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  1. B

    This phone doesn't stand a chance!

    I had the same experience a few months ago. Asked something about the HTC8x and the saleslady mumbled something about the apps being expensive & said "everyone is returning the Iphone to pick this up" (pointing to GS3). Far cry from when I was a kid; the guy in Electronics Boutique was...
  2. B

    Lumia 928 FINALLY LEAKED!!

    I guess it's ironic in the same way it's ironic that there are lots of Packers fans in Wisconsin. Maybe google (or more appropriately 'bing') 'Nexus 4 bloatware'.
  3. B

    Lumia 928 FINALLY LEAKED!!

    Cute little dig at the end. What are you, 11? You are correct about the lack of Windows bloatware, which is in fact why I gave them such consideration in the first place (which most people don't)...I just got into a general Verizon rant :) As for being emotional/impulsive/impatient, ha, I can...
  4. B

    Lumia 928 FINALLY LEAKED!!

    Well the wait is over. For me anyway. Bought a Nexus & switched to T-Mobile. I was pretty much a tailor-made customer MS should dream about: wanting to be different than the Apple/Google fanboys, disappointed w/ first smartphone/Android experience, even going so far as to lurk here for months...