Can you vary multiple program screen sizes at will in Windows 10 like in Windows 7 yet?

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Windows Central Question

Can you vary multiple program screen sizes at will in windows 10 like in Windows 7 yet?

I downloaded Windows 10, and I was surprised that I was no longer able to change the size of screens to any size I wanted. I appeared to be limited to only snap options which are horrid if you want to..for example...have a game take up the whole screen, and also follow a skype chat in typing in a small corner of your screen which you can make be 4 inches square...

I'm used to being able to layer 8 to 10 programs going at a time with my 16 gigs of ram and 8 gig video card, but with Windows 10 it's utterly frustrating to not be able to size anything to be off in corners and to use programs on top of programs. It's like it wants to limit the marvel the modern computers are to what a phone can do. Oh can't resize..Oh goodness me...a phone can't do that....*quiver*...Needless to say I removed Windows 10 immediately and went back to doing things my way....

The download offer doesn't seem to realize that I have downloaded it and removed it and keeps offering it to me constantly...Has this "feature" of Windows 10 been removed yet to return this basic functionality? If yes..I'll try it again.


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Jul 10, 2012
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Re: Can you vary multiple program screen sizes at will in windows 10 like in Windows 7 yet?

Maximum or minimum resolution of a particular app solely depends on how the developer designed it to be under certain conditions. As per your experience, you are unable to resize the game while on a Skype chat. You can always play the game in windowed mode if it supports it (I won't do it unless its a casual game) and have other program windows open simultaneously. Using the native snap mode is completely optional.

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