I've been to iOS and Android for the last past years, and by December I tried WP for the first time. Nokia has some power over me, and I tend to feel compelled to buy it's products. I bought my first 1020, complete with Nokia Grip and all. It was a saturday, and by sunday I'd had it with the phone. It's shortcomings were just too much to bear.
Since selling it would set me back a great deal of money, I gave it to my wife, whose N8 (another device I bought and gave up) was diying.
I got back to my iPhone 5 for a while.
Last month, after fiddling with her 1020 a great deal, and reading a lot about 8.1, and seeing her taking awesome pics of our daughter with it (she knows even less than I do about photography, and I was then already sporting a S4 zoom!), I decided to jump into it yet again.
Got myself another 64GB Lumia 1020 and, apart from the poor Kindle app and some minor kwirks, I'm pretty happy.
I can assure you guys that people think the grass is greener outside from every OS. Android people want to go to iOS. iOS guys want to jump to Android. Both of them are very curious about WP - the only contender both admit publicly to, by the way.
So, changing OSs is a normal feeling in all platforms. I guess one must try them all and use whichever suits one's needs best. Anytime your needs or another OS change enough to prompt a change, then change.
Me? I'm very happy with the 1020. The camera is great, the phone is way better built than Apple's and Samsung's counterparts, and I can do almost as much as with iOS and Android.
Don't worry. You'll be welcome anywhere, anytime. ;^)
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