My Future with Windows Phone [Mini-Rant] lol...

Nov 20, 2012
I can't believe it but I am about to cheat on my Lumia with an iPhone...and likely not even a current iphone lol
First of all, No hate here...Just a Windows Phone fan who needed to get this out his system.

Tonight, after seeing the Maze runner, I am standing in line with friends and I may be having my own iPhone.

In truth, I absolutely love windows phone. I've been dedicated to the OS and to Lumia for the past 2 years and hands down I absolutely think it is the best looking os and has the best camera(Lumia of course).

That being said, several things this year have slowly made me not feel 100 percent content with WP. I am not really too pressed about apps. I have apps to do what I want and idk what I am missing, so I don't care.

It's the FUTURE that has me concerned. For 2 years I've supported Nokia and WP because of what it offered by with windows phone 8.1 a lot of the unique things in the OS have been either removed and/or watered down and weakened completely. We've gotten some things like Action Center which in theory are good but in reality are half-baked(It's a notification overload...JUST LIKE ANDROID).

That's the problem. Windows Phone is starting to feel like to Android, with a Custom UI on it ala Sense, touchwiz, etc etc.

Speaking of Android and Windows Phone, I can understand WHY it is necessary to have multiple OEMs because it gives people variety and choice but I don't like the fact that all of 2014 has mostly been Nokia sidelined. We have no new Lumia coming out on the high end market that anyone knows of at least until 2015.

I don't want a hand me down from Android in the M8....and even if Sony, LG or Samsung release something of interest, I only support Lumia and possibly a surface phone.

In reality, I am just growing bored with the OS. While I love it, I don't find myself as tied to my live tiles as I used to be and a lot of our present apps that we have lost that metro feel and pretty much ports.

I still love Windows 8.1(though I had played with Mac more and I see why Macs are popular) and my surface 3 is a beast. But I no longer use Xbox music, I surprisingly have moved to itunes because the experience is better.

And that is where a lot of this comes from, Apple is VASTLY different from what I am used to and yet they as a company exhibit what I want from Microsoft.

I want a unified experience with focus on GREAT HARDWARE with an equal Amazing UI/Software. Some innovative or cool features......

I wished Microsoft would do that with Lumia. Give us a Warrior of a phone with some killer and badass features that make others envious. We have our Cameras, which are amazing, but we need more than that(HTC's gimmicky speakers do not count lol).

I guess I am curious to see just what it is about apple that people love and perhaps open my eyes a bit. I don't really think an iPhone 6 or 6 plus really warrants it's price, so I am thinking of going iPhone 5s.

I already have a Phablet and plus the iPhone 5s is really small yet fits with me.
I still plan to use Lumia as my daily driver but now I am thinking I am going to be using my iPhone 5S alongside it as well. I may wind up hating the iPhone after 14 days and I may wanna take it back.

I also may wind up liking the iPhone and dropping Lumia.

It's hard to support Microsoft after all this time, watching how slow they are with this and that and perhaps I am supporting a company who won't get better and I rationalize that if they are sidelining Lumia in favor of hand me downs from Android like the M8, perhaps I should sideline my 1520 a bit and see what is out there....

No hate...Most of you who know me, know i am a rabid Lumia ****** and that hasn't changed. I've just gotten a bit bored and disillusioned and I am curious about stepping into the ring with something new.

What I do Know is...Android is awful to me. I nearly almost picked up a Samsung Galaxy S Active or a M8 for Android and I was like "Micah what the hell are you doing?

LOL. I guess I am about to be a dual OS owner(Windows phone and IOS) :D
First off: I don't think the speakers on the M8 are gimmicky, haha. Random first but there you go. They're awesome and every phone should have them.
But really: go for it. Use iOS for a while and see how you like it. I could go on for a while but I really don't need to bother. You've thought it through. I don't agree with how you worded a lot of what you said but that's your prerogative. I've pretty much gotten the gist of what I was going to say anyways. HAVE FUN.
You'll be so happy having both! I use the same exact combo (1520 & a 5s) and love having the best of both worlds. I'm thinking of selling my 5s and getting the iPhone phablet. Having the 1520 & that together would be awesome!
First off: I don't think the speakers on the M8 are gimmicky, haha. Random first but there you go. They're awesome and every phone should have them.
But really: go for it. Use iOS for a while and see how you like it. I could go on for a while but I really don't need to bother. You've thought it through. I don't agree with how you worded a lot of what you said but that's your prerogative. I've pretty much gotten the gist of what I was going to say anyways. HAVE FUN.
First off: I don't think the speakers on the M8 are gimmicky, haha. Random first but there you go. They're awesome and every phone should have them.
But really: go for it. Use iOS for a while and see how you like it. I could go on for a while but I really don't need to bother. You've thought it through. I don't agree with how you worded a lot of what you said but that's your prerogative. I've pretty much gotten the gist of what I was going to say anyways. HAVE FUN.

It is a gimmick but a good one :P though it makes the phone a bit unattractive imo :D I ALMOST considered waiting for a M8 for windows and getting that but I just don't support HTC at all anymore. They burned too many bridges with me plus as I said I only Support Surface and Lumia. Nothing else....

Should be fun. I am at the movie theater now for Maze Runner but I am looking forward to meeting some Apple Fans. I am not in a rush just yet...I doubt the iPhone 5S will be sold out so i will probably go this weekend and pick it up or order online unless I somehow get the urge and just get a 6/6 plus :P

You'll be so happy having both! I use the same exact combo (1520 & a 5s) and love having the best of both worlds. I'm thinking of selling my 5s and getting the iPhone phablet. Having the 1520 & that together would be awesome!
I think so as well :D

A tiny phone and my Phablet for gaming and movies makes a perfect duo in the making :D

Who knows? I may wind up hating it after 14 days and take it back :)
I am not going to defend Windows Phone (any longer), but im definitely not going to tear it apart either. As of last night I managed to sell my 1020 and moving on until next year when my contract is up, hopefully Windows Phone 9 (or whatever it will be called) will bring me back. I dont dislike any of the 3 major OS's (iOS, Android, WP), i'm pretty open minded and the last time i used a Android phone was my Galaxy S3 4.0 which was neat but HORRID...but i have tested others phones running 4.4 and will be going back for the next year. Is it the better choice? As i can see, as usual on this site many tear apart Android so they would disagree, but for me it seems like the right move as i could benefit from what Android offers over iOS/WP.

The saddest part is i really do enjoy this community and will continue being a part of it, its so much better than iMore was and more interesting discussions go on. So i will be involved as a side liner listening to all your opinions and vicariously watching the platform hopefully a true contender.

TC, i get is tough. When people ask me "What does WP do better than iOS AND Android?", i can say the Camera for Lumia is better (although that vantage point is shrinking now)...and the hardware build of Lumia. Otherwise in my opinion, it offers nothing better but just has a different looking UI (which is subjective if its better or not). Ya, it sucks for me to say it...i started with a Samsung Focus > L920 > was a fun ride, i really do love the look of the UI but for ME the OS needs much more growth.
For me it is due to the phone being carrier locked.
I purchased a ATT 1020 lumia and loved it, i moved to T-mobile and with windows lack of tethering apps and ATT still somehow blocking tethering I am forced to purchase a new device to perform the functions i require. T-mobile does not have any windows phones that compare well with the 1020, as much as i hate it, For me to get the experience that I want I will have to move from windows phone.
The saddest part is i really do enjoy this community and will continue being a part of it, its so much better than iMore was and more interesting discussions go on. So i will be involved as a side liner listening to all your opinions and vicariously watching the platform hopefully a true contender.

I could have written this. I did the same thing you did in jumping in to WP and back out (for now), but I did it a year ago. I still am hanging on to a couple WPs in order to keep current with what's going on. IMO this forum is the most interesting on MN.

I'm just curious; which Android phone did you get, or are getting?
I could have written this. I did the same thing you did in jumping in to WP and back out (for now), but I did it a year ago. I still am hanging on to a couple WPs in order to keep current with what's going on. IMO this forum is the most interesting on MN.

I'm just curious; which Android phone did you get, or are getting?

Same device you have (your sig), Nexus 5. I was trying very hard to find a Moto X but they are rare here in Canada, and the only ones on kijiji have scratches or defects.
Yep, I ditched Android nearly 2 months ago when I got the 520 & 930. Thought I could live without Android. But damn it, I cant.

Here's the problem. We use Google at work, that's it. I don't care for apps and Windows has the ones that I use. So when I returned my 930 I got the 1520, ditched the 520, and now use my old Nexus 4 for work.

But I will always have a Windows phone. The camera, the OS, and the looks, is what will keep me for a long time.
I'm in the same boat been with WP for 5yrs now, but I am waiting for my first ever iPhone to be delivered. Not that I don't still love my WP I just get a little bored. Not to mention that my big boned love (1520) is on its 4th replacement. That has gotten old to say the least. I agree though about that live tiles, I hardly ever use them anymore don't know why I just go straight in the app now without looking. So maybe it is just time for a break.
I have been a pretty rabid WP advocate too but there are two things pushing me to consider Android (I hate iOS). One is the WP phone options. I jumped to AT&T to get a 920 and now I am salivating over the M8 for Windows. But my family is on Sprint and I want to jump back to save money. Basically I am spending an extra $75 a month to get WP on another carrier, and WP selections are hit and miss. On Sprint they down-right suck. Yes, the M8 is rumored to be coming to Sprint, but when? I had planned on moving my 920 to a pay-as-you-go phone for about $35 a month once my contract expires in November, but I would like a slightly larger screen. Plus it's a mobile phone, don't we all like shiny new ones every year or so? If I go to Sprint there are a lot of Android options.

The other driver is... games. Yes, I am a shallow person. I like strategy and RTS games. There are a few on WP but a ton more on Android. I hate the in-app-pay models and that seems to dominate many of the games lately. At least on Android I will have more choices.

At this time I am planning on staying with WP until my contract expires mid-November and then I will revisit this decision. Hopefully I will see a few more options at Sprint by that time, but considering it's only 2 months away and there are no concrete announcements for new WP phones yet I am not overly optimistic.

With that said I love the WP UI and interface much more than Android. I have owned an iPhone and Android and I think WP is smoother, more intuitive, and I am able to get more done quicker. But the lack of phone options (and to a minor extent strategy games) is making my mind wander over to the Android choices....
I was going to say that at least I have my tiles on surface but Microsoft is dummying down the OS for windows 9 so I may not even have that lol

On the plus side I Do have my iPhone now. This is awkward. Haha
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I agree though about that live tiles, I hardly ever use them anymore don't know why I just go straight in the app now without looking. So maybe it is just time for a break.

This i can also agree with. While the concept is cool, limited to every 30 min updates doesnt make it as effective as it could be. I love the look of the live tiles, but how they're optimized is lackluster imo. I am hoping MS digs deeper to offer a more robust option for devs/users to allow them to chose options for frequency of updates.

Also i wanted to add to the conversation was the separation of social integration that was dismantled from 8 to 8.1 While i understand the importance of this decision on MS's part, when i first heard about it i wasn't too concerned...but as i started using 8.1 i had then realized why the change caused commotion. One of the OS drivers was the seamless integration with social networks and cloud storage, 8.1 broke those links and made them very per-app centric which makes it more like Android, but took away the uniqueness from WP.
Like you I switched to AT&T from Verizon to take advantage of the 920. I've always had a love hate relationship with AT&T, but one thing that I can't deny is their support for WP. I've updated my 920 to a 1520 and truly feel its one of the best phones on the market. I wish WP would advertise it more. The ecosystem that I thought was viable in the form of WP7, is just starting to tap into its potential in that form of WP8.1. I don't know what strategy games you play but I have a few that I play and love. There are more but I'm not going to okay eight games at the same time. There are a decent number of RTS games as well, worth more coming all the time. Now, the real question is, carrier. Have you looked into a family plan on AT&T? Have your looked at the 1520? You might be persuaded to stay. Just a thought. Good luck with your decision. I feel you're dilemma with the finances.
Pierre, what games do you play? I play the (pay version, III and IV) European War games by Easy Tech and Majesty.

Do you feel the 1520 is okay on size or a little too large? I may take a look, but like I said, I would be happy to get back to Sprint. I could also buy an unlocked Windows phone and use a pay-as-you-go scheme. It would be much cheaper in the long run.
I play Tanks and Panthera Frontier. The controls are kinda funky. My Country and Defense Zones. There are a lot of borderline games like Cloud Raiders and Order and Chaos just to name a few. I don't find the 1520 hard at all to use, and its size really shines when you're playing games. My advice is try it out for yourself.
First of all Windows Phone hasn't remained stagnant it appears that way because they were constantly flip-flopping on decisions -
1) killing hubs to go down the app centric route.
2) Kernal switch from CE to NT
3) Throwing out all the enterprise features from WM and going all consumer focused with WP7
4) Maintaining live tiles was enough then implementing the Notification Centre (they aren't enough and for those who believe they are then you need to stop being glued to your phone 24/7 :winktongue:)
6) There are so many niggling things that need to be addressed.

The above list may seem tiny to some of you, but I can assure the effects of these decisions has had major ramifications. Sure they got the UI very right as ios and android are adopting the same approach but you can't sell phones on UI alone you need other unique selling attributes.

To me personally all of the flip-flopping appears to be the result of petty office politics and unfortunately I don't think it has stopped as no one is talking about the open source framework for xbox live.

However now that it appears they have now have a goal in mind with the "one windows" the situation can only get better and windows phone will grow market share via volume sales so I thought, until I saw OEMs releasing phones with these obscure buttons which are confusing.

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My concern is that they will shift millions of these and then they will be rendered obsolete as the capacitive keys do not conform. This is one major F*#@ Up, as it throws the brand identity out the window (no pun intended). For the average joe who hasn't heard of windows phone will look at those button and go what the hell is this? (as there is no way to distinguish between functionality at first glance and will take a lot of getting used to since everyone is used to clear typography and logos i.e every user knows the phone icon is the dialer). When looking up the user guides they will get even more confused as there will not be any reference to the circular buttons / dots.

Right now I don't know what to think and can't see what aspects of Windows RT would be appealing on Windows Phone given they are going to be merged with WP taking precedence. In terms of must have features the list doesn't go beyond Cortana and you can't say Qi as not all Windows phones have it (Thanks to AT&T not all lumia phones have it either) and the same goes to imaging as well. Plus Office is now on ios and android phones (soon to be android tablets as well) so office is no longer a selling point.

Right now Windows Phone needs a ground breaking flagship that is on the bleeding edge otherwise there is not a lot going for it. Don't get me wrong I love my 920 and windows phone however I am no fan boy and I can clearly see flaws with it but I have adapted along with my usage habits. Others wont and will switch, fair enough as a smartphone is a tool to make your life easier not harder.
If I were to make a change from Windows Phone, it would be a move to Apple. But to the OP, congrats on your decision. You'll be fine.
I can't believe it but I am about to cheat on my Lumia with an iPhone...and likely not even a current iphone lol
First of all, No hate here...Just a Windows Phone fan who needed to get this out his system.

Tonight, after seeing the Maze runner, I am standing in line with friends and I may be having my own iPhone.

In truth, I absolutely love windows phone. I've been dedicated to the OS and to Lumia for the past 2 years and hands down I absolutely think it is the best looking os and has the best camera(Lumia of course).

That being said, several things this year have slowly made me not feel 100 percent content with WP. I am not really too pressed about apps. I have apps to do what I want and idk what I am missing, so I don't care.

It's the FUTURE that has me concerned. For 2 years I've supported Nokia and WP because of what it offered by with windows phone 8.1 a lot of the unique things in the OS have been either removed and/or watered down and weakened completely. We've gotten some things like Action Center which in theory are good but in reality are half-baked(It's a notification overload...JUST LIKE ANDROID).

That's the problem. Windows Phone is starting to feel like to Android, with a Custom UI on it ala Sense, touchwiz, etc etc.

Speaking of Android and Windows Phone, I can understand WHY it is necessary to have multiple OEMs because it gives people variety and choice but I don't like the fact that all of 2014 has mostly been Nokia sidelined. We have no new Lumia coming out on the high end market that anyone knows of at least until 2015.

I don't want a hand me down from Android in the M8....and even if Sony, LG or Samsung release something of interest, I only support Lumia and possibly a surface phone.

In reality, I am just growing bored with the OS. While I love it, I don't find myself as tied to my live tiles as I used to be and a lot of our present apps that we have lost that metro feel and pretty much ports.

I still love Windows 8.1(though I had played with Mac more and I see why Macs are popular) and my surface 3 is a beast. But I no longer use Xbox music, I surprisingly have moved to itunes because the experience is better.

And that is where a lot of this comes from, Apple is VASTLY different from what I am used to and yet they as a company exhibit what I want from Microsoft.

I want a unified experience with focus on GREAT HARDWARE with an equal Amazing UI/Software. Some innovative or cool features......

I wished Microsoft would do that with Lumia. Give us a Warrior of a phone with some killer and badass features that make others envious. We have our Cameras, which are amazing, but we need more than that(HTC's gimmicky speakers do not count lol).

I guess I am curious to see just what it is about apple that people love and perhaps open my eyes a bit. I don't really think an iPhone 6 or 6 plus really warrants it's price, so I am thinking of going iPhone 5s.

I already have a Phablet and plus the iPhone 5s is really small yet fits with me.
I still plan to use Lumia as my daily driver but now I am thinking I am going to be using my iPhone 5S alongside it as well. I may wind up hating the iPhone after 14 days and I may wanna take it back.

I also may wind up liking the iPhone and dropping Lumia.

It's hard to support Microsoft after all this time, watching how slow they are with this and that and perhaps I am supporting a company who won't get better and I rationalize that if they are sidelining Lumia in favor of hand me downs from Android like the M8, perhaps I should sideline my 1520 a bit and see what is out there....

No hate...Most of you who know me, know i am a rabid Lumia ****** and that hasn't changed. I've just gotten a bit bored and disillusioned and I am curious about stepping into the ring with something new.

What I do Know is...Android is awful to me. I nearly almost picked up a Samsung Galaxy S Active or a M8 for Android and I was like "Micah what the hell are you doing?

LOL. I guess I am about to be a dual OS owner(Windows phone and IOS) :D

Dude... it's a phone. It's not a person, or a pet.

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