Why isn't Windowscentral.com working on Edge for PC?


New member
Sep 18, 2014
Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

I open Edge and it takes me to my homepage, which is just the default Start tab for Edge. I enter windowscentral.com and it just refreshes the default Start tab again. I attempt another page, like Google or Facebook, and they load fine. I then try to navigate to windowscentral.com again from that website and I get a pop-up at the bottom asking me "What would you like to do with **********.htm?" where ********** appears to be some random string of numbers and letters with a prompt to save, save as, or cancel. Windows Central isn't the only website that does this. I've experienced this on other websites as well. This is the first time Windows Central has given me a problem though. What gives?
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

I'm getting the same thing. I even tried clearing history and temp files, ran ccleaner and still can't access the site with Edge. Typing the address in just reloads the tab and going to Bing and clicking on windowscentral.com brings up the save dialog box. This is pretty sad guys.
If you type it in the address bar it will just reload the current tab. If you do a web search for the site and click on the link it just opens a save dialog box asking what you want to do with a "......htm" from windowscentral.com
Are you using adblock or ublock? I had a similar problem when I used ublock on another page. Clicking on my bookmark would ask if I wanted to save the page.
I disabled Ublock. I also cleared history, ran ccleaner to clear temp files and cookies. Even if I do a Bing search for windows central and then click on the link, the save file dialog box comes up. Typing the address in the address bar just causes the current tab to reload instead of loading the site. It started yesterday. I was in the marketplace and it was fine, I clicked on marketplace rules which opened mobilenations.com and ever since I cannot load this site with Edge even after clearing everything, rebooting and trying again.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

I don't think it's a Windows Central thing though. I believe it's an Edge issue. As I've said, I've experienced it on one or two other sites as well. No clue what causes it though. Didn't know if someone here might have an answer.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

It just started yesterday. I was on the site as I am every day on my Surface Pro 4 and it was fine. I was in the marketplace and clicked on the marketplace rules link that took me to mobilenations.com and it hasn't worked since. Every other site I visit is working normally. Clearing all history, temp files and rebooting has not helped.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

This is also happening in Edge for me. ...I get the same pop up at the bottom:




...and when I go to close Edge this pops up:

Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

That's exactly what I'm getting. Not sure whether I should be glad or not that it's not just me. :D
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

I get that too. I even downloaded the file once to see if it would then load the site but it doesn't.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

I can get to the site, don't get the popup, but I can't respond on the site. If I try to respond to articles, it freezes the tab. If I try to do the same in the forums, I can't put any text in.

So I'm stuck using the app, which hasn't been updated in a while.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

I'm also having the same dialog box appear and unable to access site. I tested the imore and AndroidCentral sites too, but the issue is occurring on those sites too.

Microsoft Edge, SP4, 14393.693.

The site loads no problem in Edge on my 950, 15047.

Sent from mTalk
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

If I try to respond to articles, it freezes the tab. If I try to do the same in the forums, I can't put any text in.

I'm on the Iron Browser (Chromium based). I don't have issue posting in the Blog comments.

However, on the Forums I sometimes click on a Reply box and the cursor does not show. This for "Quick Reply" or when I actually click the Reply Button.

It is related to WYSIWYG in my case. I have two remedies. One, I can go into my General Settings and change from WYSIWYG (Enhanced Editor) to Standard Editor and the problem ceases. Two, I can use the toggle in the upper left of the Post Box to change from WYSIWYG to Standard and the cursor appears, then when I toggle back to WYSIWYG I still have the cursor and may write my post. YMMV for this workaround.

@GioLogist you may want to look at the Edge Browser problems being described in above posts when you have time... Please and Thank You.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

Well, obviously this isn't being looked into and we are probably wasting our time. No responses from anyone associated with the sites, no reaching out for our help in trying to recreate it. So we have a Windows site whose app is awful on Windows mobile and whose website doesn't work with Edge for Windows.
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

Well, obviously this isn't being looked into and we are probably wasting our time. No responses from anyone associated with the sites, no reaching out for our help in trying to recreate it. So we have a Windows site whose app is awful on Windows mobile and whose website doesn't work with Edge for Windows.

I am a Moderator here and I'm trying to help. So far I have consolidated the threads in the correct area (since the IT crew does not normally patrol AaQ and Edge forums).

I've also just used the mention feature to alert our head IT guy since it appears they have not found this thread yet.

To be fair, they are all very busy trying to suss out and squash the bugs from the change over in format. Likely they have just been reading this thread which persons here have bypassed: http://forums.windowscentral.com/si...design-official-feedback-thread-new-post.html
Re: Why isn't windowscentral.com opening in Microsoft Edge?

Awesome!! Thank you for the response and confirmation that it is or will be looked into. I can also confirm as was mentioned a few posts up that other sites in your "network" such as Androidcentral.com are causing the same issues.
I have the same problem and discovered that it's caused by uBlock Origin since its last update a few days ago. If I open Windows Central with uBlock disabled the site loads normally.
I have the same problem and discovered that it's caused by uBlock Origin since its last update a few days ago. If I open Windows Central with uBlock disabled the site loads normally.

Sure enough. I disabled uBlock and now I can navigate here. Thanks!
...However, I have uBlock installed in Firefox and I'm having no issues with navigation at Mobile Nations. Interesting.

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