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  1. P

    Smart watches are the next trending devices and microsoft will be late to the party.

    Excuse me, isn?t this a tread about ?smartphones moving on to our wrists?? You?re describing future watches as accesories and not full fledged replacement devices, which is quite different and very much possible, but far from the idea of the original poster.
  2. P

    Smart watches are the next trending devices and microsoft will be late to the party.

    The general opinion appears to be, that watches of this type would not become mainstream anytime soon. While the majority of your arguments are mostly valid, you seem heavily biased by your personal liking of the idea. If you take a closer look at the smartphone development trends during the...
  3. P

    Today, i felt that Apple defeated Windows Phone 8

    WP8 sports the heaviest cloud service integration of all mobile operation systems at the moment. In my humble opinion, steering a customer who ‘doesn’t trust the cloud’ towards it isn’t likely to produce a nice experience for them. While the majority on this forum are Windows Phone supporters...
  4. P

    Windows Phone 8 in the Enterprise

    My guess would be Intune, seeing that the device is being ''retired''. My experience with Intune confirms that the Exchange account would be removed completely upon device retirement, without wiping the personal data on it. I guess that MS gave a competitive advantage to their own system in...