Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)?


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Aug 14, 2014
Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

Just installed Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 3 (The final version, never ran the technical preview)

and I do not see my Onedrive files stored online in the Onedrive folder in the file explorer...

When setting up onedrive in Windows 10, it asked me what files I wanted to sync or if I wanted to sync my entire onedrive with my PC, but that option wanted to store those onedrive files on my Surface, which I don't have enough storage to do...

I just want to access/view onedrive files that are online from the file explorer like in 8.1, and occasionally store a few of them offline for later access...
Same problem here! How can I move folders and make them "online only"? This screws my whole win 10 experience. Also I could not find an app. Browser only onedrive for win 10? wtf?
Re: Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

That's the new One Drive. That's how it works now.
Re: Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

Same here, i think and hope it os just a bug
Sent from Lumia 1020.
Re: Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

Same here, i think and hope it os just a bug
Sent from Lumia 1020.

Unfortunately, it's not. I've read, that MS said that Windows 8.1 OneDrive "style" was confusing for user (hard to distinguish what is available locally offline and what IS NOT). I really don't understand it, it was brilliant! You could see whole folder structure and while you need it, you just doubleclick, it seamlessly downloads and you work with your files.

Blah, hope they will announce it back again soon, as it was popular demand.
Re: Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

They couldn't have solved this so called "confusion", by just giving items that are "online only" a faded, washed out, ghost like appearance, (de-saturated) and leave items that are available offline and online looking normal
So if I have to put all my CLOUD files on my device, what's the meaning of having a CLOUD, I paid for extra space on my onedrive to have more space to put my backups and stuff and to be able to see those files from tablets that don't have enough space to store them up.........facepalm to you Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: the only workaround I found is to create a link in Edge to Onedrive so I can see, download and upload, but it was so simple doing all this in the windows explorer...hope they fix this
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WTF...I'm confused now. Upgraded to Win10 last night. I don't understand how OneDrive functions now!! What a MAJOR PAIN!! I don't understand this "placeholder" concept either.

Can mobile nations do a review??

Edit: I found something on Paul's site:

This is in regards to the Technical Preview. Outdated article...

8.1 usee placeholders for files not stored locally. 10 does not. OneDrive on 10 is exactly like it is on Windows 7 and OSX.
Re: Why Don't I see My Onedrive files (Windows 10)

I didn't understand all of this until I finally used Windows 10 on the account that all my OneDrive files are on. Yeah, dumb. It seemed pretty easy to see the "available online" "available offline" but I don't see that set all anymore. I do like that it specifically has a sync setting for files in the root OneDrive, since those were a pain to set up originally, but it would be nice to have an option for showing all files.
Makes you wonder, smartphones don't have the storage to store all those files and yet the onedrive apps show them and allow you to download them when you want, so how can they manage this on at least 3 separate smartphone platforms but not on their desktop OS? And with so many people with said smartphones where did they then find people so "confused" about this feature that they completely removed it with no plan on how it is going to be replaced?
Makes you wonder, smartphones don't have the storage to store all those files and yet the onedrive apps show them and allow you to download them when you want, so how can they manage this on at least 3 separate smartphone platforms but not on their desktop OS? And with so many people with said smartphones where did they then find people so "confused" about this feature that they completely removed it with no plan on how it is going to be replaced?

The issues persist in Win10 tablets. The smartphones only show photos and their respective thumbnails. They won't load without a data/wifi connection.
The issues persist in Win10 tablets. The smartphones only show photos and their respective thumbnails. They won't load without a data/wifi connection.

But the point is you can still SEE the files and know they are there. And I can see all types of files on the app on my phone, not just pictures.
But the point is you can still SEE the files and know they are there. And I can see all types of files on the app on my phone, not just pictures.
Yes, you can see your other files on the Phone, but ONLY from the One Drive app, right? Not from File Explorer?
So, can someone please explain how the 'syncing' now works? Because it isnt a sync...

When i realised I'd never fit everything on my Surface i turned off a few folders, but because some were already there from prior to upgrade i got a clash. It told me to just delete them locally and they'd remain online - that's not a sync (as you'd expect newer files to take precidence and/or deleting locally to delete online). So i'm a bit confused.

Take for example a situation that i'm thinking of doing now that I cant work the way i used to.

I have a 2015 Photos folder. I 'sync' this to my surface so everything is there.
I then add a new folder for latest photos (Lets call it Windows 10 Launch Event - W10LE)

I would expect W10LE folder to sync to online, and i imagine it will.

BUT, i then find myself needing some space back. Given the process they made me go through initially, it would seem that if i delete this folder then it will remain online, but i doubt that's the case? Is it?
So, how do i then make that folder online only?

And then, if i want it online only but want to add a new folder (as we're not out of 2015), how do I do that? Do i need to manually create that 2015 folder and then add it, or will that cause a conflict again?

It seems like they've taken a huge step back here - how this can be less confusing that Available Offline or Online Only i do not know...
Yes they have completely messed this up! It was PERFECT in Windows 8.1. I had some folders that were offline only and when I would save to them the local copy would be deleted after it uploaded to the cloud. Considering I only have a 250gb hard drive and 1TB+ in my one drive this isn't going to work for me at all. And yes I could have OneDrive sync to a location on an external HDD but doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a cloud at all?

I am afraid I'm going to have to roll back to 8.1 until they can fix this. And since Cortana doesn't sync data with my phone either there is no point of having her around on my PC either. Having to get to my files through an app or web interface is a joke especially when I am paying for my one drive storage. I expect it to work seamlessly and without extra steps.
One step forward, two steps back. They couldn't at least have given us an "Advanced Sync Options" or something when setting up Win10? Sheesh.

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