Icon rebooting


New member
Mar 8, 2014
I just picked up my Lumia icon today and I am enjoying it a lot. But just a few moments ago my phone just rebooted by itself for no reason. I can't find any threads about it and was wondering if I should try to return this phone to get a different one. I'm a little concerned that it did this. Any ideas?
You have 14 days to return it for full credit or exchange so I would give it a couple of days and see if it happens again.
Yea that's what I planned on. Has anyone else had this happen? The only thing I did before it happened was send a few pictures to my friend.
Mines rebooted the first day I got it. Its all random but I do notice it only does it when its on WiFi. Software bug im sure. I turn on use data when WiFi is limited and it seem to help
I just picked up my Lumia icon today and I am enjoying it a lot. But just a few moments ago my phone just rebooted by itself for no reason. I can't find any threads about it and was wondering if I should try to return this phone to get a different one. I'm a little concerned that it did this. Any ideas?

That's odd. I've heard of it happening once or twice to people and then improving tremendously. I have not had a random reboot happen to my Icon yet.
So far my Icon has been the most stable WP I've owned. The 928 would randomly stop receiving data and reboot for seemingly no reason from time to time. But as of yet (3 weeks) no such problems with the Icon. The Trophy and 8X had their problems too.

I think I'd give it a few days and see how it goes. Then two, with 8.1 just around the corner this could all change. Hopefully they get it right by the time VZW decides to update to the new version. Knowing VZW though this could be a great Christmas gift for us Icon owners. Haha
My phone just reboot again on its own. I'm disable WiFi for a few days and see if it helps. So far it reboot 6 times since I got it 4 days ago. All times with WiFi being on
My phone just reboot again on its own. I'm disable WiFi for a few days and see if it helps. So far it reboot 6 times since I got it 4 days ago. All times with WiFi being on

Something is seriously wrong with that phone. I'd swap it while you can.

Mine has done this exactly once, while I was driving. I've had it since launch day.
Mine rebooted on its own yesterday. I've had it for over two weeks now, yesterday was the first I've seen it do that. It hasn't rebooted again since. I'm not sure what caused it.
My phone just reboot again on its own. I'm disable WiFi for a few days and see if it helps. So far it reboot 6 times since I got it 4 days ago. All times with WiFi being on

You could have an app that is unstable. Try uninstalling any apps that you installed or updated four days ago.
I have nothing allow to run in the background besides Bing weather, the rest is blocked. Besides random rebooting I also WiFi issues too. After reading the post about this same problem from other members,Im starting to believe its just software bugs.
I guess the reboot is not happening to everyone. I just got done reading the sticky post on bugs and defects and its a lot of members with this issue.I even called Verizon customer service asking them if its a known issue and of couse they say no. I have 30 days to exchange a brand new one so ill continue to monitor for it. I turn off WiFi and test it from there,always happens with it on.
The phone reboots when its running slow to clear memory cache so that it will run smoother or so I have heard/read in the another thread.

But I would just return it and get another one.
The 1520 just got a firmware update fixing bugs. I hope we get one too since the Icon is almost the same phone with a 5inch screen.
The phone reboots when its running slow to clear memory cache so that it will run smoother or so I have heard/read in the another thread.

But I would just return it and get another one.

As someone who worked on the OS, that is not true. The OS should never call for a reboot unless it has actually crashed or detected a hardware problem.

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