Have you ever wished you could go back to using a dumbphone?


New member
Sep 28, 2014
I know, you think I've lost my mind. Hear me out - just for fun!

I'm tired of Google and the likes interfering with my life.
I'm tired of needing an app for everything.
I'm tired of having to charge my phone every night.
I'm tired of feeling I have to check my email every 5 minutes.
I'm tired of phones getting bigger and bigger!

With the move away from desktops, and mobile devices that can do most everything a desktop can (think SP4 which isn't difficult to carry where you need it), wouldn't it be nice to have the device you carry 24/7 just be for calls, texting, maybe weather, etc.? Just think how more enjoyable life could be.

Need to do banking? How about doing it on your laptop when you get home.
Want to surf the web? Your SP4 is the perfect choice (its in your backpack)
Need to make an important phone call? Guess what? Your battery isn't nearly dead!

Though I love this hobby, trying new features, arguing whether WM is dead, I long for a simpler way.

Agree with me? Lets hear your thoughts.

Disagree and think I'm nuts? That's OK, maybe you can recommend a good therapist. 😉
I could go back to the dumb phone.
Thought about it many times.
The wife would toss her iPhone in a second I think...just not that into it.

I have to say I'm not that bugged by Google tracking me.
Then again the logistics of having a smartphone can be overwhelming for someone like myself.
Never used to worry about not having a phone on me...now I find myself remembering to always grab the phone.

Great thread @TgeekB
Would make things simpler. Wouldn't have to worry about always being accessible and being able to work from everywhere. Charge my phone once a week or two haha. Sounds pretty good actually.
Get an iPhone SE. Long battery life, right size which is not very much bigger or heavier than a dumb phone. Most importantly, it's dumb and static. A truly modern dumb phone.
haha oh man I actually thought about the same thing like two weeks ago. I was lamenting the simplicity of the old days when I remembered my Kin TWOm. That thing was boss to type on. And it was such a nice device for doing the basics. I don't think you can even find a new phone with a slide out, landscape keyboard. I'd love to see a physical landscape keyboard again on anything. The only thing better than auto correct is typing it right the first time, lol. And I don't think I would mind using my tablet for on the go emails and such, but ultimately, there's too much convenience to having a smartphone now. I'm always checking my calendar for updates and it's just easier and faster to do on my phone. However, show me a bad arse feature phone with integrated Outlook, landscape physical keyboard, and a decent processor and I might give it a look.
Yes, when I long for simpler times and less stressed eyes. I think the world would be better off if people were staring at their smartphones a lot less.
I read this title and thought that it was kind of crazy but I get your point here. I also like this thread idea @TgeekB !

I don't think I can...and I didn't get my first smartphone until 2014. I understand where you are coming from but in my eyes, it would be a loss to not be able to read books wherever I want to, which I LOVE doing.

I have an hour break/lunch at work and one of the things I really look forward to is reading whatever book on my phone while drinking and/or eating.

Edit: I'm aware that I can do this with the Kindle but that would be another thing to carry. I like to carry as few things as possible in my day to day. I have a purse but it's a small one that's only meant to fit what's necessary.
Thanks for the responses everyone. So instead of jumping off the roof, I decided to start at a lower level. I pulled my 920 out of the drawer and stripped it of Twitter and all the other annoying things I do not need. Just the basics. Let's see how this goes.
Thanks for the responses everyone. So instead of jumping off the roof, I decided to start at a lower level. I pulled my 920 out of the drawer and stripped it of Twitter and all the other annoying things I do not need. Just the basics. Let's see how this goes.

Oh man. I love me some Twitter. Good luck with that!
One reason I've always kept my 925 close.
Sometimes it's kept off for days...I always find myself returning to the great and simply elegant days of WP 8.1.
I couldn't. The phone is what I use the least. I'm too dependent on the apps and the web to use anything but a smartphone.
Thanks for the responses everyone. So instead of jumping off the roof, I decided to start at a lower level. I pulled my 920 out of the drawer and stripped it of Twitter and all the other annoying things I do not need. Just the basics. Let's see how this goes.

Whoa! Please share how this goes for you, I'm very curious.

How long will you try this out for? A week? A day? 2 weeks?
Want to surf the web? Your SP4 is the perfect choice (its in your backpack)
If it had cellular then maybe. I gave up on my SP3 because I rarely got a good WiFi outside work or home. Kind of became a redundant device.

Sent from mTalk
I guess I was the right age in the pre-smartphone era when all my friends were so excited when they all started to get "feature phones" or "messaging phones" with slide out or hinged keyboards to allow for better typing. These days, I wonder what the heck everyone was doing on their phones so much then. Being able to do email, web, maps, etc I just wouldn't easily be able to go back. I'm in the same boat as @Laura Knotek ...using the phone to call or SMS others is sort of an afterthought
Give me a 3310 (2017) with 3G (4G would be nice though) and I'll switch back to a dumbphone.
Disagree and think I'm nuts? That's OK, maybe you can recommend a good therapist. ??????

I can't recommend a therapist, but you could probably find an app for that somewhere.

Dad joke aside, over the past decade, an internet connection accompanying me wherever I go meant the difference between success and failure. So a completely dumb dumbphone would be out of the question.

On the other hand, I appreciate the diversity of the older devices, even though the majority worked on symbian, they seemed to differ on the outside as well as on the inside. And no, it's not just Nokia. Moto and Ericsson too.

But it bothered me to lug a laptop to and from campus, so much so, that I detached the battery just to make it that much lighter for the hike. The fact that I can do that on the phone with a reasonably big screen makes things easier.

Maybe it's just a case of rose tinted memory. But I do miss those good old days, though I'm still grateful we are now leaps an bounds ahead.
Disagree and think I'm nuts? That's OK, maybe you can recommend a good therapist. 😉

I can't recommend a therapist, but you could probably find an app for that somewhere.

Dad joke aside, over the past decade, an internet connection accompanying me wherever I go meant the difference between success and failure. So a completely dumb dumbphone would be out of the question.

On the other hand, I appreciate the diversity of the older devices, even though the majority worked on symbian, they seemed to differ on the outside as well as on the inside. And no, it's not just Nokia. Moto and Ericsson too.

But it bothered me to lug a laptop to and from campus, so much so, that I detached the battery just to make it that much lighter for the hike. The fact that I can do that on the phone with a reasonably big screen makes things easier.

Maybe it's just a case of rose tinted memory. But I do miss those good old days, though I'm still grateful we are now leaps an bounds ahead.
Whoa! Please share how this goes for you, I'm very curious.

How long will you try this out for? A week? A day? 2 weeks?

Well, in had some issues with cell coverage. It might be settings as I haven't used it in a while. Have some investigating to do.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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