Green Circle on Screen


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Okay, I have no idea how this happened. The only thing I remember doing different than usual was video taping my kid for several 2minute shots @ 1080p. The phone got hot, that's about it. I didn't drop it, no water fell on it. I have a screen protector and a case on the thing. Didn't knick it, it's never in my pocket.

It's still covered by warranty but I'm curious if I could fix it because I gotta FedEx it to Expansys and then wait a month. You know how it feels like not to have a phone (I'm back on my L620 now, which has better battery life). Any ideas? I've seen screens go all green, but never parts of the screen (aside from a magnetized screen back in the day).
Changing the brightness only reduces the effect.
I also have a fear that they'll blame me for damaging the screen as I've read previously that some people were blamed when their screen lifted from the body. So I'd like to know how this is caused or if it's a manufacturer defect.
I have the same problem! That's how my green spot started like a week ago but it only grew bigger so now it covers a quarter of the screen. You guys think there's something I can do myself?
Mine is on it's way back to expansys. It's probably a defect if both of us have the same problem and haven't done anything out of the ordinary with the phones. This phone is slowly creeping to being the worst phone I've purchased.
My guess is, it's heat damage caused by the processor when working hard....I believe it's right under that spot. Obviously that's a bad thing but it's hardly the fault of the user so I don't see that there would be any problem getting it fixed or exchanged.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
I had the exact same issue - Nokia fixed it fine without questioning it.

Well you're lucky. After waiting close to a month Expansys replies with:

"We have received an update from the service center and confirms that the unit requires LCD replacement which is outside warranty.
The cost for this is HK$1,680. "

I emailed them asking for an explanation why this is outside of warranty. Complete bull****.
Wow, what a ##### company. Finally get through on the phone and all I get is "my colleague is working on your case, he or she will email you" and she hung up on me.
Terms and Conditions - EXPANSYS United Arab Emirates

So apparently they don't repair broken LCD screens?
3.6 Standard Warranty Coverage
Warranty covers the following:
A. Software malfunction
B. Manufacturer or hardware defects
C. More than three dead pixels

3.7 Standard Warranty Exclusions:
Warranty does not cover the following:

A. Broken screens or LCDs
B. Liquid damage
C. Damages caused by accidents or mishandling of the device
D. Damage caused by applications or firm wares which are not compatible with the device
E. Three or fewer dead pixels

But they do cover manufacturer and hardware defects? I'm never getting my phone back.
What reason did they give?

A If you did not see a crack in the screen it is not a broken screen. (Actual the 930 has no LCD but an AMOLED)
And b c d and are also not the case.

During manufacturing this AMOLED is not proper made so it failed in the field.
They just cited the exclusions, didn't say which one, but I'm guessing it's the first. I just messaged them that it's an AMOLED screen and not LCD, doubt it'll help but won't hurt.
I think you should ask them why they think its excluded. And after there answer take the next step.
Hello @bmazloum, I am having the exact same problem that started last week when I got Denim for my 930. I noticed it just after I updated my phone to Denim, before that it was on wireless charging and downloading the update, so it might have gotten hot. My spot grew bigger with time. I just sent it today to expansys for warranty claim, they will send it to HongKong. Do you have any update on your phone? They are telling it might take 12-16 weeks. I am hoping if everything turns out fine, I might get it within 4-6 weeks. :-/

I am pretty sure this comes under warranty claim, this is a manufacturing defect of the screen.
I'm betting that in the future phone manufacturers will be voiding warranty if a phone case (not specifially designed to the phone or approved by manufacturer) is used. As the processors become more and more powerful, they'll create more heat which is conducted to phones external bits (like the aluminium frame in L930) and wrapping that in silicone for example makes it conduct a lot less heat than designed and causes overheating. So far that's not the case so these should be covered by warranty without a question.

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