My home soft key looks terrible when back lit.


New member
May 16, 2013
I know this was mentioned in the bugs thread, but it's really bothering me. I am wondering if other people with the 928 are experiencing the same issue.

The home, or windows, soft key on my phone looks terrible when back lit. It looks like there is adhesive or gunk in there. I noticed it the first day I had the phone. I tried pressing down on the area with a little force, to see if that would clear it up, but it didn't change anything.

I showed it to the sales people at the Verizon store, and they could definitely see what I was talking about. But it was too bright in the store to reproduce it on the display model (back lights wouldn't come on). So they just said it was under warranty, if anything happens they'll replace it, and sent me on my way.

Here's a picture of what I'm seeing:

Every time I look down there with the back light on, I feel like I got a junky phone. Is anyone else having this issue? Is this worth trying to replace the unit, and would it even make a difference?
Yeah, same here, but I'm living with it. Not that big a deal to me. I wonder if it changes? If it doesn't, you could use it as a "fingerprint" if it were ever stolen to prove it's yours. /shrug.
Unfortunately, same here as well. Though at the least your keys look white! Mine are this horrid dingy yellow.
I've yet to see anyone who doesn't have this issue. Not a dealbreaker for me nor do I think I'd even bother getting it replaced if offered.
Same here. I'm starting to struggle to keep this, particularly because of the lack of group messaging :(
The soft keys are not white but as long as they work I could care less!
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Mine is gross looking as well..not quite as bad as yours though. My back arrow also has little lines going through it too. I also get screen tearing when scrolling horizontally sometimes. I see that is common as well.

Its disappointing, but I am overall very VERY happy with the device.
I would get it replaced, as it looks awful. Furthermore, if everyone starts living with these imperfections, then Nokia sales will suffer in the future. Why I say this, is because Nokia will never know these issues exist. Therefore, they won't be able to correct them in future 928's.

Also, potential customers may visit WP Central and see this thread, and be put off from buying one -- I bet iPhone users wouldn't just live with these imperfections, without letting Apple know about them!

Just my 2 pence...
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Mine has a weird blotch on it as well. Although mine are yellow and not white. We should start asking Nokia directly about how common it is and whether they are aware/ going to fix it.
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Noticed it on all the display models I've seen so far, as well. I'm sure Nokia will fix it over time but very unfortunate for early adopters who serve as ambassadors for the product. QC is certainly going downhill to let something like that through.
Yeah personally don't care if they're an off yellow and kind of dim. I'm generally using them for where do I press the screen is where most of my interaction is. The Galaxy S serious I could never really see the buttons ether so don't really care.
I just got home with mine. It's also gunky looking, but with a little extra slop on top. Mine looks like something is glued to the back of the windows logo, but isn't covering it completely. The top 10% of the home button is "uncovered" and the lower 90% looks similar to yours. I could probably live with the splotchy color, but I really don't like seeing the top part of the logo with a straight horizontal line cutting across it. I'm may go swap it with another tomorrow.
I have a black and white one. The white one is perfect but the black one looks just like yours. I like the overall look of the black one better so am trying to decide whether to have Verizon send me a black replacement or just keep the white one. The black is much more professional looking than the white. My buttons are at least white on both phones and not yellow.
Both mine and my wife's 928's also have the same problem (we bought both on launch day). How many of you have tried taking them back to the store and exchanging it? And if so, what did they say / did you have any problems doing so?

My 928 has also randomly shut itself down twice, which also freaked me out a bit.
I just replaced my 928 today due to the vibrator sounding like it was going to blow out of the phone. I've had it since day 1 launch and was trying to deal with it but just couldn't anymore. The replacement vibrate works like a charm now. My first phone was a little blotchy on the Windows logo and now my replacement is definitely very close to how your's is just not as bad. Seems to be quite common on all of the devices. My buttons are also a yellowish color, either way neither of the two are that big of a concern to me.

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