Nokia Lumia 928 vs. Samsung Galaxy 4


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Jun 12, 2013
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I'm torn between these two phones. I would be coming off a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD which has stellar battery life but a less than impressive camera which is important to me for the one off pics and videos. Android to me is just ok. It works but it somewhat buddy and slows down from time to time.

I know this is a Windows Phone forum but between the 928 and S4 which one do you think has the better camera and battery? Anyone had both?


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Oct 30, 2012
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Lumia 928 has the better camera overall i.e. Day Light + low Light. S4 has a very good camera for capturing pics in normal light but not comparable to the Lumia series in low light.

I think samsung edges out a bit in the battery department. Moreover it has a replaceable one. however with lumia u get wireless charging in built.

just a few more words.

Are you fixed on buying these? If yes, it depends on what you like. S4 has stellar internals for this generation, although some users still complain of lag which is mostly due to the Touchwiz interface and gimmicks. Lumia has top notch hardware in windows phone world. It will be very smooth and with minimal/non existent lag.

the 928 build quality is a hit and miss for many people , some like it some dont. It depends on your personal preference. The apps are coming to windows phone and they are coming fast.
According to me I feel the store is more than capable of providing very good first party and third party alternatives.

With android you might have advantages over extreme customization, notifications center, apps being more in number and sometimes more developer support.

omg, I have written a lot of words here.I will shut up now.


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Dec 27, 2012
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I haven't owned both, but I compared with a buddy who has the GS4. It's considerably lighter and thinner, and doesn't feel particularly larger overall. Nice device I'd say. I like the more substantial feel of the 928 personally, and the more premium build and materials. I haven't tested the batteries scientifically, but I imagine you'll get about a day out of either in normal use. Perhaps slightly better on the 928. The camera is definitely better on the 928, especially for video. I'm still stunned by the shots I'm able to get with the thing and the quality of the motion in the videos.


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Apr 22, 2012
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Both are excellent phones. However I just exchanged my S4 for my 928.

They both have similar camera quality, in my opinion the S4 edges out the 928 in daylight photos...but the 928 tramples it in low-light and audio/video quality.

The S4 feels much thinner, and lighter ... more pocket-able.
The 928 feels much sturdier in hand and it is difficult to keep in fitted pants with the tight corners. I usually carry to show it off anyways. ;)

928 has wireless charging built in. I am leaving work with 100% charge every day, because I just place it on charger. It's hassle free.
S4 requires a 100 dollar kit to use wireless charging.

Windows Phone and Android both have their perks. Android is great if use a lot of apps, the "latest and greatest" games, and like to have a ton of control over your phone. WP8 is just beautiful, smooth, and has a lot of popular services built right in.

I mostly use Facebook, Linked In, and Instagram. 2 of those are built right into Windows phone! Instagram now has wonderful third party apps, like instance that do the trick.

...You've got a tough decision ahead of you, but either way I am sure you'll be happy.


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Jan 31, 2013
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I would have to say they are very similar. I say save the $100 go with the 928 and use the money to get 2 wireless chargers. One for home and one for work. You will never notice your battery being low because it's so easy and effortless to charge on the go :p


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Oct 28, 2011
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The in my opinion is more stable than android and the photo quality is far superior. Window devices get a bad rap for some reason but lately I am seeing more and more people with windows phones.
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Dec 28, 2012
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Having used Android phones for year's and currently with an S4, I am considering returning it for a 928. I loved the customization of Android but am growing tired of changing this and that to get the phone to where I want it.

As for the S4, it's a nice phone with good battery life depending on your usage. I've come from several phones prior including the S3 and honestly there is not a huge jump from the 3 and 4. Samsung crammed so much into this phone, it clearly has hindered it's performance. Touchwhiz on the S3 ran smooth but the S4 stutters here and there. Despite changing launchers (I use Nova Prime) and disabling countless apps, I am not happy with the overall performance.

The S4 camera is good, has nice filters and takes good pics in brighter lighting conditions.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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May 31, 2012
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Things that annoy me on WP8:
- WhatsApp buggy sometimes
- some basic features that are missing (SMS ringtone, close apps on multitask viewer etc)

Those things are very ridiculous imho and I guess MS is not waiting too long to fix these. Team WhatsApp are about to release their newest, optimized Version for WP8. So you have to decide whether you can live with that or not. I'd say everything else is better or equally good on WP8. Most big apps are here I would say. But if you're dependent on nich? apps or wanna pull the hardware-peen you should stick to Android imho.


Sometimes I wonder whether my phone is inferior to android devices because of all their apps and customizable stuff. But then I switch on my phone and see my beautiful, personal and customized start Screen with all those beautiful apps and their cool live tiles and then I think: "That's my phone!!"


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Apr 9, 2013
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As for the S4, it's a nice phone with good battery life depending on your usage. I've come from several phones prior including the S3 and honestly there is not a huge jump from the 3 and 4. Samsung crammed so much into this phone, it clearly has hindered it's performance. Touchwhiz on the S3 ran smooth but the S4 stutters here and there. Despite changing launchers (I use Nova Prime) and disabling countless apps, I am not happy with the overall performance.

Seriously? Wow, i sold my S3 for a L920 because the TouchWiz caused all kinds of latency/lag issues with the phone...and its not like you can kill the processes, the phone is pretty much dead (ive tried many times to work around it).

When I saw my bosses S4, i thought it looked to run smoother than my old S3...but then again he had it for only 2 days at that moment.


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Jan 26, 2013
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Both r excellent devices. Choosing either is a very personal choice..
Looks, built, camera, touch, speakers, recording are better with Windows phone..
Stores can be an issue if you love downloading loads of apps or some niche apps...
Both give customization but in Windows phone is beautiful n more personal..
Look at a bigger picture...Windows phone 8.1 is round the corner which should fix the notification, control panel and multitask issues...with these addons the UI becomes comparable, with superior hardware, camera and integration across windows tablets n PC's, windows phone becomes a serious game changer..
If newly added gimmicks r imp to you then go for S4..


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May 13, 2013
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I am facing this same decision today. I have done some shifting of phones in my house over the last month. My wife said she wanted to leave iPhone, but she didn't like Android when I let her use my Note 2 (she loved the size BTW). She looked at BB Z10 and at the time the Nokia 822. Bottom line is she ended up staying with iOS and getting the iPhone 5. Hey, she picked the one that worked for her. Anyway, after all the shifting around with my wife and daughter(another story), I was left with my wife's old iPhone 4S. I did it on purpose so that I would use the next upgrade to get either the GS4 or I have been seriously considering the move to WP8 and getting the 928. All that said, I have never used a Windows Phone other than messing with it in the store. I really like the UI a lot. I think it has huge potential. I also like the Office integration as I use Outlook, Word and Excel everyday.

I think my biggest concern has been apps, but I really have been paying attention to what I use and it comes down to the basics. The biggest adjustment for me sounds like the cloud storage. I use Google Drive and Dropbox right now. My understanding is that I would need to shift to SkyDrive. Other than that I don't see a downside to going with the 928 over the GS4.


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Apr 20, 2013
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I am facing this same decision today. I have done some shifting of phones in my house over the last month. My wife said she wanted to leave iPhone, but she didn't like Android when I let her use my Note 2 (she loved the size BTW). She looked at BB Z10 and at the time the Nokia 822. Bottom line is she ended up staying with iOS and getting the iPhone 5. Hey, she picked the one that worked for her. Anyway, after all the shifting around with my wife and daughter(another story), I was left with my wife's old iPhone 4S. I did it on purpose so that I would use the next upgrade to get either the GS4 or I have been seriously considering the move to WP8 and getting the 928. All that said, I have never used a Windows Phone other than messing with it in the store. I really like the UI a lot. I think it has huge potential. I also like the Office integration as I use Outlook, Word and Excel everyday.

I think my biggest concern has been apps, but I really have been paying attention to what I use and it comes down to the basics. The biggest adjustment for me sounds like the cloud storage. I use Google Drive and Dropbox right now. My understanding is that I would need to shift to SkyDrive. Other than that I don't see a downside to going with the 928 over the GS4.

You can still use Dropbox. Skydrive is baked in, that's all. Just download one of the dropbox apps.


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Mar 27, 2013
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I am facing this same decision today. I have done some shifting of phones in my house over the last month. My wife said she wanted to leave iPhone, but she didn't like Android when I let her use my Note 2 (she loved the size BTW). She looked at BB Z10 and at the time the Nokia 822. Bottom line is she ended up staying with iOS and getting the iPhone 5. Hey, she picked the one that worked for her. Anyway, after all the shifting around with my wife and daughter(another story), I was left with my wife's old iPhone 4S. I did it on purpose so that I would use the next upgrade to get either the GS4 or I have been seriously considering the move to WP8 and getting the 928. All that said, I have never used a Windows Phone other than messing with it in the store. I really like the UI a lot. I think it has huge potential. I also like the Office integration as I use Outlook, Word and Excel everyday.

I think my biggest concern has been apps, but I really have been paying attention to what I use and it comes down to the basics. The biggest adjustment for me sounds like the cloud storage. I use Google Drive and Dropbox right now. My understanding is that I would need to shift to SkyDrive. Other than that I don't see a downside to going with the 928 over the GS4.

I switched my life over from android after several years and got everyone 928's and we all love it. The Family Room is an incredible feature of this OS (auto-syncs everything from photos, calendars, grocery lists, chores on all three phones). My wife loves the phone for all that and the amazing screen. My teen loves the free Pandora, and the XBox integration the camera... the list goes on an on.


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Nov 28, 2012
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Well, I finally broke down and did it. I picked up a S4 yesterday from a guy on Craigslist. It was literally brand new in the box with the screen protector still on it and all of the accessories still wrapped. I got it for $440, so I just couldn't pass it up. They are going for around $600 on Swappa right now, so it's an easy flip at the very least.

But now that I have it, it's making my decision hard. While I have fallen in love with WP8, I have had a huge nightmare with defective 928's. Not to mention the S4 just has so many more features and flexibility. I'm not saying that's always a good thing, but there is no denying it.

I have two days left to return my 928, so the next day is crucial for me. I am split at the moment. I love aspects of both. I guess I need to see which has the more cons for me at the moment.


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