Windows 10 Mobile to everyone for Christmas!


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
Santa Claus is a close friend of the family here, and I was speaking to him about the Windows 10 Mobile situation, and how it is likely that carriers may block current phones from getting updates. He actually uses a Windows Phone himself, and thinks everyone should be. He gave me some information concerning his plan for it.

While the Microsoft employees are on their holiday vacation, and the buildings at Microsoft are locked up tight, Santa is going to go down the chimney, let in his elves through the front door, find Gabe's office, and push the button to send out the update to every phone running Windows 8.1 in the world. Once the Windows Phone 8.1 devices have been updated, they are going to push out an update for Windows 10 Mobile to be installed on all iOS and Android devices. Santa is magic, so he can bypass all carrier and manufacturer restrictions and get it done.

Expect your phones (all of them, including your old Symbian flip phone) to be running Windows 10 Mobile by Christmas morning.

Ho Ho Ho!

:wink: (The wink emoticon used for those that need it in order to tell this post was all in fun. I know it can be hard to tell in plain written text.)
Wow, looking forward to getting my washing machine updated then..!

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