New Forum Design: Official Feedback Thread

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
Heeeeeeeey everyone! Chances are you've noticed our new forums are here. We've put a lot of hard work into it, along with the help of some of our best volunteers and members (members like you).

Now that this design is live for all, we want to make sure we listen and FIX any bugs or issues that still remain. That's what this thread is for!

If you encounter any bugs, problems, ANYTHING at all with our forum design, please post your feedback here. Your help is key, as it will help the overall design and performance for ALL members!

Thank you in advance for your help!
Going over to AC and coming back to here, all of the Ambassador, Moderator and even your own title has vanished from our names. That's the only bug for me at the moment.
Good design but improve performance

Sent from mTalk windows 10 from(Indian occupied Kashmir)
Not a fan of the new design. It takes many more clicks to get to the same information. It was nice having the sub-forums listed right on the main list. Also harder to tell if a sub-forum has new posts before opening the sub-forum.
In the top info area of each page the"Advanced Search" option has been removed. There is now no efficient way to dial in a search for content on the forum

Trying to switch back to a previous style is broken. Changing it in General Settings does nothing.

If you hit the Reply button, it does not show all the previous posts in the thread... It only shows the OP. Also, the poster's information is missing from the left sidebar making it awkward/impossible to reference the member name for functions like @mention.

In the forum view when looking at thread titles, the OP name and original post date are no longer shown.
There is no immediate way to indicate if a forum has new content since your last visit.

So you don't know if you need to enter the forum, but you have to enter it anyway and then examine thread titles or if there are sub-forums look at the last post date/time for each.

Makes it very time intensive to triage where to read. Especially with all the subs being collapsed into the title and not visible from the main page.
Like the design yet many aspects once easy to see/read feel so muted now, a dark theme option might help?
I really like the new look, exept for one thing.
I'm not so fond of the text color when typing a reply, it makes it harder to read. I think it should be black.
Keep the feedback and bug hunting up everyone - we really appreciate it!

Despite 2 months of testing we see that several things broke when we pushed it live - we are dealing with everything as quickly as we can, we promise.
Ummm... does this box need to be so oversized?
View attachment 134070
That is hilarious...
@RumouredNow and @libra89.
Ditto to all point's mentioned.
Also some tweaks are needed such as the headings, see images below

I am in the "likes" tab but as you can see there is no text just a white tab
Tab missing heading.PNG

The post heading is cut off
Box missing headings.PNG

The icons are trying to play hide and seek but failing miserably :winktongue:

hidden icons.PNG

I can confirm for me that the forum is somewhat more responsive on edge on my L930 running build: 10.0.14393.693.
But as you can see from the screenshot below, it still takes sometime to fully load.


Question: Is there anyway for the blank space to be reduced or make the site more responsive for those who use large monitors or TV's as monitors?
I use a 42" TV as a monitor and as you can see... there is so much empty space :confused:.
When I say more responsive I mean more content such as the width of the posts are increased so we can see more posts. Not larger fonts! :grincry:
Tweak 1.PNG
We are working separately on a more 'hardcore' mode. This is something that came up in our user testing but we had to draw a line in the sand somewhere for v1 or we'd never go live :P
It's definitely different (and that's not a bad thing!)! I'm still goofing around with it, but a few gut-level impressions:
-Using it on IE 11 (yes, I still use it!) was a complete crash. Nothing lined up, or was in any sort of format. I blame IE 11.
-On Edge, so far so good. I'm going back and forth between light and dark.
-On Mobile, I'm not quite sure yet. I have the WC app and I haven't broken my habit of going there instead...YET! :wink:
Appologies in advance in being somewhat pedantic but the systems tester in me can't help but check and test... it's an unfortunate habit from designing and testing databases and workflows for several years :grincry:.
Soo i was curious about two things, the thought process behind this decision:
1) Guest users who post in the AAQ section, don't explicitly show up as guests but their posts show up as "Windows Central Question".
However presumably a registered user posts in the same section, their name is displayed.
Any particular reason why Guest users are not identified as so?
The second thing I was curious about - what would happen if a person exceeded the character limit in the post title in the aaq section:
Is this behaviour per design or exceeding the post title limit supposed to revert back to the initial aaq template?
There is no immediate way to indicate if a forum has new content since your last visit.
I have noticed that if a content has arrived since your last quote, it will show up in "bold" and will be accompanied by a # unread message:)

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