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  1. E

    No sync neither with OneNote nor with photos

    Everything you mentionned for good fonctioning is activated. A part of my photos (in Roll pics) is not synced.
  2. E

    No sync neither with OneNote nor with photos

    I am really fed up that the snycronisation between my Lumia 950 (Redstone, 14390) and OneDrive is so unreliable. Many of my photos never get synced, some of my OneNote books and their pages never get snyced. I am really fed up with MS, this is simply unprofessional to allow these problems of...
  3. E

    I will never use One Note again

    I fully understand it. I also face big problems syncing OneNote with OneDrive. About a third of my notes never sync. If my smartphone gets damaged or lost, I will loose all these notes. After a trip to New York - I am European - I discovered that nearly all of my photos have not been synced, so...
  4. E

    Apps suddenly unregistered - extremely ennoying

    Thanks for the quick reply. Why should your approach help? Could I not loose all my apps then?
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    Apps suddenly unregistered - extremely ennoying

    Since about 1 week (Lumia 950, version 586.164), I face quite often the problem that my registered/bought apps suddenly inform me that the app has not been bought and that therefore I could not use it any longer the way I want, like Money Wallet, Chess Club, ChessGenius, List & Things, Working...
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    Cannot create entries into Outlook Calender anymore with Lumia 950

    I cannot create entries into Outlook calender anymore after the last update (.164). I get a quick notification that the entry has been saved, but it does not show up in my calender. If I create the entry in Windows 7, it does show up in my WM10 calender. What can I do?
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    Error 8018830f or 80188306 FIXED!

    Still no update on my Samsung Ativ S, tried it 15 times.
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    Error 8018830f or 80188306 FIXED!

    Not fixed for me too,error 0x80188308 using Samsung Ativ..
  9. E

    WP8.1 GDR1 - update downloaded couldn't be opened

    How did you manage to downgrade to 8.0 with a Samsung ATIV S I also own? I read some decriptions of downgrading and all mentionned Nokia Software Upgrader as the tool used. I cannot imagine it will also work with Samsung devices.
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    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    How can I try the Beta version? Where to get it and how to install?
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    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    I would prefer not to do it, but I can give you a detailed description: I have 4 accounts (e.g. mine and that of my wife) for earning and spending. In addition, I have a couple of main categories, like earnings from language teaching, from IT, from consulting etc. If I do not any filtering, all...
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    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    The main categories disappearing I wrote about all have subcategories with plenty of entries with non-zero amount. Till this update, everything worked perfectly with this excellent piece of software. Now reports are nearly unusable.
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    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    I did it, but the other main categories disappered nevertheless. There is only one main category appearing now in reports. Best, Erwin
  14. E

    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    Today's update also shows a similar bug. In reports, only one main category shows up, the others seem to be disappeared. Best Erwin
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    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    Hello, there is unfortunately an ennoying bug in the new version 2.8: former main categories are suddenly treated as sub categories of the first main category, so tables and diagrams are showing wrong results. If I cancel 'show subcategories', only the first main category is shown in reports...
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    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    Hi, this solution would be perfect. Looking forward to it. Thanks! Regards, Erwin
  17. E

    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    Hello, I really love this excellent app which is constantly improving. I do have a wish: The representation of data in table form is excellent, the representation in the form of diagrams may still be improved. If I want to have my report shown in the form of a diagram, categories and...
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    GDR2 on Ativ S

    Since the update, my phone looses the phone connection 3-4 times a day,it's really frustrating.
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    (Official) What WP needs to succeed

    What WP needs to succeed is not only the innovative enterprise Nokia, but also a highly motivated Microsoft. That's the problem. The extremely slow development of WP features is absolutely devastating. MS has to awake from its sleep. I recommended WP to hundreds of friends, I do not do it...
  20. E

    Money Wallet - simple and useful personal finance assistant

    I am in no way linked to the author of this excellent app, but for me, you are way to harsh. This app is extremeley well done. Everything except this minor bug works extremely reliably. I was looking for a financial app of this quality for years without finding it. It's really very very much for...