they will do it for you, right?
Be sure to do it from a phone other than the one you're changing though, since they make the change while you're on the phone with them.

Yes and true.
Support calling didn't seem to cause the current SIM to respond reliably.
Whenever I leave my routers signal range and return I get no switch back.
Yes, Windows Phone 8.1 breaks SMS over wifi for T-Mobile. Calling over wifi still works. MMS over wifi doesn't work but never did.

I have a Lumia 521 and after upgrading, the only way to get SMS to work is to switch off wifi calling and rely on T-Mobile cellular to send/receive messages. Unfortunately, in my home the T-Mobile signal is absent 50% of the time, so this is less than ideal. But I knew the risks when I put 8.1 on this phone, so I'm ok with it.

I expect this to be resolved when T-Mobile officially release 8.1 for the 521 and 925.
Since I'm pretty new to the 925, this is terrible! I'm on 8.1 Update (plus one further update) Black. I bought this phone because TM kicked the 810 the WFC curb back when they even added it to the lowly 521. If they had put WFC into the 810, I never would have spend so much money and time for nothing.

So, I found this thread via Bing and here it's been a known issue for almost half a year! I've made sure all my SMS setting have anything to do with MMS off, as TMO has never supported that. Allegedly will on the 17th with the newly found religion for WFC over at TMO.

Turning my WFC on or off isn't acceptable. The best I can work with is using the Cellular Preferred option. At least when it's on cellular, my SMS will work. (I live in what is a fringe area on my 925, not at all fringe with my 810!)
I'm in the same boat. Spent like an hour on the phone with T-mobile, they even sent me a new SIM card, but to no avail. Luckily I bought refurb, so I'm only out like $200 ish bucks for it, but still. Kind of annoying since I spend a lot of time in areas with bad reception (inside metal and brick buildings) but excellent wifi. I'm waiting until a 1020 successor comes out, and I'll upgrade then with the jump program I imagine.
HEADS UP - you can only send regular text messages while using WIFI calling also. If youre trying to send a picture or group text it wont work as those are MMS and require going thru your carrier signal.

Yes, I've been aware of this for some years. I turned off anything that even sniffed of MMS in all the settings, no improvement.

So, i work offshore on a drilling ship and just found out DP 8.1 broke wifi texting for me also = (

There is no cell signal 150 miles in the middle of the gulf of mexico and I use wifi texting to keep in touch with friends/family when im in the quarters. Le sigh.

"Le Sigh." Love it, I often use "Sigh" as an exasperative ending.

Anyway, if I understand your situation, why are you on WFC out in the deep water? I'm presuming that your rig has some kind of satellite connection and then wifi within the rig. Turn off your WFC!

Maybe I'm way off base,
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