Nokia 930 problem with double tap to wake

Ernane Campos1

New member
Aug 13, 2014
I have problem with my nokia 930 in function the double tap wake, already realized the standard procedure (reset the phone etc) but instability continues. Please help me?
With only one week of use:unhappysweat:
Software: Windows Phone 8.1
OS 8.10.12397.895
Sometimes the functional role and sometimes not

For example, This morning was functioning normally and now the night is not
Make sure you're not covering your proximity sensor at the top of the phone. Make sure your using your finger and not anything else(pencil, eraser etc.)
i have the same problem, sometimes it just doesn't wake up when I double tap, then I have to restart the device. Do you have the Developer Preview Update 1 installed?
I'm not using Developer Preview Update 1 to install and update, will it work?

Even performing the reset does not work and more amazing that after a few hours back to work
Having the same issue but I guess I found the problem.
Check the upper right corner of your display, hold the phone sideways and look if the screen comes out from the frame, that's the case for me. The upper right corner of my display sticks about 0.8mm out of my frame, this somehow f*cks up the proximity sensor.
If I press down the corner it works for a moment but the display slowly pops out again.
Didn't find a solution yet. I tried to glue it carefully with loctite, but after a day the screen is sticking out again. I don't know if this could be solved with a software update by decreasing the proximity sensors sensibility. Two other options I see are that Nokia let us disable the proximity sensor or let us recalibrate it with the faulty display.

Please reply if any of you are experiencing the same problem with screen popping out of frame.

PS. English isn't my native language so please don't blame me for any grammatical faults :D
Having the same issue but I guess I found the problem.
Check the upper right corner of your display, hold the phone sideways and look if the screen comes out from the frame, that's the case for me. The upper right corner of my display sticks about 0.8mm out of my frame, this somehow f*cks up the proximity sensor.
If I press down the corner it works for a moment but the display slowly pops out again.
Didn't find a solution yet. I tried to glue it carefully with loctite, but after a day the screen is sticking out again. I don't know if this could be solved with a software update by decreasing the proximity sensors sensibility. Two other options I see are that Nokia let us disable the proximity sensor or let us recalibrate it with the faulty display.

Please reply if any of you are experiencing the same problem with screen popping out of frame.

PS. English isn't my native language so please don't blame me for any grammatical faults :D

Oh god, you're right. If I push the Display into place, the double tapping works perfect. Damn. Bought it from Amazon and I am still under the 30 days exchange thing but it already fell down one time and the frame has a tiny scratch <.<

I got so annoyed by the issue that I recalibrated the Proximity Sensor and everything seems to work. To do this you have to install the Nokia Product Support tool (You can find it on XDA, not sure if I am allowed to post a link to it.) Change the devices mode to "Test Mode"
Bottom Left you see 3 Tabs, select "Test" and then Proximity Sensor Test. There you can see that it's failing. If you select "Calibrate Proximity Sensor" and follow the steps there you'll be able to calibrate it, so it doesn't "detect" the glass anymore. Worked for me!

Edit: It doesn't seem to work for calls, but that doesn't bother me, since I can just double click the lock button and hang up. But the Double Tap to Wake definitely works!
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I'm not getting into the test mode, and displays this message as print attached

Maybe it's because the version of Nokia Care! Please tell me the version you used
Please help me

Aww I have Update 1 installed :-/ Guess I have to wait and hope. Thanks for your help.
Today I discovered an important detail when the double TAP to wake is not working!
I move your finger on the sense of aproxim??o and back to work
I don't have proximity issue, but my 930's upper left corner has noticeably popped out of the frame too. And I've only had this phone slightly more than a month. QC in Nokia sucks. Have you sent to Nokia to get the display fixed?

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