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Aug 22, 2013
How do I stop Emails?

I now get about three emails a day from promoting the latest articles posted there. The emails do not have any way to unsubscribe. Most emails like that provide unsubscribe info at bottom. I was not getting these emails two months ago. How do I stop these emails? I log into the account and go to account page ant it is a completely different web site. ( How do I control subscription I did not ask for from an account from a web site different from This is so strange.

Sometime in 2013 I signed up for Windows Phone Central forums ( to post questions about a windows phone I had. It appears turned into Then my account appears to be owned by appears to connect my account to a whole host of web sites. I do not know what is going on.

How do I stop these emails?
Re: How do I stop Emails?

This may not be conventional but you could just move them to your junk folder, or add them to junk so they always end up there. It's bad though that is no way to unsubscribe from the mailing list from the emails themselves. When you sign in to the site, can you unsubscribe directly from there?
Re: How do I stop Emails?

If, like me, you receive these emails from there should be an unsubscribe link at the bottom. At least I see one in my copies.

I can't remember for sure when the Passport system took effect. I would swear it was sometime in 2013... No matter when it was initiated, it is now the official log in vehicle for all Mobile Nations sites. Windows Central is a MoNa site and always has been.

I can't see anything in Passport or anything in Manage Follows (part of the user settings) that unsubscribes from newsletters...

My best suggestion would be that if the next newsletter has no unsubscribe link, then you should log into and change your email address to something nonsensical like

Note that this will mean you won't get any email notifications of any type from any Mobile Nations forums and this might not be desirable depending on current and future activities.
Re: How do I stop Emails?

Same here. Annoying and should be opt in and not auto spam.
Re: How do I stop Emails?

They're almost as hard to stop as Bing marketing emails.

Ok they're not that bad as they can at least be stopped even if it is a little hard
Re: How do I stop Emails?

Same here. Annoying and should be opt in and not auto spam.

Likely you did opt in. Most often you start receiving these after clicking "Subscribe to WC Newsletter" in one of the contest widgets on the Blog.

Again, I see unsubscribe link in my copies. Maybe you have a setting in your mailbox that is downloading the full email with all links and pics displayed?
Re: How do I stop Emails?

Likely you did opt in. Most often you start receiving these after clicking "Subscribe to WC Newsletter" in one of the contest widgets on the Blog.

Again, I see unsubscribe link in my copies. Maybe you have a setting in your mailbox that is downloading the full email with all links and pics displayed?

Don't remember entering any contest and viewing with MS Outlook there are no unsubscribe links. I'm getting multiple emails a day. Glad I used a spare account when I joined this forum. My original reply stands.

Perhaps you could post a screen capture for those of us not seeing that.
Re: How do I stop Emails?

Windows 10, 14393.693. Iron browser v56. mailbox.

How do I stop e-mail newsletters? I have follows and notifications turned off but yet I still keep receiving new articles by e-mail from There is no unsubscribe link in the e-mail either. I'm happy to read your articles on your site and app but I don't need to be getting them by e-mail.
How do I stop e-mail newsletters? I have follows and notifications turned off but yet I still keep receiving new articles by e-mail from There is no unsubscribe link in the e-mail either. I'm happy to read your articles on your site and app but I don't need to be getting them by e-mail.

I've merged two threads here... Please read above your entry which is one of the latest.
I've merged two threads here... Please read above your entry which is one of the latest.

Thanks, and sorry about the duplicate thread. I figured out the problem. The newsletter does not render properly in Outlook 2016, thus not showing the unsubscribe link. Opening it up in a web browser or using it will show up.

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