Can't eject Lumia 928 from Windows 8


New member
Aug 11, 2013
Hello! After I plug my Lumia 928 into my Windows 8 PC, I can't eject it via the system tray. It always says that Windows can't stop the device because a program is still using it, even if I just plugged it in two seconds ago. My PC is configured to take no action when the phone is plugged in. I've tried logging out and even rebooting the PC, but it doesn't help. Has anyone else seen this? Any suggestions? Is it safe to ignore the warning and just unplug the phone? Thanks in advance!
Hello! After I plug my Lumia 928 into my Windows 8 PC, I can't eject it via the system tray. It always says that Windows can't stop the device because a program is still using it, even if I just plugged it in two seconds ago. My PC is configured to take no action when the phone is plugged in. I've tried logging out and even rebooting the PC, but it doesn't help. Has anyone else seen this? Any suggestions? Is it safe to ignore the warning and just unplug the phone? Thanks in advance!
Well, it's safe, but it's still best to act safe.
Could you check your Task Manager for any apps that seem to be using the phone?

P.S. Unless you're currently not doing anything with your phone (i.e. Syncing), its fine to unplug. Aside from the stopping of charging, nothing happens, as far as I know.
IMO It is safe to ignore it. After you perform all the tasks you can just pull the chord out. Please be aware all tasks have to be finished when you disconnect.
Thanks for your quick responses. There's nothing in Task Manager. It happens even if I just rebooted the PC. It could be that Windows Explorer itself is using it, and I've even closed that using the Alt-F4 + Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Cancel trick, but when I restart it to regain access to the system tray, the problem comes back. I'm curious whether this is a known issue with the driver or something specific to my PC.
Eject is not an option for my 928 on Windows 7. I suspect the OS doesn't "mount" the phone in the same way as an external USB drive or SD card.
I've encountered this behavior on other PCs as a result of antivirus scanning the attached drive. However, I have not experienced this with my 928 on either of the Win8 PCs I've connected it to.
You can safely eject your phone from Windows 8 but you need to reset your windows if you want reconnect to your phone
- Open Task Manager
- Search for "IpOverUsbSvc"
- End this task
- Try eject your phone again
Do you have anything launching automatically when you plug your phone in? If you do close/end that app first.
You can change what launches. With the phone plugged in, go to Control Panel > AutoPlay and you should see it listed and what 'Default' action is taken.

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