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  1. bobsentell

    Will Sony eventually face developer backlash?

    Ten Presuppositions Sony owns the console lead this generation and no developer will give that up right now. More PCs than all consoles combined. Switch and Xbox combined will eventually approach PS4 usage base even if they never surpass it. Maintaining one online server is cheaper than...
  2. bobsentell

    Who is in your wish list for Microsoft to acquire?

    Don't. Microsoft should handle that themselves with a wrapper.
  3. bobsentell

    Who is in your wish list for Microsoft to acquire?

    I'm generally anti-acquiring because it stifles competition. Imagine how the world would be different if IBM had actually purchased Google for pocket change when it was given the chance in the 1990s. That being said, Xbox needs to beef up its gaming chops and taking over IPs will help: Square...
  4. bobsentell

    what antivirus and malware does this forum reccomend?

    File Hippo has a good selection. I personally use Kaspersky on my desktop and Surface. I'm stuck with McAfee at work.
  5. bobsentell

    Which XBox One Game?

    I'm playing the Rocksteady Arkham series because it was on sale a couple months ago and I never played the titles after the first one. I played Far Cry 5, but it felt more shallow than prior Far Cry titles and I've already 100% it; something I have yet to do with Far Cry Primal.
  6. bobsentell

    Idea's I wish Microsoft would steal

    I think what helps Linux the most is the fact it has a much smaller footprint than Windows. This comes at a disadvantage to non-powerusers because the most aggravating thing about Linux is getting it to work with hardware. Microsoft needs to gut Windows more than they have. It already installs...
  7. bobsentell

    It's now "2018" with music gone from the MSFT Store how are buying your music?

    I don't buy unless I need to have access to a song offline, and I always used Amazon for that since they always used MP3. I only streamed Groove to support Microsoft. Now, I just use Amazon Prime Music.
  8. bobsentell

    Miss W10M so much :(

    Yes, though I admit I miss HP webOS more. Even with an "open" platform like Android, I find the constraints of using Google services too much. Even though I use Outlook, Launcher, Cortana, and OneDrive, the system is very quick to default back to Google whenever it can.
  9. bobsentell

    Who is the toughest competitor for Microsoft?

    From a straight up competitor aspect, I'd say Google. More of Google's businesses overlap Microsoft's than Apple. But you could argue Amazon and Oracle are more dangerous to Microsoft.
  10. bobsentell

    Just when I thought the app situation couldn't get worse.

    And that is why I fought against a mobile app solution at work when our web solution works fine.
  11. bobsentell

    Am i only person that thinks Nadella should go?

    MSFT is up almost 100% since his arrival. He's not going anywhere.
  12. bobsentell

    Do you prefer the Xbox One X, PC, or both?

    Whichever I'm in the mood for.
  13. bobsentell

    Xbox One X Fan Noise

    tl;dr: No. Long version: My Xbox One X is quieter than the power brick of the original Xbox One. For reference, I have it standing up vertically in an entertainment center. I have a WiiU and Switch sitting next to it which could be muffling the sound. However, I use to have the original XB1...
  14. bobsentell

    What do you miss most about Windows 10 Mobile?

    Dark Theme Live tiles The design of the Outlook mail and calendar apps Native Cortana
  15. bobsentell

    What about the Xbox One X excites you the most?

    4K gaming, ultimately. But it'll be early next year before I can upgrade my TV for logistical reasons. So for now, I'm hoping for more speed out of day-to-day tasks and increases in the graphical quality of my current games.
  16. bobsentell

    What's your streaming plan now?

    Moved to Galaxy S8 when it launched and use Amazon Prime Music since it is included with Prime.
  17. bobsentell

    What are you doing with your Xbox One?

    With the Xbox One X less than a month out, I'm curious what people plan on doing with their original model, not the S. Since the warranty is beyond expired, I'm tempted to crack it open and mod it into a secondary gaming device for my computer room. What are other people planning?
  18. bobsentell

    I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

    I stuck with webOS until the bitter end. I even bought a Pre 3 after HP put all of their TouchPads on a fire sale. But I can't do that with Windows Mobile. After a couple of what I call "canary apps" announced they were leaving, I jumped to Android. I've managed to use mostly Microsoft apps on...
  19. bobsentell

    Anyone Else Sad to See Groove Music Pass Go?

    Yes and no. I did my best to support Microsoft services but at the end of the day, there is no money in streaming music. Apple uses it to sell iPhones. Google uses it to sell ads. And Amazon tacks it on for free. Spotify is a private business who is far more invested in the market and I just...