Search results

  1. T

    Using the 2520 in 2017, with Windows 10?

    I was thinking about buying one of these tablets for cheap - but my question is - Does Windows 10 work if you install it on this tablet? If not, does Skype work on this tablet, either with Windows 8(RT) or 10? And a decent youtube client? I mainly need primary things like Skype, facebook...
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    Problems with 950, how do you restore the OS by leaving Insider?

    I have been having so many problems with this phone and the problems have multiplied since I've updated the OS with Insider Slow Ring. Here are a list of problems, in order from worst to least: -Phone battery drains like crazy, phone heats up and makes a great hand warmer. Battery lasts about...
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    Windows 10 fast builder insider buggy - how do I get the 10 anniversary official version?

    on my ATT Lumia 950? I've been having problems with the fast builder windows insider version. Lots of bugs, battery drainage, goofy version of skype, etc. I'd either like to restore my phone to the way it was or upgrade to the anniversary version and stick with something official. Also, What...
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    Groove Music And Meta Data

    Yes when you are browsing albums in the album view, you can hold down on the album and click edit info, and there's some things you can edit as a whole for the album , such as the year, genre, album cover, etc. I also figured out that when there's a duplicate album where let's say 12 tracks are...
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    Groove Music And Meta Data

    Honestly I hated Groove so much when Windows 10 first came out, So much so that I went and got an iPhone. I've grown a bit bored of the iPhone and annoyed by it's terrible antenna and battery life, that I'm going to get a Lumia 950. Groove has grown into one of the best looking music players...
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    Groove Music And Meta Data

    I went in and had to manually search for updates and there it was. I updated and the meta data update feature is in the app! So far, so good. I was able to put in missing artwork and even get rid of duplicates! Excellent work from the Microsoft team here. Even itunes on the phone can't do this...
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    Groove Music And Meta Data

    I downloaded insider and put my 830 on the fast update option and the phone updated last night. The Groove app still seems the same. I'm trying to figure out how to get that version of the app on my phone so I can fix my music collection
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    Groove Music And Meta Data

    I am considering switching back to Windows Phone, and I pulled out my old windows phone and updated it to 10. Groove Music looks pretty sharp but my music collection is a total disaster. Missing artwork everywhere. Sometimes the album is split into 2 of the same album because the tracks don't...
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    Ten disappointing things about Windows 10 :(

    Can you link us to your channel?
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    Ten disappointing things about Windows 10 :(

    My main problem with Windows 10 is simply that the stock apps are *bad*. Edge browser can't keep up with video playback. I've seen this on more than one computer. It feels like the internet connection is slow and the video is pausing and not keeping up, but I have confirmed it is in fact the web...
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    Major problems with the native photos app

    I have thousands upon thousands of photos. Microsoft decided that you can't have your own photo albums arranged the way you want them, but rather they arrange them for you by date using the photos meta-data. Problem is, most of my meta data is wrong so finding a photo and managing my collection...
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    Missing album artwork on Groove Music

    Does anyone know if there is a way to alleviate missing album artwork on Groove Music on the PC? Quite a few of my albums are missing artwork. This is an ongoing problem that Microsoft doesn't seem to care to address since they only seem to think people listen to pop music.
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    Upgraded to 10 yesterday, downgraded to 8.1 today

    Haha, do you work for Microsoft? I'm still going to hold onto my Windows Phone until probably next year, although I will be reluctant to upgrade to the final version of 10. I'm amazed that people get defensive over this lackluster product. They had so much potential and so many possibilities...
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    Upgraded to 10 yesterday, downgraded to 8.1 today

    Yesterday I decided to take a peek at how W10 looks on my 1520. Although what I was using was a preview, I found it to be slow when going back to the start screen, and at times a little buggy. So here is my impression of W10: A couple stock apps were better, some were different(but with no...
  15. T

    So Groove ... why not LIVE Music and LIVE Video?

    Groove is a terrible name IMO. It's almost like the original Windows 8 Xbox Music Player on the PC (remember the grey background and ruinous store interface that hid your own collection over it's lousy advertising) should have been called Groove. I'd rather stick with the Xbox branding over...
  16. T

    Was that a Lumia 1520 in Terminator Genisys?

    Multiple 1520's spotted in the new Terminator: Genesys film. Yup, I counted 3 or so 1520's in the movie, during the part set in 2017, and in fact the 1520's likely were sporting the Genesys application. The first one was the police detective with a yellow 1520, and then some other police worker...
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    Is Windows 10 Skynet? When will it become self-aware?

    There's a lot of similarities between Windows 10 and Genisys which is Skynet. Windows 10 will be awesome but it will inevitably kill us all.
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    Directional audio recording when recording video?

    I noticed on Denim they took the option away for directional audio recording when recording a video. Anyone try recording a concert with Denim to see what the difference is? I always liked directional audio recording because the crowd noise from behind couldn't be heard.
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    I am having major problems with Xbox One, Halo and Xbox Live. How do I stop getting an error message?

    Re: I am having major problems with Xbox One, Halo and Xbox Live Also, some levels on Halo 2 that I beat on Legendary it's not giving me credit for. I spent countless hours beating these maps on Halo 2 and for nothing. I don't know if it's not syncing the information or if it just didn't give...