Lumia 930 cannot find and download Modern Combat 5


New member
Aug 19, 2014
Hi everyone,
I'm using Lumia 930 but I cannot find the game Modern Combat 5: Blackout from the Store.
I also try to find it on the web but when I click on the link, it say that: Item isn't available on the Store.
Could you advise me to solve this problem???
it appears to have been taken down at some point....
I just checked the store and I too don't see it.
So, lumia 930 cannot download and play Modern Combat anymore?

It was there when the game was released, I dunno what happened to it....

update: I just checked the web link and it seems to work fine, I also went into the wpcentral app, searched modern combat and went to a modern combat 5 article, clicked the 'download app' button and that seems to work fine too (takes me to the MC5 download page, with the buy and share options available).

I guess they did something and it broke the search in the store?
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It was there when the game was released, I dunno what happened to it....

update: I just checked the web link and it seems to work fine, I also went into the wpcentral app, searched modern combat and went to a modern combat 5 article, clicked the 'download app' button and that seems to work fine too (takes me to the MC5 download page, with the buy and share options available).

I guess they did something and it broke the search in the store?
I checked but still cannot find it from the store :(
I even contacted Gamelot on twitter and then won't answer me what's going on. 8$ down the drain. Thank you gameloft!
All the recent reviews complain of server issues when connecting. So I suspect they have temporarily pulled the game until they've sorted the gaming server. (only a guess though).

It is still available through the store though, so you can 'download' from there and push it to your phone, it just seems that its gone from the store app.
I even contacted Gamelot on twitter and then won't answer me what's going on. 8$ down the drain. Thank you gameloft!
I try to contact with them too, and they tell me that: MC5 doesn't support Lumia 930 :| Wtf with you, Gameloft?
All the recent reviews complain of server issues when connecting. So I suspect they have temporarily pulled the game until they've sorted the gaming server. (only a guess though).

It is still available through the store though, so you can 'download' from there and push it to your phone, it just seems that its gone from the store app.
cannot do it. I also try to download the xap file to install it on my phone but cannot install it
All the recent reviews complain of server issues when connecting. So I suspect they have temporarily pulled the game until they've sorted the gaming server. (only a guess though).

It is still available through the store though, so you can 'download' from there and push it to your phone, it just seems that its gone from the store app.
Cannot download!!! I also try to download the xap file and install it into my phone but I cannot do it :|
In the absence of them not replying (try twitter, I can usually get responses via twitter!), I guess you can only just wait! :(
have the same problem bought it for 2-3Euro, on my L920, but cannot find it on L930, gonna email them too, but really this sucks

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