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  1. Shriniwas Shukla

    Cortana !! unlock my phone !!!

    No they cant. We have an option to select our own voice for hey Cortana command
  2. Shriniwas Shukla

    Cortana !! unlock my phone !!!

    Hi Guys !!! I was wondering if cortana can unlock or windows device(preferably phone) via voice commands ? Didn't worked for me on my Lumia950XL DS.
  3. Shriniwas Shukla

    What is the latest firmware version for lumia 950 XL DS ?

    As per my knowledge firmware version may vary as the region is different. I am not sure about the difference between these two versions.
  4. Shriniwas Shukla

    What is the latest firmware version for lumia 950 XL DS ?

    Hi , just got my phone back from service centre and got this new .576 os build update yesterday. Please let me know the latest firmware version for lumia 950 XL DS. I am on 01078.00053.16236.35013. thanks
  5. Shriniwas Shukla

    should I replace my 950 XL or wait for upcoming build ?

    Hi Abhinav, currently brightness is on 0 / automatic. FB sync off. outlook sync interval is increased. hoping for a fix in next production build.
  6. Shriniwas Shukla

    should I replace my 950 XL or wait for upcoming build ?

    yeah i forgot to mention edge browser. while browsing phones gets warm too.
  7. Shriniwas Shukla

    should I replace my 950 XL or wait for upcoming build ?

    Hi Guys, I am using 950 XL for the last one week now. I absolutely love this phone. Perfect screen size , perfect camera and many more perfect things at hardware part for me. I have not seen any random reboot, any app crashing or any native app related issues. but there are several issues that...
  8. Shriniwas Shukla

    [WP10M, New Lumia 950 XL, Build .218] Real Bad Battery Issues Continued...

    disabling everything is not solution my friend. I know if i turn off my phone's cellular data, wifi and disable some of the apps definitely it will not use any juice and battery backup will be more. for me its just 2 days with 950 XL and i was expecting at least 12 hr battery back up ( I know...
  9. Shriniwas Shukla

    [WP10M, New Lumia 950 XL, Build .218] Real Bad Battery Issues Continued...

    Same here my friend. with moderate use battery life is just 6-8 hours.Battery drain is faster when it is connected to wifi. For me average drain rate is 16% per hour.
  10. Shriniwas Shukla

    Lumia 950 XL text message delay ( both sent and received)

    it seems this issue is because of wifi. thanks for the help guys :)
  11. Shriniwas Shukla

    Lumia 950 XL text message delay ( both sent and received)

    for me its a showstopper. I am not even getting OTP for whatsapp , OTP from bank etc. I dont know if i should try for windows recovery tool.
  12. Shriniwas Shukla

    Lumia 950 XL text message delay ( both sent and received)

    Hi Chintan, its not network issue as if i insert my sim to any other phone i am getting text. thanks for the link suggestion.
  13. Shriniwas Shukla

    Lumia 950 XL text message delay ( both sent and received)

    Hi Guys, got my 950 Xl yesterday. I am not able to send.receive text messages on my new phone. tried hard reset/ soft reset twice but no luck . Its not a network issue as i am able to Send/receive text if i insert the same sim card in another phone ( android ) . i am on .218 build. anyone...
  14. Shriniwas Shukla

    Why am I not able to open the settings app in Windows 10? Anyone here with the same problem?

    Re: not able to open setting app in windows 10. any one here with same problem ? i m not able to open setting so cant update manually.
  15. Shriniwas Shukla

    Why am I not able to open the settings app in Windows 10? Anyone here with the same problem?

    Re: not able to open setting app in windows 10. any one here with same problem ? exactly. Same case with me. If i try to right click and go to personalize settings, it give some kinda error.
  16. Shriniwas Shukla

    Why am I not able to open the settings app in Windows 10? Anyone here with the same problem?

    Re: not able to open setting app in windows 10. any one here with same problem ? I have updated through windows update only.
  17. Shriniwas Shukla

    Why am I not able to open the settings app in Windows 10? Anyone here with the same problem?

    Re: not able to open setting app in windows 10. any one here with same problem ? when u click on setting , it gets open and closed . just a blink. cant even see anything.
  18. Shriniwas Shukla

    Why am I not able to open the settings app in Windows 10? Anyone here with the same problem?

    updated my dell laptop to windows 10 from windows 8.1. Now everything is fine but i am not able to open setting app. I am in india and i was not insider. please suggest