Flashed my French 930 with UK firmware


New member
Jan 6, 2013
Dude you are indeed mental, but thanks for sharing. i am gonna do this too lol

059W006 For me :D BR_Orange device. Need to get my transitions lenses sorted soon.
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My phone just turned up! I was already thinking about converting to UK ROM, with the details you've provided I'm following the howto now!
Yeah, very straight forward. In an hour or so my phone looked identical to how it did before but with UK firmware. Tiles you have pinned from within an app are there but might need deleting and re-adding (such as individual podcasts etc.), but SO much better than how it used to be when it took forever to pin apps, change the tile size and get things back to how they were.
I can report full success in swapping to the UK firmware! I would say that the device required a hard reset before it would boot correctly though.
The only slightly fiddly bit was getting the phone into the mode where it could be upgraded. Follow the instructions in the Nokia app - go to update, without the phone connected so it throws up an error, then connect it, do the power/volume thing and straight after feeling the vibration hit OK. I found if I released the volume button slightly after I had let go of the power button it kicked in.
It's pretty simple, I flashed an unbranded NL920 French ROM to my AT&T NL920 over 1 1/2yr ago. I'm tempted to flash the Finland NL925 ROM to my unbranded NL925.
I assume the color at the end for example my ROM just sets the default theme.

What was the default on you white system?
I don't know, as soon as I switched it on I opted to restore it so never actually saw the start screen until it had inherited my cyan theme. I'm a bit of a purist though so am happier flashing the white firmware version on a white phone. I know that's all it does though, sets the colour to the default for that particular phone.
I have noticed one or two improvements over the French firmware. The purple hue on grey backgrounds is nowhere near as pronounced and I can opt for spoken street names in both Here Drive and Co-Pilot, neither of which were available to me previously even though I had opted for all the UK language personalisations in settings. Maybe I'd missed something.
under the extra info does it now say the carrier is 000-gb instead of fr?

I was thinking, these "extras" the UK users are getting we might be able to claim as its all done online ;)
All done just installing apps now. One issue I have is I can't detect my 5g wifi only the 2.4g one.

Anyone else had this issue?
I have noticed one or two improvements over the French firmware. The purple hue on grey backgrounds is nowhere near as pronounced and I can opt for spoken street names in both Here Drive and Co-Pilot, neither of which were available to me previously even though I had opted for all the UK language personalisations in settings. Maybe I'd missed something.

I did download the English speech pack as that was set to French.
I must be mad, lol. Just flashed my French 930 with the CV UK unbranded firmware. It really doesn't make any difference but being a geek I wanted to do it. The 930 is an RM-1045 and the firmware codes are here: Product Codes Nokia Lumia 930 Rm-1045 - Product Codes Nokia - Nokioteca [Nokia] Forum - I have the white 930 so my product code for the UK unbranded firmware is 059W025

Flashing instructions are here: [How To] Unbrand/flash all Nokia Android - xda-developers

My 930 arrives tomorrow so if I am feeling brave I might have a try at flashing to UK firmware. I also have the white variant, please can you confirm the following?

Product type: RM-1045
Product code: 059W025
My 930 arrives tomorrow so if I am feeling brave I might have a try at flashing to UK firmware. I also have the white variant, please can you confirm the following?

Product type: RM-1045
Product code: 059W025

That looks right to me
What exact benefits are there to having the uk firmware if you can set the phone to English United kingdom under language and download the language packs for the maps and speech recognition?

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