Pictures / Video taken with your 928

Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

I may have missed a couple of posts, but has anyone tested the video camera?
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

I am a professional photographer, having picked the Lumia up last week I was excited to play around with it. While I do not believe the day light images to be on par with the iphone 5 camera, the low light camera is simply stunning.

IFtemple nokia.jpg

I can promise anyone that a shot taken with an iphone during similar lighting conditions would have been much, much worse. The noise alone would have made the image unusable. While I wouldn't print the image, or use it for anything commercially, I was more than happy to share it with friends on facebook & twitter.

For those wondering how much difference there is between the lumia camera, and what I normally take on my travels (sony nex-5r for quick road trips such as this):


I highly doubt cell phone cameras will ever catch up with a camera with a full DSLR sensor. This was a long exposure on a tripod, something you could not accomplish with the Lumia. I have been pleased with the camera so far, and really look forward to digging into the other options and functions available.

Flickr: Brady Withers' Photostream
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

Just a few seconds of my pastor preaching Sunday while I was running the sound board.!2946&authkey=!APfdE7CXsqjoUac

I understand the concept behind the stabilizer technology (or perhaps I don't), but when I used the video for the first time, there was a fair amount of shake to it. I tested it out by recording a friend while walking next to me. I have since deleted it, but I'll do another test during lunch, and post it.
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

Keep in mind that the intent is to dampen the vibrations of trying to hold the camera still. If you're moving, it's not going to do near as good a job, as the dampening can only move so far to compensate for movement.
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

Keep in mind that the intent is to dampen the vibrations of trying to hold the camera still. If you're moving, it's not going to do near as good a job, as the dampening can only move so far to compensate for movement.

Right, that is what I understand. I didn't expect to have "steady-cam" results, but I just want to know if my video is on par with what others have, during similar conditions (recording while walking). Judging from B.sheep's video, it looks like mine. I'll post my video in a few. Just waiting for it to upload.
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

Vallos your video is really smooth. How much were you trying to keep the lumia steady? In my vid, I don't think I was trying to very much. I wasn't even looking at the camera half the time, so that's probably why mine is a lot shakier than yours.
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

I was holding it with two hands (landscape), but that was more so to keep the phone secure. As you can see, the foot traffic is quite busy. My first video test was in a residential area, held with one hand (portrait) and it came out like yours.
Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

The other day the rain where I live would have overflowed this in less than 5 hours. We ended up with a couple roads washed out, and for a while one road was six feet under, and even the railroad tracks were submerged.

Re: Pictures/Videos taken with your 928!

I know this thread is for the 928, but I was on the fence about the 925 until I went through this thread. Pretty amazing for a smartphone. I'll be the first in line when T-Mo releases the 925.

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