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    Microsoft windows mobile

    With what's been going on in the news, commenters on the Android Reddit keep bringing up the Lumias and how much they liked them.
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    Is Microsoft considering making a phone with Windows Lite?

    Is Microsoft considering making a phone with Windows Lite?
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    Does Anyone Else Think Now Is A Better Time For Microsoft To Come Back To Mobile?

    Does anyone else think that Microsoft is in a much better position to come back to mobile now than they used to be? There's PWAs, THE WINDOWS 8 DEBACLE IS OVER, there would be some form of XBox integration, they would have some form of Office for mobile, and they have the Microsoft Store (that...
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    Andromeda Question

    I still think the tiles are very off-putting. I think they should redesign the home screen. I think this is also a reason that windows phone didn't sell. The UI looks clunky.
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    Will MS improve it's tablet mode this year ?

    A swipe up floating taskbar like the iPad would be nice.
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    Petitioning to make Microsofts Windows Phone open source.

    They need to keep at it with a single screen phone and not try another gimmicky reboot. Andromeda will be ready when it needs to come out. It is not ready now nor will it be ready for the next two or three years. That thing needs to look like it does in Black Mirror before it comes out and I'm...
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    Can we expect Surface phone on MWC 2018? If no,then when can we expect?

    You know what... Take your time Microsoft. Don't rush it. Do it right. And please, release a single screen device alongside the foldable phone.
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    Fluent Design is great.

    Proper Blocking. Any student of any art form will tell you that you need to know what goes where if you are going to relate anything to the user. The biggest problem the UWP apps have is the empty space within the app. Another problem I think is the vertical toolbar. This is supposed to be the...
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    Do you think MS will ever have the same "Cool Factor" as apple has today?

    Microsoft focuses too much on style. All of the functionality everyone has been asking for on Windows 10 Apple seems to have up and running in a smaller amount of time. The clipboard functionality being the first thing to come to mind. "Drag And Drop" is another. The Start Screen is a disaster...