Fallout: New Vegas vets are baiting new players into its deadliest location with promises of treasure: "There’s some awesome loot there


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May 16, 2023
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There should be a special circle in the nether realm for the jokers doing that.🙄

That said, if you have a "lot* of ammo and play sneak-n-snipe, you *can* clear out the quarry easily by climbing to the top of the mine conveyor from the southern plateau.

All the Bethesda-published fallout games come with a "golden path" that makes them manageable for everybody, regardless of skill (i.e., FALLOUT 4 water farms, especially at Sanctuary).

For New Vegas the trick is extreme sniper range: if you can see it, even as a dot, you can shoot it. From beyond detection range. In s-n-s mode killing the babies just frenzies the mother. Not a bad thing.
(Cazadors are harder but also doable from the high ground. Just not worth the trouble.)

For the first timers: sneaking high above the west side of the road to the Repconn HQ is easy. You can thread the needle from Goodsprings to the miners camp to Repconn to Vegas at Level 2/3. If you're good at sneak you won't fight anybody/anything. All you need is to scavenge enough junk to pass the cash check.

Right now I restarted F4 to see what the update brings. (Hopefully they'll fix the unscrappables in Sancturary and the Alley.)

But I would love to see F3 and FNV remastered on the Starfield engine.

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