I think what he is saying that if Ansel Adams were around today and had an Icon, he would love it!
You know, you are actually right, I have a problem with word vomit, so it makes it hard for me to simplify my point.
But I know that the Icons cameras is slow, but it can be worked with. I really think my point was to take your time with the camera (or any camera for that matter) and your pictures will more than likely be a little better.
Still using Ansel Adams as an example. Even though it took almost 30 minutes to set up his camera, then using shutter speeds of minutes not fractions of a second, he knew how to make his camera capture the images as he wanted.
When taking pictures instead of just pressing the button and hoping your picture come out nice, take your time and wait for the right moment. You know what kind of camera lag you are working with so you need to learn how to work with that and anticipate the proper moment.
Talking action pictures outside there should be no problem getting the good shots, indoors is a little more tricky, but the Icon had a 2 stage shutter button. So just like with the high end cameras, pre focus then shoot when the moment is right. the camera has "face tracking" so once you pre focus on someones face, the camera will keep focus locked until you release the shutter button. With the Nokia camera (not the Microsoft camera) you can take 3 pictures in just a little over 1 second. That's really not too bad The biggest problem with the cameras lag is focusing. Low light will make that worse, but if you pre focus that lag is nearly eliminated.
Like I said earlier I have a problem with word vomit, so to try and simplify this, slow down and take a couple great pictures instead of 5, 10, or 15 mediocre ones. The camera in this phone IS one of the best cellphone cameras that I have ever used.