Why do articles on Windows Central generate more comments than on other sites in Mobile Nations?


New member
Nov 25, 2012
I have noticed that articles on Windows Central generate more readers comment than on, say imore or Android Central, even on 'non controversial' subjects. And this is despite the relatively small user base of Windows (P)hone! Are we vocal than other OS users or they just don't care? Or they let it out on other sites outside Mobile Nations? Please share your thoughts.
'cause they already have plenty of apps and they are far better than wp apps
And they don't give a flying fock about those Huawei and other Chinese products
#WeTheWPians :P
From what I understand Windows Central is the largest Windows "phone" community. At least that's what I've read. I'm not sure if the other mobile nation sites are the largest. I have a feeling there are other sites that might be more popular for the other OS's.
I have noticed that articles on Windows Central generate more readers comment than on, say imore or Android Central, even on 'non controversial' subjects. And this is despite the relatively small user base of Windows (P)hone! Are we vocal than other OS users or they just don't care? Or they let it out on other sites outside Mobile Nations? Please share your thoughts.

I think its partly because of this forum. AFAIK this is the biggest forum dedicated to windows phone (and other Ms products too). So it obviously will rub into the article contents too
On past podcasts Daniel mentioned that WPCentral, as it was, had the highest front page traffic amongst Mobile Nations. I cannot see why that wouldn't continue to be true, although Crackberry sure generates a lot of discussion, too!
I suspect there is an interesting story in the answer to this question. I'd love to hear Dan explain this (if anybody can really know, it's him)
We have the highest amount of members as we have the highest complaints of the lack of apps we have....hey... We got to let of steam somewhere right? 😉
We have the highest amount of members as we have the highest complaints of the lack of apps we have....hey... We got to let of steam somewhere right? 😉

Nah, the amount of complaining done on iMore and AC looks pretty much the same to me. Apparently we're all human, despite our smartphone preferences... 😉
Nah, the amount of complaining done on iMore and AC looks pretty much the same to me. Apparently we're all human, despite our smartphone preferences... 😉

Yes, that's plenty of complaining on all the forms! But one thing I noticed here on WPCentral and on Crackberry is that there is a LOT of discussion (mostly dissing) of the other platforms. I guess it's because these two are the underdogs at the moment. There's not much of that on iMore and AndroidCentral.

Sent from whatever device I happen to be using today using Tapatalk
Windows phone users are a bit more educated when it comes to OSes and mobiles tbats why they still buy windows even if they know the limitations,. Newbies just buy the most popular device out there (apple). They dont even know about the forums
Windows phone users are a bit more educated when it comes to OSes and mobiles tbats why they still buy windows even if they know the limitations,. Newbies just buy the most popular device out there (apple). They dont even know about the forums

You just stole my words
It's not that complicated. WPCentral was basically first and best when it came to Windows Phone news and content back in the day. Because they were early and very active they became the defacto authority on the topic. They are to WP blogs as the iPhone circa 2009 was to smartphones.

Crackberry too was one of the sites that basically created the brand-focused mobile phone blog/community and it at one time was maybe the undisputed authority on BB news.

When it comes to iMore and AndroidCentral there's two things at play. First, there's a ton more competition for eyeballs in those spheres. There's a long list of Android and iPhone focused content creators and Mobile Nations can't claim to be unique or clearly better than everyone else. Hence, those audiences are far more fragmented and while they might read iMore/AC semi-regularly they don't feel they have a stake in the community since it's just one of several stops. For WP and BB, these are the only sites we tend to visit and thus we're really attached to them.

A second factor is that iOS and Android get a TON of coverage on the big-boy general tech news sites like BGR, Engadget and Ars. Because of the high-profile of those sites and the depth of their coverage on those two platforms, there's much less need for readers to seek out a brand-focused site like this one to get their fill of news. iOS and Android news is everywhere, all the time.

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