Official Windows 10 for the Icon thread ? ! ?


Active member
Feb 18, 2011
This time around, I figure I will start this thread.

The Preview was released today for some phones but, of course the ICON/929 is not on the list.

Let's get these thread started by tracking the process or status on the ICON getting Windows 10 for phone.

Also please heed Rubino's warnings here. From the Editor's Desk ? Should you (hack) install Windows 10 on your phone? | Windows Central

I wouldn't dare hack my precious Icon.

And people with a 930 (according to XDA) said it was running great with no major issues. I am not one who was going to jump on it till MS releases a preview but, I am sure there are a few who did the "hack" just wondering their results....

There is always a few more daring people than myself or I guess if I had 2 ICONs, I might play...

When they release the version that will work on the ICON, will you install it ?
As much as I would like to say I'll play it safe, I'll probably install it as soon as its made available for my Icon. lol
I was considering hacking it, but I may wait even a few builds after the one for flagships is released.
I'll wait. I use it and enjoy it on my Lumia 635, but interface-wise Windows 10 is far from prime-time ready. It's kind of a mess right now, and not worth going the "hacking" route for.

Though it runs very good on my 635, so I'm looking forward to putting it on my Icon when the Preview for Developers version comes out - which I assume is what we will have to use for the Icon, since I doubt Verizon will release it to us officially. Actually, I'll probably put on the Insider version too when it comes out, it's stable enough on my 635. Just want to make sure that someone else tries it first. ;)
As much as I would like to say I'll play it safe, I'll probably install it as soon as its made available for my Icon. lol

Well, Microsoft did say it does have a roll back feature built in, **IF** it works like it should, it might be worthy to check it out.

I'm thinking I will but, of course, I will watch on here a little to see what issues people are having. If for the most part everything I use day to day works, then I will go for it...
Well, Microsoft did say it does have a roll back feature built in, **IF** it works like it should, it might be worthy to check it out.

I'm thinking I will but, of course, I will watch on here a little to see what issues people are having. If for the most part everything I use day to day works, then I will go for it...

I'm glad you can roll back the phone. Of course you can undo an error that happens on the phone.

But can you undo a dropped conference call? What about a text message that gets lost in space? How about GPS locking up on you when you're on the road? What about a repetitive process that ends up burning your phone? All of those things are plausible in technical previews - especially when run on devices aren't yet approved.

Play it safe, people. I didn't advise friends to run Windows 10 Technical Preview as their main OS on their main PC - and I definitely wouldn't advise people to run the mobile version on their daily driver.
I'm waiting. With Denim, I have everything I want and need for now.

When there's an RTM build available through the preview, I'm in.
Well, Microsoft did say it does have a roll back feature built in, **IF** it works like it should, it might be worthy to check it out.
It's not really a built in "roll back feature", it's just Lumia Software Recovery Tool that you can use to do a wipe and reset. You'd lose all data on the phone, as you would with a regular hard reset (or use a backup to get it restored).
Backup and restore - Microsoft Windows
I'm with Indistinguishable. I recommend holding off on Windows 10 for now. Especially, if the phone is your primary way of communicating. Yes, you can always hard reset and go back to WP8.1/Denim, but if you were unable to back up your data it's gone.

I'll probably wait until it is released as a developer preview. DP is essentially a finished product that is released to developers to test their apps on.

Since WP8.1/Denim is working so well, I may just hold off until the next Verizon Windows Phone comes out.
I'm with Indistinguishable. I recommend holding off on Windows 10 for now. Especially, if the phone is your primary way of communicating. Yes, you can always hard reset and go back to WP8.1/Denim, but if you were unable to back up your data it's gone.

I'll probably wait until it is released as a developer preview. DP is essentially a finished product that is released to developers to test their apps on.

Since WP8.1/Denim is working so well, I may just hold off until the next Verizon Windows Phone comes out.

I agree with this, except I'm getting an AT&T or unlocked phone next. No more Verizon :p
Yea, like I said, I am not going to hack it into my phone.... Come on MS release it for the 930/929, so we can check it out.

I wish there was a true way to back up your phone to a full image. You used to be able to do that with WP7 with a small script for Zune. It would make a full IMAGE of your phone.

As we have learned APP backup is worthless unless devs update their apps, as we know there are a ton of WP apps that are never updated, nor will devs enable this feature.

Was there ever a list of apps that actually supported App backup ?
So, anyone with a ICON try the hack to update to Windows 10 ? If so, what is your results ?

For how to do it, here's the source... Warning, a hard reset is needed..

HOWTO: Install Windows 10 for Phones on Non-… | Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking | XDA Forums

Yeah I did it, but wasn't able to get the MMS APN settings to show up so went back to 8.1 (there is a way to use the Windows Insider app to write to the registry to enable it).

Overall it was better than on my 1520, but not great. Didn't lag as much, which I attribute to the Denim drivers vs Cyan, but its definitely a work in progress

I used the Chinese method from XDA to do it, as the Fiddler method didn't work for the Icon (did work on 1520)

Interestingly, by trying out the Fiddler method and playing with the WPFlights.xml file, I was able to basically turn my Icon into the 930. Calls, internet, SMS and mms all work on AT&T but no LTE unfortunately. I posted my XML code in the XDA thread if any of you want to unshackle yourselves from Verizon

I switched to get away from Verizon and had to get a 1520, now free to use my favorite phone again
I'm pretty sure all of that is already the case with the Icon on AT&T. Calls, data, sms, & mms - but no LTE.

Yeah, I've seen other people say the same. The Icon is already unlocked and ready to be used on any GSM network, but the LTE bands are incompatible.
Yeah, I've seen other people say the same. The Icon is already unlocked and ready to be used on any GSM network, but the LTE bands are incompatible.

It will work internationally on LTE. TELUS in Canada, as well as at least one or two LTE networks in Mexico that I know of. There are probably others; as long as the LTE band is compatible, and you have an activated SIM it will work. It's the MMS settings, I think, that make it problematic.

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