Icon Ringer Volume

Adam Skoog

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Mar 17, 2016
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Wondering if this is just something I have to live with or if there is a fix for it. I just switched from my HTC M8 for Windows to a Nokia Icon, and the ringer volume is so low I can't hardly hear it. Almost overslept this morning due to it, using the same ring tone file I had on my m8 which was quite loud enough to make me jump. I realize the speaker situation is much different on the phones, but it certainly seems like it should be much louder than it is. I can barely hear is when it's on the table near me (at 10 mind you), yet alone in my pocket.

I was thinking about redoing my ringtones and pumping the gain up a bit to see if that will help. Any settings to check, or maybe a bug that is outstanding that has been stated my MS?

I'm on OS Build: 10.0.14385.0

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Wondering if this is just something I have to live with or if there is a fix for it. I just switched from my HTC M8 for Windows to a Nokia Icon, and the ringer volume is so low I can't hardly hear it. Almost overslept this morning due to it, using the same ring tone file I had on my m8 which was quite loud enough to make me jump. I realize the speaker situation is much different on the phones, but it certainly seems like it should be much louder than it is. I can barely hear is when it's on the table near me (at 10 mind you), yet alone in my pocket.

I was thinking about redoing my ringtones and pumping the gain up a bit to see if that will help. Any settings to check, or maybe a bug that is outstanding that has been stated my MS?

I'm on OS Build: 10.0.14385.0

did you have the issue before you went to fast insider ring?

Adam Skoog

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Mar 17, 2016
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Honestly, I don't know. I upgraded it right away. Didn't get any phone calls or anything in that time. I just received the phone on Friday.

Adam Skoog

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Mar 17, 2016
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Ok, just wondering if this was a known thing. I found some posts from 2014 about the icon having this issue on windows phone 8. For the time being I have redone my ringers to have +7db and it seems to have made them audible. Luckily I don't really use the defaults (which are the same volume). Definitely not an issue with the speaker, it sounds great at the louder db.

I might try a hard reset and see if it does anything, just can't until this weekend. Soft reset didn't seem to do anything.


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Dec 12, 2014
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I just got a like new icon. And for me the ringer is not as loud as my Nokia 928. It's not an issue for me but I did notice it too. One thing in might add it once I got my phone updated to win 10 then enrolled in the slow ring. I deleted all the dead 8.1 apps and did a backup and hard reset. That has fixed a lot of the issues I had. Volume, battery drain, heat... You may want to try that


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Jul 31, 2015
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Aaronth26: Is your compass and screen rotation working (within the photo app and playing a video from YouTube)? I'm on build 14393 and those got broke. Started with build 14390. Compass will not work at all and apps that use it say no compass found. We have 6 Icons and 4 of the 6 have the no compass problem and all have issues with screen rotation.

Adam Skoog

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Mar 17, 2016
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I finally managed to get logged back in so I could post. My issue above actually ended up being that there was a film of gunk (this was a reman phone) over the speaker grill. I carefully took a paper clip and cleaned it off. Was much better after that, still not as good as my M8, but livable.

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