SmartCam on the 521 - Low Resolution Results


New member
Aug 15, 2013
I recently was inspired by some of the posts using SmartCam in the 920 forum's pictures. I tried it out yesterday with my grandson, who is not quite 2 years old. He never stands still, so is the perfect candidate for an app like SmartCam.

WP_20130917_18_52_10_Smart (2).jpg

While the app does a good job of capturing multiple shots quickly and lets you pick out the best ones, when saved they are all low-resolution 1280x720 pixels, vs the normal 2596x1456 the 521 takes. I looked at the resolution of the SmartCam pics the 920 poster put up, and they are full resolution 2786x1569. Now, I know the 920 has 8.7 MP normally, but that doesn't explain the difference.

I opened the settings in the SmartCam menu and it doesn't allow me to set anything.

My question is whether there is a way to get SmartCam to save pictures in the full 521 resolution?
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Not the answer I wanted to hear, but it makes sense. Just another reason to upgrade to a 925, or 1020 maybe.

Thanks Corepc.
I know not the answer I wanted to find either, thought it was a bug, but it is by design once again. Can't have the best features in MS/Nokia budget device after all.
Still a pretty cool little app though for those action shots. For high-res I will just keep using ProShot or SmartCam.


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