Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

I am happy we are getting Denim but I still have a hard time getting past the way Verizon has treated us WP customers for months and months, only a few vague statements about the status of the Icon, the last update 05/2014, and the overall way VZ treats the WP platform is not easy to forgive or forget imho even with the good news of the release of Denim
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Yeah, I'd rather have gotten Cyan sooner and waited longer for Denim myself... In Cyan there are features I'll actually use a lot.
But I'm glad there was finally good news! Let's just hope it comes in EARLY 2015.
I'm not going to complain, but I'm also not going to jump up and down over an "early 2015" release. Verizon still screwed this up and I'll remember that when it comes time to renew. Not that it will matter to them....

Think about it another way....They skipped Cyan because of issues(rumors who really knows for sure) but, odds are higher, we will get Denim before most other carriers. That is a perk no matter on how you look at it..

After all, if you were the one of them who installed the DP when it was available, you had 95-98% of what Cyan offered anyway.

I've actually been looking forward to the feature set in Denim more than getting Cyan (got everything with the DP), that "Hey Cortana" feature is something I will use every day and 4K video recording with my new 4K tv (in about 2 weeks), epic...

Never mind taking a picture in 1/4 of the time would be epic, so many shots that I wont miss any more...
Think about it another way....They skipped Cyan because of issues(rumors who really knows for sure) but, odds are higher, we will get Denim before most other carriers. That is a perk no matter on how you look at it..

After all, if you were the one of them who installed the DP when it was available, you had 95-98% of what Cyan offered anyway.

I've actually been looking forward to the feature set in Denim more than getting Cyan (got everything with the DP), that "Hey Cortana" feature is something I will use every day and 4K video recording with my new 4K tv (in about 2 weeks), epic...

Never mind taking a picture in 1/4 of the time would be epic, so many shots that I wont miss any more...

This is all true. It's a slight "feel good". I'm still gonna be mad though. I know nothing else.

Happy Festivus to my Icon brethren.

Airing of grievances in 3, 2, 1...go.
Yeah, I really look at this (to borrow a phrase from American football) as they "punted for field position"

They either got behind the testing curve with Cyan, or there were issues with it, or both that it did likely become more expedient for them to put their resourced into Denim. Having it out on the 928, which isn't far off from the Icon hardware wise, shows Denim works across the device and the network.

I imagine Vzw is staging the rollout in order to catch any final bugs in the rollout process, ease the potential burden on support staff over the holidays, and perhaps final testing of the advanced features the Icon supports.
Think about it another way....They skipped Cyan because of issues(rumors who really knows for sure) but, odds are higher, we will get Denim before most other carriers. That is a perk no matter on how you look at it..

After all, if you were the one of them who installed the DP when it was available, you had 95-98% of what Cyan offered anyway.

I've actually been looking forward to the feature set in Denim more than getting Cyan (got everything with the DP), that "Hey Cortana" feature is something I will use every day and 4K video recording with my new 4K tv (in about 2 weeks), epic...

Never mind taking a picture in 1/4 of the time would be epic, so many shots that I wont miss any more...

Ansel Adams, a very famous photographer. He used to talk nice black and white landscape pictures all over the American west. He used to shoot these images with a large format glass plate camera. It's said that he would "see" an image and proceed to set up his camera. Those lager format cameras are very time consuming, and took a long time getting the tripod and camera into position. After finally getting the camera into position and ready to take the picture, if the lighting would have changed and the "image" was gone. He would not take any pictures and proceed to packing everything up. However, when he did happen to capture an image they are all breathtaking.
Taking a picture is worth waiting for, and the best images are worth taking your time. In a way I'm still an old school photographer, and I have never been bothered by the shutter lag of the Icon,
Ansel Adams, a very famous photographer. He used to talk nice black and white landscape pictures all over the American west. He used to shoot these images with a large format glass plate camera. It's said that he would "see" an image and proceed to set up his camera. Those lager format cameras are very time consuming, and took a long time getting the tripod and camera into position. After finally getting the camera into position and ready to take the picture, if the lighting would have changed and the "image" was gone. He would not take any pictures and proceed to packing everything up. However, when he did happen to capture an image they are all breathtaking.
Taking a picture is worth waiting for, and the best images are worth taking your time. In a way I'm still an old school photographer, and I have never been bothered by the shutter lag of the Icon,

Nice story, just not all that relevant. Many, probably most, people want to use their phone camera for quick shots during everyday life. At games, out with friends, gatherings, whatever. We're not using them to produce works of art.
Hey I understand your point fully, and once you use the camera for the first few times you should be able to figure out the short comings of the camera. Then once you know how the camera works and you knew about the shutter lag, you should be able to compensate for that. Just like some high end DSLR's they too have shutter lag but it doesn't stop those users from still getting their jobs done. It's not the camera that makes the image it's what's behind the camera that makes the difference...
High end DSLRs do not have shutter lag. The Icon can take a second or two (sometimes more) to focus and shoot.
Wow really, they don't, both of my Mamiya's have shutter lag, my Hasselblad.'s too have shutter lag, my EOS 1Dx also had slight lag, and so do all 4 of my 1D Mark IV's. With the Canons is not so much shutter lag but when using some lenses that's are not the "red line" pro lenses they do focus slower. Now I also have a couple Nikon D3s' and those to have focus lag, allot more so then the Canon cameras. So yes, high end "pro" cameras do have leg...

If your Icon is talking more then 1-2 second or more to focus, you may want to look at your subject and try to find a way to illuminate it better to help the focus...
Since the 928 and 822 are getting Denim now, then I expect the Icon to get it in January (February at the latest). Which by definition is "early 2015."

What will the main post in the Icon forum become once Denim actually drops?

a. Denim hasn't fixed the loading screens of wifi problems.
b. Denim fixed all lingering issues
c Official Windows 10
What will the main post in the Icon forum become once Denim actually drops?

a. Denim hasn't fixed the loading screens of wifi problems.
b. Denim fixed all lingering issues
c Official Windows 10

d. I miss the wake delay and want it back.
I seriously doubt the Wi-Fi problems can be fixed actually. My Icon is so much worse when it comes to reception than everything else I have that it seems most likely a hardware issue.
So I'm guessing that will be the most common complaint :)
Nice story, just not all that relevant. Many, probably most, people want to use their phone camera for quick shots during everyday life. At games, out with friends, gatherings, whatever. We're not using them to produce works of art.

I think what he is saying that if Ansel Adams were around today and had an Icon, he would love it!
Did Verizon actually say something about Denim? I though it was only Joe's tweet. Maybe I missed it...
I think what he is saying that if Ansel Adams were around today and had an Icon, he would love it!
You know, you are actually right, I have a problem with word vomit, so it makes it hard for me to simplify my point.
But I know that the Icons cameras is slow, but it can be worked with. I really think my point was to take your time with the camera (or any camera for that matter) and your pictures will more than likely be a little better.
Still using Ansel Adams as an example. Even though it took almost 30 minutes to set up his camera, then using shutter speeds of minutes not fractions of a second, he knew how to make his camera capture the images as he wanted.
When taking pictures instead of just pressing the button and hoping your picture come out nice, take your time and wait for the right moment. You know what kind of camera lag you are working with so you need to learn how to work with that and anticipate the proper moment.
Talking action pictures outside there should be no problem getting the good shots, indoors is a little more tricky, but the Icon had a 2 stage shutter button. So just like with the high end cameras, pre focus then shoot when the moment is right. the camera has "face tracking" so once you pre focus on someones face, the camera will keep focus locked until you release the shutter button. With the Nokia camera (not the Microsoft camera) you can take 3 pictures in just a little over 1 second. That's really not too bad The biggest problem with the cameras lag is focusing. Low light will make that worse, but if you pre focus that lag is nearly eliminated.

Like I said earlier I have a problem with word vomit, so to try and simplify this, slow down and take a couple great pictures instead of 5, 10, or 15 mediocre ones. The camera in this phone IS one of the best cellphone cameras that I have ever used.
We're not using them to produce works of art.

Who's this "we"? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Don't throw the "we" word around when making comments like this. There are people, like me, who like to actually like to produce works of art; and be careful how you define what a work of art is.

I took this work of art a couple weeks ago out at Waimanalo Bay while camping with my daughter.

Did Verizon actually say something about Denim? I though it was only Joe's tweet. Maybe I missed it...

Verizon never says anything in advance. Joe likely tweeted that to keep us Icon owners from COMPLETELY losing our minds when Verizon announced WP8.1/Denim being released for the 822 and 928 and said nothing about the Icon.

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