Nokia Lumia 930 screen flickering / fluttering / jumping / blinking issue


New member
Dec 20, 2014
I know this has been discussed elsewhere but this is an issue of serious concern so I feel it warrants a dedicated thread.

I discovered on the last day of January that the screen on my Lumia 930 that I had bought from Amazon at the end of November had started flickering / jumping. The phone arrived in 99% almost perfect physical condition (about as best as could be expected from a mass produced item) so I had no reason to suspect anything wrong with it. I had barely used the phone as I wanted to keep it in the best possible condition whilst still within the Amazon returns period in case I needed to send it back. I had noticed the occasional flicker of the screen before but put it down to the AMOLED screen? However during final extended testing (running down a full charge) after downloading and using Spotify I noticed that the screen started flickering / jumping so badly that something was clearly wrong. The flickering was so bad that I think it could possibly cause someone with epilepsy to have a fit so I knew this could not be right. I then noticed that the screen was also jumping when scrolling websites such as Windows Central too and also on the home screen so I knew then that the issue wasn't limited to Spotify. The flickering / jumping was completely random, it started and stopped on its own for no known reason, but it ruined the experience of using the phone. I was using the phone on home Wifi for the entire duration. Luckily for me I had bought the phone from Amazon and they had a no quibble Christmas return policy for any phone bought between November 1st and December 31st which expired on January 31st so after doing an hour's frantic research I realised that it could be a possible hardware issue and immediately printed off a returns label (less than 4 hours before the deadline!) and returned it to Amazon last week. Amazon very quickly supplied a replacement within 1 working day but before I start using the replacement phone I want to find out if other people are experiencing the same issue at all, if so how widespread it is and whether people think it is a software issue or a hardware defect?

Again during extended use, I noticed that the phone did not detect the headphones properly on two occasions if they were inserted whilst the phone was on - I have the same problem with my Lumia 635 the first one of which I also returned. I did not however experience the widely reported overheating issue - the phone remained cool / only slightly warm for as long as I used it.

I have noticed today that Amazon have temporarily withdrawn the orange Nokia Lumia 930 that I returned with the following message:

"Item Under Review

This product is not currently offered by because a customer recently told us that the item he or she received was not as described.

We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. In the meantime, you may still find this product available from other sellers on this page."

- I don't know if it was because they had one return too many?!
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The L930 is the most faulty device they ever built. No matter which one you get at some point you will face issues. If you look around the web 70% of 930 users face serious/annoying issues.
The sad part is people will tell you its the screening(edge) connection because they are tech savy and don't understand what jumping means. That issue of Edge connection is something else and before someone saying it is read his post again.
Now your jumping screen is happening to others including me or other users. It's not entirely hardware because on Cyan this didn't happend. There is something wrong with Denim on calibrating the screen. It apparently does this after a fresh install but me and others like you experience it also in browser or other apps. you may have to live with it if you see it again. 930 is the most flawed phone from the Lumia line, funny thing is that this is their flagship and they want to compete with Apple..sheesh
If you look around the web 70% of 930 users face serious/annoying issues.

Those who have some problems with their device are the most vocal. Usually if one has a working phone they don't come to forums and twitter to mention that "Hey, I have a fully working 930!".
I updated to Denim on Friday and never really played about with the phone until yesterday, I was looking at the kindle app and I noticed this flickering happening once about every 10-20 seconds, I thought it was the kindle app so went out of it but it is happening every where. Is there a cure for this? Are many people suffering this? I was just going to post a thread on this subject.
I have had 2 Lumia 930s. I'd say the first was faulty with the device heating up and battery life being low.... But that was Windows 8.1 prior to denim. I now have the device again with Denim, and the device doesn't get warm unless I'm using it for a while. Even then, the other day I spent 45 minutes streaming music with CloudMuzik and chatting via Whatsapp and Line, and using the GPS as well... It was slightly warm, nothing too noticeable.

I don't think my first device was actually defective either... So.... 0/2 were defective.

But it is 100% true that people USUALLY come to forums when they have issues. I don't go to my mug's forum to rave on how cool it is. Or on my Microsoft Keyboard's forum to say how well I can type with it. People tend to complain more than they praise. So.... For every 1 person who complains there are hundreds upon hundreds more who are content with their device! Nokia, now Microsoft, wouldn't be able to last a day releasing a device that fails in 70% of its units. They'd be sued. They'd fire their manufacturers. Their stock would be 0. People would complain all over. It would be in the news (the actual newspaper).
My 930 is fine and after Denim has excellent battery life and hardly any heating. Mine is from the first hardware revision series. I had the flickering after the Denim update but after 2-3 days it disappeared. Very happy with the device now.
I have noticed the flickering when scrolling in apps and in the OS itself. Im on Denim now but I did notice it with Cyan aswell. I had hoped Denim would solve it but it didn't.
I have the same issue, the phone HW is I bought it few days ago. At first I tough it is a software issue. But tracked it and it looked like it is not related to any software at all because it flickered during reboot (on the Windows logo!).

It seems to me it is a hardware bug in the power circuit of the display. I think it sometimes hits a peak value or there is a power issue and stops the power to the display for a millisecond. I hope they release a software fix (a workaround) for this but since it seems like a HW problem a OTA fix is unlikely.
I've not noticed mine today but haven't used my phone a lot today, It seems to come and go
I have the same issue, the phone HW is I bought it few days ago. At first I tough it is a software issue. But tracked it and it looked like it is not related to any software at all because it flickered during reboot (on the Windows logo!).

It seems to me it is a hardware bug in the power circuit of the display. I think it sometimes hits a peak value or there is a power issue and stops the power to the display for a millisecond. I hope they release a software fix (a workaround) for this but since it seems like a HW problem a OTA fix is unlikely.
I do NOT think its a hardware failure. I have rev. and it flicks sometimes ONLY AFTER DENIM- didn't happen on cyan for me, and the time it stops showing the windows logo during startup happens on my L920 as well. Seems purely software to me- correct me if I'm wrong, due to these findings.
Those who have some problems with their device are the most vocal. Usually if one has a working phone they don't come to forums and twitter to mention that "Hey, I have a fully working 930!".
When I say 70% I mean from the ones that are posting, that are contributing to the windows phone eco system. Not all who post are whining or complaining. Some of us like to comment, like to help people or contribute ideas.
The fact that most of the users from the windows phone community that are active are experiencing issues is not a good sign.
As a note, when someone is actively contributing to a community it doesn't mean they start with a complaint. Just look at another threads where people are happy with design/apps/etc.

Regarding the thread, I do think it's a hardware issue cause by the new firmware, I didn't had the jumping screen on cyan, so something has changed, some values for display are adjusted and they seem to trigger this.
I couldn't find a pattern why it happens, it seems to be casually popping up whenever it feels like it, even on basic tasks that are no way demanding.

Sometimes I am very sad Microsoft doesn't get the same criticism from the media like Apple does. If the iPhone had the jumping screen, the whole IT media would start bombing Apple "how could you release the OS/fw with this bug?".
Just to add info, I'm not seeing this jumping on my Denim 930 h/w revision Perhaps Denim only triggers this in older h/w revisions?
Noticed something interesting last nigh, way playing around with my wifes Lumia 635 and low and behold the screen started to flicker, not to the same degree as the 930 but it definitely did flicker.
I never had this flicking issue but its started after I did the Denim update. Can't find a solution
The flickering issue is caused by the interference generated when your signal is less than 3G, ie: G or E.

Test it for yourself. When you notice the flickering, check your signal rating. This is due to improper hardware shielding and the AMOLED screen used in production.
I experience a little flickering with mine, especially in Photos.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I love my 930. It doesn't overheat at all but may hey a little warm with long usage like yesterday when Skyped for over an hour. Even then it was fine. I have just noticed however that the screen does flicker ever so slightly from time to time. I mean like 1% and even then its slight. Perhaps in IE is when it happens. I'm not too concerned cause its extremely minimal....nothing like described above.
This jumping/unresponsive screen issue just appeared a few months ago, for me. Always on Cyan 8.1.1. Haven't got Denim yet. I setup Kids Corner the other day as I had read it was a "fix" for a screen sensitivity issue. Figured it couldn't hurt. Well, I haven't had this screen jumping issue since and its been a week or so. Interesting.

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