I Dont visit Wcentral anymore yet people contact me from a forum post . How do i delete wc user info


New member
Oct 29, 2011
I am really getting tired of people contacting me because of some forum topic I made long ago. so my question is how do I delete all my info from this site. I no longer want people contacting me about Microsoft products. Microsoft news has slowed and I don't get my ms news from wc anymore ????
In the upper right of any page, click the Gear Symbol > General Settings > then you can disable notifications in the Messaging & Notification area of that page.

If you truly want to disable your account that would disable you across all the Mobile Nations including Android Central, Connectedly, Crackberry, iMore, Tesla Central, VRHeads, Windows Central, webOS Nation and whatever new sites we launch...

Requests to deactivate an account should be made in writing to accounts@mobilenations.com. Be sure to indicate what your user name is and what sites you belong to...

Good Luck.
If I delete my account will it delete my forum post ? People are contacting me thru on Xbox because of a forum post I made years ago. It would be pointless to delete my account if my forum post threads and post remain.
If I delete my account will it delete my forum post ? People are contacting me thru on Xbox because of a forum post I made years ago. It would be pointless to delete my account if my forum post threads and post remain.

You would have to ask accounts@mobilenations.com for that. In most cases they only deactivate log-in. As for requesting that posts get deleted that gets more problematic if it leaves holes in threads or destroys a lot of other content by removing the OP of a thread...

Your post count is low, so likely that is not much of an issue.

Is it just one post? Could you PM me a link so I can look at it in situ? If it is one post and doesn't disrupt much, I could possibly delete it. Obviously it is the first post of a thread or you could delete it yourself...

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