Tough Choice between Carrier & Lumia lol

Nov 20, 2012
So I think I am finally going to end my 2 week affair with the iPhone this weekend(and sell it) however I am not sure what my game plan is :D

I am on T-Mobile and aside from non-existent coverage in my home(both here in NC and California) which means I am highly dpendent on wifi calling, it appears to work in pretty much every place there.

I thought about buying the Lumia 640 with T-Mobile as a hold out until the new flagship Lumias(or whatever windows phones are out then).

My reason being is...I am already on T-Mobile and I paid them $100 in the last 2 weeks(I was on Prepaid and then they credited me a month of service when I moved over to Simple Choice and I had to pay a $50 deposit). There was some discrepancy about the T-Mobile deposit but if I do cancel, I may be able to get it back but still I haven't actually used my full month of service with them therefore i'd be losing cash still.

(When did I get so cheap? LOL)

I do still have my Lumia 640 XL that is fully unlocked and can work with T-Mobile therefore I don't need to buy a new phone but since it is not a T-Mobile phone it lacks the one thing I actually need...Wifi calling so i'll have no coverage whatsoever with it.

I could switch back to Att today and call it a day but ehhh......

If I stayed with Tmobile and got the Lumia 640, I plan to sell both my IPhone 6 and my Lumia 640 XL....but I am not sure if it is smart to go and buy another phone

Or should I switch back to Att lol....I did their gophone and I wasn't too impressed with their customer service and they appear to lack many incentives T-Mobile has and what not plus the plans offer you a lot more.

Of course should I be without wifi my cell won't work at all with T-Mobile.That can be during a big storm or an outage. I've had a few glitches here and there for a few mins. But nothing too bad.
I never had a problem with AT&T's customer service myself. They have been on point every step of the way. But if the question is having access to phone service seems the choice is clear. T-Mo. As far as the phone goes, I'm not sure you can get to LTE speeds using the XL on T-Mo. Its not something you talked about so maybe its not a thang. I can't say what you need to do with all your phone gear but the 640 XL in T-Mo seems to be the obvious choice.
If you can't receive any t-mobile signal in your home ask them about getting a signal booster. I believe they provide that for free.
Seems that I've seen advertised a signal booster that attaches outdoors, and has cable that takes it to an indoor antennae for rebroadcast. Can't remember where, but something like that is what would be needed. I imagine that would be a costly alternative if T-Mo didn't provide that sort. You'd only need one bar outside to get full bars inside that way.
Such a difficult choice really. Considering the fact that if I go like two houses down I can get a signal with tmobile.

Although last night I randomly saw one or two bars pop up for a few second only to disappear a few later.
Unfortunately for me only one of the four carriers have signal in my area, which is Verizon. So I'm limited on lumias. I do have the 928, icon, and 735 though 😁
I can honestly see them throwing the 735 aside with a couple months. I was surprised though. When I picked this guy up, the reps loved it and said it was a potential iPhone "killer." They even had all the tvs in the store advertising it

Ha yeah I would go to Verizon if they had decent windows phones too.
I can honestly see them throwing the 735 aside with a couple months. I was surprised though. When I picked this guy up, the reps loved it and said it was a potential iPhone "killer." They even had all the tvs in the store advertising it

Verizon is one carrier I am not sure I'd bet my windows phone on. They had the second best windows phone after the 1520, the lumia icon and screwed it over.

sent from my iPhone...asking myself why I own one
Such a difficult choice really. Considering the fact that if I go like two houses down I can get a signal with tmobile.

Although last night I randomly saw one or two bars pop up for a few second only to disappear a few later.

If you got one or two bars for a second In your home, a Wilson signal booster will work for you. When I was running my old black berry pearl, I had one mounted in my jeep for keeping signal while on the road. Places that were originally out of touch, now had full bars. I would seriously try that first. And, being proactive, how much do you want for your xl?
If you got one or two bars for a second In your home, a Wilson signal booster will work for you. When I was running my old black berry pearl, I had one mounted in my jeep for keeping signal while on the road. Places that were originally out of touch, now had full bars. I would seriously try that first. And, being proactive, how much do you want for your xl?

I'd probably sell it for $150 or so. Not entirely sure lol never sold a phone before :P And unfortunately without wifi calling, I'm stuck with nothing :P
hmmmmm. I am temped. I will let you know. but in the meantime. Research Wilson's boosters. They work wonders!
I left T-Mo because of poor penetration indoors at my home.

I switched to an AT&T mvno. No issues now and I'm saving money.

iPhone 6 should have a good resale and you pay off your T-Mo obligation.

Check B&H Photo for a Factory Unlocked phone at a good price.
I'd probably sell it for $150 or so. Not entirely sure lol never sold a phone before :P And unfortunately without wifi calling, I'm stuck with nothing :P

T-Mobile gives out free signal boosters and routers. You should check with them first.
T-Mobile gives out free signal boosters and routers. You should check with them first.
Yea I know but the downside is that it requires you to have at least 1 bar of signal for it to boost and i don't have that.

I left T-Mo because of poor penetration indoors at my home.

I switched to an AT&T mvno. No issues now and I'm saving money.

iPhone 6 should have a good resale and you pay off your T-Mo obligation.

Check B&H Photo for a Factory Unlocked phone at a good price.

Which mvno are you using.

Care to explain your iphone 6 experience with us?

In a word....subpar. Lol
Which mvno are you using.

When I was on T-Mo it was odd. If I drove from Springfield to KC MO or St Louis there were long stretches of highway where I'd have no data and some areas with no signal. In the 2010's in the heart of America!!! But when I went to Europe last year I had free data and SMS all over the place... And almost no signal ever in the house or some commercial buildings. Only EDGE at my in-law's house. I loved Simple Choice and the perks with T-Mo but spotty coverage killed it for me.

I'm on Straight Talk right now, with an ATT flavor SIM. $45/month and they give you 5GB of high speed IF you Bring Your Own Phone. I've been there done that with ST a few times and it works pretty well.

If I was moving a whole family, I would look at Cricket and their multi-line discount.

I'm also heavily considering going Dual SIM for separate voice and data.
When I was on T-Mo it was odd. If I drove from Springfield to KC MO or St Louis there were long stretches of highway where I'd have no data and some areas with no signal. In the 2010's in the heart of America!!! But when I went to Europe last year I had free data and SMS all over the place... And almost no signal ever in the house or some commercial buildings. Only EDGE at my in-law's house. I loved Simple Choice and the perks with T-Mo but spotty coverage killed it for me.

I'm on Straight Talk right now, with an ATT flavor SIM. $45/month and they give you 5GB of high speed IF you Bring Your Own Phone. I've been there done that with ST a few times and it works pretty well.

If I was moving a whole family, I would look at Cricket and their multi-line discount.

I'm also heavily considering going Dual SIM for separate voice and data.

Yeah I absolutely love what tmobile is doing the mobile industry at present. I realize that is why i am going through this much effort to stay with them because I like supporting companies what least appear to have their customers somewhat in mind and offering quality customer service.

Problem is, as you said coverage.

I do have my lumia 640 xl and it ia dual sim unblocked and it works marvellously. I loved it with att gophone and how it worked with another carrier simultaneously. I just hated their outsourced customer service.

I did buy myself a lumia 640 T-Mobile version from walmart ti continue using with my simple choice but I am asking myself is that crazy since I have a perfectly working Lumiaxl. Granted I can sell I and make the money back from the tmobile phone but then it's like am I crazy foe going through this effort for tmobile. Im more concerned about coverage in ny home. But I guess wifi calling solves the lack of coverage unless you know your wifi or power is out.

I've heard of straight talk. My mom used them briefly. I hate outsourced support and i had ti deal with them and they just annoyed me. I also heard that they can drop you at anytime with no warning for using too much data. My friend said supposedly they got shut down for consuming lot of data without realizing they were doing it. Instead of just suspending data for the month the whole account was closed.

I've wanted to give cricket a go myself myself only because it is cheaper than att but ive read some bad things about cricketing howardforums.

I honestly don't know what to do I regards to my situation with tmobile hahaha.

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